

Slash1700 (a male and female duo from pornhub) writes;

Growing up through the 1980’s and 1990s I was only ever exposed to circumcised men, my Dad, my Brothers all got circumcised at birth, all my cousins. I didn’t even know what an uncircumcised penis was until I was 18. It was like unwrapping a present of stink, I remember pulling it down the shaft, and down and down and the head still wasn’t exposed. I was thinking “what the hell”.. I had no idea what to do with it, my previous boyfriends had all been circumcised and then I got this monster. It was a learning experience. We dated for a little over a year and the sex life was absolutely terrible. It was so bad that despite being a very sexual being I was not motivated to have sex. It felt like a chore and I wasn’t getting any pleasure from it for the first time in my life. I remember feeling elated when I broke it off with him and that night going out with a uni friend Alaiana to find some guys to fuck. We didn’t find anyone so we ended up resorting to Alaianas phone book of swingers to see if there are any parties running that night. I had never been in a gang bang or had sex in front of anyone. It was *BOOM* an amazing experience, I remember walking into the party, everyone staring at two single females and suddenly being the centre of everyone’s attention. It was so arousing, I remember John and his Dianne taking me off to a room and she guided me on how to fuck her husband. Feeling his circumcised cock sliding into my wet pussy was like it was meant to be. Over the next year we went to the parties most weekends experimenting with different partners, styles etc. In each case when the man was circumcised it just felt natural. It felt so sensual, the glands sliding up inside me just hit all my spots perfectly every time. Over this time I had sex with at least 50 different men and only once did I have a circumcised partner that didn’t hit the spot. He treated me like a bang box, just pounding away and it was really bad and I felt sore for days afterwards. Alaiana met a guy and they started dating and it left me flying solo at these events, It wasn’t as much fun without someone to talk to about the experiences. I ended up talking with John and Dianne about being fuck buddies, Dianne thought of me almost like a student and the experience they helped me gain I will be forever grateful. We had a Tuesday night routine to catch up and fuck for almost a year. It was so good to just have sex and not need the burden of a relationship with my studies taking so much of my life.

It was towards the summer when I went out with my sister Kat, I met Jace and my life went through another transformation. He was interested in all of the activities that I was into, I felt like I could share anything with him without judgement and we just instantly hit it off as friends. We travelled together and really enjoyed our time. Eventually I couldn’t handle being just friends any longer and I pushed him to start dating. It was a whirlwind relationship. The sex was good, but it wasn’t great, I was climaxing but it wasn’t as easy, but the connection we had was so good and he was willing to learn and develop. I was shocked when I discovered that he wasn’t circumcised.. It literally made me almost faint.. His cock was soo smooth, the skin so nice. His cock so thick, probably 6-7cm diameter and I never saw his foreskin even slightly past his glands. I had to get him to stop the car and check.. and boom he was right he was an anatomical anomaly. No phimosis or tight foreskin and yet also had no glands coverage. It was the first time I had doubts about my love of circumcised cock. The topic of circumcision was starting to consume large parts of my thought cycles and conversations with friends. I wanted to know what everyones feeling was on the topic and how they felt about the differences during sex. My friend Alaiana had to see it and she was surprised when she did. There was no way even when flaccid to get his foreskin to cover his head, it was very sexy to see her playing with my boyfriends cock, but we had to keep our past in our past. A few months after that I bought a rabbit egg cock ring to put on Jace’ cock and give me additional clitoral stimulation. I got the largest diameter one I could find and it was such a tight fit down Jace’ shaft that his foreskin was tight down his shaft. I still remember feeling him going inside me and his head being so well exposed as it moved deeper into my vagina. It was like being transported back to being with a tightly circumcised cock again. We had a brand new sex life. I could see that Jace was loving it and we fucked everywhere and anywhere. We would fuck in disabled toilets at the shopping centre. We fucked at his work, fucked at my work, fucked everywhere we could. Shortly after this Alaiana and I introduced him to our swinging past and I remember him watching me fuck and cum on a circumcised guy. After we left I still remember the next day him eating my pussy for several hours making sure that I had cum so many times that I needed to have another sleep. Alaiana, Jace and I would regularly meet up and go swinging parties again. The energy was addictive, the sex was good and you can learn so much from other people.

