

Jean Thenaud, Introduction to Kabbalah, dedicated to King Francis I, c. 1536

Kitab al-Bulhan كتاب البلهان البلهان,

drawings by Abd al-Hasan Al-Isfahani (14th century)

Roberto Ferri, Februus, 2017

Piscine Tournesol, maquette

Bernard Schoeller, architecte

Kansuke Yamamoto, VOU vol. 30, 1940

Albert Aublet, Selene, 1880

Adam Ring, Atomic Ballet

Abstract Advent: Week 2

Abstract Advent: Week 2

Last week was a blast, this week for the Abstract Advent the Christmas Shit™ started to bite, and I found it harder to juggle meeting up with people, portrait sessions, getting all the cards and parcels off in a panic because like storms, flooding, wrong kind of wind, snow and ice on the roads as always Royal Mail can’t keep to their last posting times…

As Sandy Denny says in ‘No End’ “They said…

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Abstract Advent: Week 1

Abstract Advent: Week 1

After completing Inktober for the last two years I took a well-deserved rest this year, but am taking part in the slightly shorter ‘Abstract Advent’ as run by @artpedagogy, like an abstract advent calendar but on Instagram – so it runs from the 1st of December to the 24th. Unlike the word prompts of Inktober, he provides a shape for you to work from or adapt, and you can work in any media…

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