#tyril x mc




Tyril x mc/Maiele by@the-strawberryfarmer

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I absolutely loved working with you on this! Thanks for sharing!


Book: Blades of Light and Shadow
Pairing: Tyril Starfury x Arwen (F!Elf MC)
Rating: Teen and Up
Word count: 2,900 words

Summary: After being injured during a sparring session, Arwen learns the other elf from the group might find her company more than tolerable.

* All characters belong to Pixelberry.
* English is not my first language.
* This is my submission to @bladesappreciationweek​ - Day 1: Tyril
* Based on these two prompts from @omgjasminesimone​​ : 8. A calm moment in the midst of a perilous journey and 11. Tending to one another’s wounds
* Warning: Mentions of BLOOD and description of INJURY. Readers’ discretion advised. 


A white blanket covers the forest. 

The sunlight, filtering through the leaves of the towering trees, creates an almost dreamlike atmosphere. A last moment of peacefulness at the improvised encampment, while Arwen’s companions are still sleeping. Huddled, they try to find elsewhere the heat the night stole from the world.

After Arwen managed to soundless crawl out of the bedroll and rise to her feet, she immediately misses the warmth radiating from the elf sleeping by her side. No matter how much she enjoys being so close to him, longing for his deep voice to be the first thing she hears in the morning and for the day this sleeping arrangement will be not due to the perils of the journey or convenience - for him at least - there is no time to spare. Soon, this white, dense and cold fog will dissipate, the world will reclaim its multitude of colors and everyone else will be up and ready for another long and exhausting day.

Arwen gathers her cloak and satchel, then walks as quietly as possible over the layer of fallen leaves, meandering through a narrow dirty path. 

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Ahh, I came back from the hibernation. However, I am not promising to be active right now. But I am here and as always I really like another fic from you

Such an intimate connection you created between MC and Tyril. I love it and I hope to read more fics about them in the future ❤️❤️

You place one arm around his shoulders and offer him a quick squeeze.

“There that’s all. But your pain was rolling off you in waves and I just had to do something. And between you and me, I’m glad you decided to venture out of Undermount with us, even if it’s just for a short time.”

Tyril rubs the back of his neck, trying not so smile.


Help, I’ve fallen for the brooding love interest and I can’t get up.

I just had to draw this scene of them watching the stars together. It’s the first time he lets MC in, and watching him get excited over being on a boat for the first time was so endearing.

ohsnapitzlovehacker: Are you saying…I drive you crazy?Yes. Maddeningly so.Credit to: @spacejamkamart


Are you saying…I drive you crazy?

Yes. Maddeningly so.

Credit to: @spacejamkamart (IG)


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