Over this period I wasn’t on talking terms with my sister Kat, the whole relationship had deteriorated when I became friends with Jace, she seemed to think that she had first dibs despite the fact she literally blocked him out when we met that first time at the club. She claims it was playing hard to get, I told her it was playing super bitch. I managed to rebuild the relationship after around 3 years between us, but she was still very bitter towards Jace. It was like a high school b grade romantic comedy. She had always been a very shy person who lacked self confidence and would often withdraw from life rather than confront her problems. We discovered around this time that she had never had an orgasm, not even masturbated. I still remember thinking what the hell have you been doing all these years. It was this weekend that I remember Kat seeing Jace naked in the shower and commenting on his cock. There was bitter resentment in her tones and later had a massive argument before making up and heading out for a meal. The argument was still centred around the idea that I had stolen Jace from her, really she was just looking for an outward excuse to blame other people on how she wasn’t getting or attracting decent guys. That night we took Kat to her first swingers party, she was clearly uncomfortable and walked around staring at people. It was that weekend that she broke the ice on the conversation about getting Jace circumcised. I will be forever grateful to her for that. The yo yo behaviour and mental games with Kat and the crappy attitude towards Jace was really driving me crazy, It was getting to the point where it was either going to be her or Jace and I was going to take Jace. I told her so and she quickly sharpened her attitude, but she was always still a little edgy towards him. She moved in with us due to problems in her own flat. She was starting to do little flirty things with Jace, things that only a girl would notice, you notice when someone wears unusually revealing clothes that they wouldn’t usually wear, or they wear shorter skirts, etc. I was seriously in the mindset that she was trying to move in on my relationship with Jace. It wasn’t too overly done, but I could see her trying it on. Small things like starting to only wear sexy lingerie and hang them out on the line for Jace to see. She would leave things around, she bought some beautiful silk pj’s that you could see her pussy through etc. It was all very out of her usual character, but she needed us and we wanted to try and support her to get back on her feet. It was at this time that I was at my regular laser hair removal appointment when Kat came in to get her treatments too. She was clearly trying to improve and grow herself. I bought her a few different sex toys to use with the hope that she would start to learn her own body. A few months later I saw them still in their box in her cupboard. I was saddened by this.

I had decided that I wanted to circumcise Jace, I had been chatting with Alaiana about it and she hatched the plan to get it all sorted. We had a girls day. At the girls day when Kat went to the bathroom Alaiana said that she needed to get the fuck out of her.. Which was her way of saying that she needed to be fucked by Jace so that she would get over the infatuation of holding him on a pedestal and yet at the same time resenting him. I was shocked at first, but as I thought about it I figured it would be just like swinging, it was just sex and that was it. When she returned from the toilet we told Kat what the plan was, it was a simple fantasy of mine all three of us would come back home, set the atmosphere and then fuck Jace’ brain out for the last time while he was uncircumcised. Then he would be circumcised by us and we could then all fuck him again in the future and compare notes on the improvement. She blushed and we could see that it turned her on as her nipples shot out of her shirt like head lights and it wasn’t a cold day. On the way home we went by my office at the hospital and I picked up my tools and all the required bits to complete the op. When we got back to our apartment we had a spring in our step. The energy was crazy it reminded me of going out for the first time when I was 18. I remember being so horny that i had to put a pad in my pants to stop my juices showing on my pants, I was so horny. All three of us played with Jace’s cock and I remember looking across at Kat and seeing complete infatuation in her eyes and the pain in my heart in letting my boyfriend fuck my older sister. I was torn in one way and yet excited in another way. I remember seeing Jace and Kat and him trying to get her moving her hips the right way etc. I remember seeing that she was now completely smooth all over her body. Its funny how even though we are sisters we have completely different figures. I have curves and c cup breasts, she has a pear shape and no breasts. She has a tiny innie pussy where everything is tucked in and I have a visible clitoris, but is otherwise an innie. When Kat climaxed it was as though there had been decades of built up frustration that was all released in one massive explosion, then followed by another even bigger one a short time later. She lay there on the floor shaking in awe. That night Jace was circumcised, I hadn’t performed a circumcision before but with Alaiana there who had done thousands of adult circumcisions and Kat as our resident nurse we had it all covered. I remember thinking how fucking sexy it was going to be once it was done, no excess skin at all even when flaccid, no frenulum it was going to look like a perfect mushroom. A few weeks later I was proven right, the end result was a perfect circumcision. We could see a scar line but it was very faint, no excess skin or anything. I couldn’t wait to try it once it was completely healed. I was having to masturbate several times per day to subdue my sexual anticipation. I could see that Jace was the same. Kat was changing the dressing every other day and generally making sure that it was all healing well. She did an amazing job.

