


Thank you @boigameista​​ for the frog pattern! This first toy was made for my English teacher, without whom I wouldn’t be able to ever write this❀ the fabrics used are velveteen and linen <з


also new plushies are on the way;)


(These are albino bullfrogs at work.)

there were FIVE absolutely giant toads in my grandparents pool skimmer tonight. all of them were super bloated and were getting tossed around by the water. originally I thought it was just the first two that I found, but I had to go back because i couldn’t deal with the guilt of there possibly being more and not saving them. these three were completely submerged at the bottom.. i thought they were dead. I dont know how long they were in there but it must have been hours. its crazy to me that they were even still alive. I moved all the toads to my yard and I really hope they make it. I feel so awful for them, I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for them.

I’ve been awake for too long and I googled pictures of toads and now I’m crying. I NEED someone else to appreciate narrow-mouthed toads PLEASE. they are so underhyped and it hurts my heart

i’m willing to bet that this guy hatesmondays

red eyed tree frogs have always been my favorite because they look like they’d be poisonous as fuck, but their main and only defense mechanism other than looking freaky as hell is that they Taste Bad.

pov you piss in his mouth. do you like it?

look at this stupid motherfucker. gaaaaaah i love this guy.

so fucking angry rn i could just arrrghghhhghhhh


this s that motherfucker from night at the museum

women want me fish fear women want fish fear me women fear fish want me women fish want me

I like to look back on my work collectively form time to time, I’m really pleased with the progress

I like to look back on my work collectively form time to time, I’m really pleased with the progress I’ve made this year <3

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Walking away from something when it’s affecting your mental health negatively can be the right thing to do. It takes strength to say, “Maybe it’s time to stop this or change this, because this isn’t healthy for me”.

Who else never really learned emotional regulation as a child and now has to learn it as an adult? Even just naming the feeling out loud can help me to feel better.

Surprise, it’s Frog Friday! Any amount of progress is still progress, don’t forget that~

Frog Comic Friday here in Australia! Happy New Year or almost New Year to everyone!
