#christian witchcraft



* manifestation emoji spell *


manifest peaceful change and exciting new beginnings that you have been wanting and waiting for

* your wishful thoughts will turn into a beautiful reality *


i know emoji spells aren’t much but they represent my manifestations for me and so i just wanted to update you on how everything went.

my partner had an interview on wednesday, was supposed to find out on thursday whether or not he’d get the second interview on friday

but he got a call on thursday they wanted to the the second interview that day, he did the interview ended and he told me he would possibly know about the job by friday

but later on thursday he got a call that they offered him the position!!!! so that day i emailed the apartment complex we want to live in and we are going to tour on tuesday! and apply!


Anyone else tired of living through historic events that add to the theory that this is the darkest timeline?

Jasper with Fox Bone Prayer Beads

When pulling a card from the Woodland Wardens Oracle deck ( so my hands had something to hold in the photo) I was drawn to this card. These beads must vibe with the mischievous kind.

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports you during times of stress and brings tranquillity and a feeling of wholeness. Jasper stimulates uprightness and honesty toward yourself and others. It bestows courage so that you are able to come to grips with unpleasant tasks. Jasper stimulates the imagination and helps transform ideas into action.(source)

These will be up in the shop soon. Feel free to let me know if you would like more prayer beads in the shop and of what stones :3