We had to re-learn how to fuck over the coming months, not having to rush to find the elastic cock ring, having to retrain his cock to the new sensations, retrain myself to suck cock without expecting the (limited) skin to move up and down the shaft when he was uncircumcised etc. Over those months the sex got better and better as we refined out motions etc. It was amazing already and we had taken it to a whole new level. We jokingly called Jace’s cock “the space elevator”. I had to do 3 months training in Europe to learn a new surgical technique which had been developed there. It was with great regret that I had to go for 3 months without seeing Jace. In the time since we had been together the longest we had been apart was 3 days. I remember on the plane having to masturbate in the toilet to release some tension, the strange look on peoples face when I left the toilet sweating and the room smelling like pussy. We tried phone sex and mutual masturbation over skype several times but it just wasn’t working for us. The latency meant that there was no bidirectional intimacy as it felt like seconds between each other. I was so desperate to see his cock that I rang Alaiana and wanted her to come around and fuck him, but it wasn’t to be, I tried Dianne and John, I tried a few other contacts all with no success. The only way we could get this to work was Kat who was in the next room. Since the circumcision night she had backed right off and there was no flirty behaviour. I felt safe in the thought that she would be able to do it. I remember waiting by my skype waiting to see if it was going to happen, anxiously waiting, my hand stroking my pussy slowly thinking about it. Then the skype came on and there they are.. I remember when my hand went back down into my pants that my clit was erect and my pants wet. It was amazing to see them going through the routine, seeing Kat explode with orgasms made me so jealous but at the same time I felt bitchy that I had won him and he was with me. I remember having anxiety the following month thinking that Jace could have made Kat pregnant. I wasn’t sure if she was on contraception or anything. We chatted a few days later and she said she was doing the morning after pill. I was relieved. It was after that phone call that she sent me a message asking if she could get Jace to train her how to fuck. I am not sure if I didn’t think it through or didnt really comprehend what was being asked but I responded with a strong YES. Many times they put videos of them fucking on a server so that I could watch in my own time, It was like watching porn or other people fuck at a swingers party. It didn’t really register that It was my sister fucking my boyfriend. This continued for a while before Jace contacted me and said that it had to stop she was too emotionally damaged and was treating him like it was now her relationship. I remember thinking that she would be the type to deliberately get pregnant just to piss me off. All the negative thoughts rushed through my mind, all my insecurities started to grow and my self doubt set in. I trusted Jace, but i didn’t trust my sister Kat.

When I returned from my study trip Kat had to go, we found her a new apartment, helped her move and set her free, she was seriously in love with Jace. I found a notepad of hers when i was packing her things to move out. It had love hearts and Jace’s initials. It was mind boggling that a 30+ year old was still acting like a teenager. She was clearly in need of serious mental health care. She would never accept it. Over the coming months without Kat we settled back into our relationship and everything was back to normal. We found a circumcision fetish group and I did a few public circumcisions with Alaiana, it was amazing how many women existed in these groups. We initially thought that it was going to be mostly old weird men, it turned out that it was mostly young women who loved the power and ownership of having their men circumcised. All up we circumcised close to 35 men. We have since moved on from that scene but the scene is big and very underground. Circumcision still runs a large part of our life, we love chatting about it, we love looking at it and commenting on videos online. We just love it and we always end the night with great sex. I’ve fucked many men in my life now, probably several hundred throughout all the swingers groups, parties, Jace and my boyfriends and there’s not a single guy who can fuck me like Jace can. To put the icing on the cake, he also gave up his tiny foreskin for me. Alaiana also circumcised her partner when they got together, he has a twin sister and I just know that Alaiana has her eyes on fucking both of them.

If you read anything on the internet about Male circumcision you will repeatedly hear so called pundits that in Europe we don’t circumcise our boys. My history is that I was born in Bradford (UK) which is in Yorkshire northern England. My father is a Lawyer and my mother a nurse. I grew up in relatively affluent circumstances throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s. I completed my under graduate degree in 2004 at the Imperial College in London. I have worked as an emergency physician in Germany, France and the UK as well as doing several placements at hospitals in Africa.


My home life was very traditional upper middle class, my parents always had a strong focus on education and being raised properly. I have two younger brothers. I went to good schools and my social peers usually had similar backgrounds. Our parents raised us with a strong belief that our bodies are natural and wonderful, nudity was not something to be ashamed of. We are not nudists we just had an open door policy until I reached puberty. That is the bathroom doors for showers would be open and people could come and go in the bathroom without any concern for privacy. We only had one bathroom and as a family of five getting ready without an open door policy would have been tiresome. It wasn’t until I was 12 or 13 that I realised my fathers and brothers penises looked different. I asked my dad and he explained to me about male circumcision, this was the first time that I recollect even hearing that word. He explained to me that he was circumcised as that was family tradition for him, however he didn’t see it as being a necessary operation for my brothers. I remember being intrigued by this at the time, it wasn’t that I was sexually attracted to my father, I just remember thinking that it just looked neater. The following day I remember discussing it with my friends at school, a Jewish friend of mine knew all about it and said all the men in her family had been circumcised as a part of their religion. I decided to read up on it going to the library and looking it up further. There was very little material at the library and the idea was put aside.

Over the next year my friends started to have their first boy friends and the conversations about sex and sexuality became more frequent. We would have been aged 13-14 It was not until a year later that I was asked out by a boy two years older than me. After several months of dating we began to play around sexually, as with most couples at that age we started with making out, then progressed on from there. I had not seen his penis until after he had gone down orally on me several times, I remember thinking that I had to do something for him. I remember as I removed his underwear looking to see if he was circumcised or not and not being able to tell. His head was exposed but he had skin, it was the first erect penis I had seen in real life. As I started to figure out how to give him oral sex I remember thinking that it tasted like the boys toilets smelt. A strong urine smell, it was not very pleasant. As I moved my hand up and down his shaft with my mouth over his head I realised that he was uncircumcised. His foreskin would completely cover his glands before I would slide it back down revealing the glands again. I remember feeling the shaft swell and then his ejaculation shooting into my mouth and I almost choked. It was all over in only a few minutes. I lay there with my head on his stomach playing with his penis as it softened eventually becoming hard again. We repeated again several times that evening before I had to leave. I was so excited and intrigued by penis’s. In conversations with friends I was always asking if their boy friends had fore skins and if not what it was like. Around a month later he broke off the relationship with me and started dating another girl immediately. I was heart broken.

The following semester a new student from Saudi Arabia joined our year. He was tanned, tall and foreign. It took some time to break the ice and become friends. At a party a few months later I got drunk for the first time and sloppily fell all over him as an excuse to make out. We started dating and a week later I was removing his underwear to reveal a penis that was obviously circumcised, I could see a scar line and there was no extra skin along the shaft, only veins. I couldn’t wait to give him oral sex, but it was different there was no skin to slide up the shaft, but the glands lay there so exposed I had to re-learn how to give oral. It was so nice, no urine tastes or smells, the glands exposed I could feel the blood flowing up his shaft. It took him longer to ejaculate but I could really feel it coming and tease more, when he came it was so much and so fast. It was the first time that he had been with someone sexually and we lay there, I was stroking the shaft of his penis and we just talked about life. It was then that he mentioned that he was a Muslim, I had never met another Muslim and didn’t really know much about Islam at this stage. The only relationship that I had was that both Jewish and Islamic boys got circumcised. Over the coming weeks I lost my virginity and we experimented with sex. The relationship was short lived as his parents found out that his study was really dating and stopped.

It occurred to me at this time that I really enjoyed sex, after the initial discomfort and pain I was easily pleasured vaginally. At this point none of my friends had reached climax during sex, and many of them had only been in missionary. We had experimented in so many positions to find what worked well for me and I had an almost insatiable desire for more experimentation. I had to refrain from being too forward to avoid being labelled a slut as was the case with other girls in my year. It was aweful to see what I now know as “slut shaming”. I became friends with the girls who everyone knew to be most sexually active, it turned out that the got the labels by not putting out with boys in the class, who then told their mates they had and the gossip started. One of the girls was from a different area and had exposure to warehouse parties, It was now 1994 and I was about to turn 16. We would meet up and go out to these rave parties. It was a world of new and exciting adventures, meeting people outside of my school socioeconomic group was amazing. At these rave parties I started to meet many Muslim and Jewish teenager and young adults. I had still only had one sexual partner and was desperate, I had found masturbation but it could not really scratch the itch the same way that a penis could.

I had organised with my school friends to attend a big rave party, we had organised to take MDMA, we organised to go with the Jewish group that we knew from previous events. On MDMA  I couldn’t stop thinking about sex and needed to quench my desire. I started making out Azriel on the dance floor, we went back to his car and in the haste we had unprotected sex. The combination of drugs, desire and skin on skin sexual intercourse was electrifying. It took us what felt like hours for me to climax. When it eventually came it was like a door was opened in my mind, heart and soul. The itch that I had was perfectly scratched.. Azriel couldn’t climax although I was thankful as I definitely didn’t want a baby. On the way home he said I should get a prescription for the birth control pill on the basis of period pains. I looked it up and a few weeks later was on the pill. Azriel was my first fuck buddy, we didn’t date we would just meet up to have sex. Several times a week sometimes several times per day, I was insatiable, I wanted to know everything there was to know about sex. Azriel had to return to Israel when he completed his degree and that was the end of that.

Over the next several years I had a many different boyfriends most of which had not been circumcised. I was starting to really understand the differences and was now the person that my friends would turn to if they had questions about sexuality. The next few years dating was off the table as I needed to really focus on my education to get into the right university. I had decided that I wanted to be a doctor and focus my efforts on sexuality.


Moving from Bradford to London was a massive change, the first year I felt like I didn’t get outside only returning to Bradford for important family events, working to earn money, study and study and study took over my life. The fist summer we organised with all our friends to meet up in Ibiza for a fortnight of parties. I had finished my exams, the weather was typical of London and I couldn’t wait to get out to see some sun and catch up with my friends. For the first week the five of us did not party, we just enjoyed each others company drinking on the balcony watching the sun set and relaxing. On the 6th night we managed to source some MDMA from someone that one of my friends knew and trusted. The five of us sat chatting and peaking before, the conversations turned to sex and relationships again. Three of my friends had never had never climaxed, I was shocked, I couldn’t;t believe it, all this time they had been making up their sexual orgasms because they felt ashamed. After talking through it they had major self confidence issues, outwardly confident, inwardly wrecked. One of our friends left to go and meet up with another group because she wanted to go dancing, the rest of us stayed chatting and opening up. It eventually ended with us having an all female foursome where everyone felt comfortable and climaxed. It was the first time I had been with a woman and with multiple partners, the extra excitement was intense. All of them had no pubic hair leaving me the odd one out of the group. It was so nice feeling female bodies, soft skin with no hair. I realised how nice vagina tasted compared to male foreskin. That night I learned so much while also helping others understand more about their bodies. The rest of the holiday we went out to the clubs and everyone had their fair share of sexual encounters with strangers. Over the next 6 years we repeated the Ibiza holiday with the same group of friends. We never repeated that night, but I felt that it unlocked their inner selves and they became more confident women as a result. The sixth year felt like the ending to a story as many of the girls had now longer term stable partners and had settled down. I was still single after completing a 6 year degree and was now specialising to be an emergency physician.

Working Life

I managed to get a post graduate residency/placement at a Large hospital in South West London, over the next few years working there I had a few short term boyfriends, but with the pager always going off and random shift it was very hard to keep anything stable. It was over this time that my fascination with circumcision popped back up again. We constantly had adult men coming into emergency with complications because of their foreskins. So many of them had left it too late and had serious infections where gangrene was a real problem. In emergency we would usually push them to the on-call urologists for further treatment. The frequency of this was more common than people would believe. This leads onto the point where often the symptoms that people report into emergency for are different from the actual cause. It is very common that people report in with fever or other symptoms which is how their visit is categorised. People don’t come in to emergency or their GP saying that their penis is sore very frequently (it does happy, but it’s not as common as people reporting in with symptoms for the cause). In these situations they will often need to go into have strong intravenous antibiotics for sepsis or similar complications, then if the infection subsides they may not require a circumcision, but overwhelmingly the solution to these problems is a circumcision. The rate of circumcision in the UK, France and Germany is several times higher than what is reported because the number of complications increases with age. The problem is that the records for many types of problems get under reported due to doctors being rushed. I do not work every week, however there is at least several admissions per week which are the direct result of men not being circumcised. This is on top of the direct urologist appointments, GP’s, boys and men being circumcised outside of the NHS/Public health system. Talking with one of the hospital administrators recently they suggested that the official numbers of under 10% are likely 10% lower than the actuals and is increasing. This suggests that around 18-30% of the UK’s male population is circumcised.

Working across several regions in Germany. The rate of circumcision is much more common. In Germany the doctors are much more proactive with circumcisions. It is very common for boys in the age group 5-13 to be circumcised to avoid life long problems. It is also very rare to see penile problems in the very large Turkish population within Germany at least from an emergency perspective. The rates of adult men circumcisions through emergency departments was low, although I know from discussions with doctors that in Germany it is very common for adult males to opt-in to being circumcised. I know several Urologists at major German hospitals who tell me that it is now one of their most common elective surgeries for men.

France is an interesting anomaly in the European sphere from my perspective. I did some of my training at a Hospital that served some of the Paris suburbs. I worked in the Maternity ward there where over 50% of the Male babies born would be circumcised. I then went for additional training to a Hospital in Marseille where the rate could have been even higher. Officially the French report that around 15% of the Male population has been circumcised. Looking at the men or boys who get admitted to the Hospitals I think that it would be closer to 20-25% particularly if we include the increase in voluntary adult circumcisions. Anecdotally talking with other female nurses and doctors while there who I am still in contact with many French women are now in favor of male circumcision, this is reported to me as more have had sexual encounters with a larger variety of partners. When I reported to them that my partner at the time was French, Caucasian and Circumcised they all had so many questions and interest in him was definitely increased. After we split one of my girlfriends started to date him later marrying him and they circumcised all three of their boys with no religious background.

Personal Life

As I’ve moved from my twenties into my thirties and now into my forties, I met my now Husband while on Holiday in Spain, We had an instant connection and fell in love very quickly. It was a whirlwind relationship but the sex was terrible. I am a very sexual being and no matter what we did he could not get me to climax. It turned out that through all his relationships he had never been able to help a woman reach climax. This sparked an interest in sexual health and psychology. I was interested in researching how this was so and what anatomical differences existed that would or could result in this apparent deficit. Over time we experimented with various positions, different angles, times of months all the usual tried and tested methods and all failed. It wasn’t until I was talking to a girlfriend of mine from Australia who mentioned a similar problem with her Husband and that he would hold his foreskin tight down the shaft and then the exposed head would provide enough stimulation for her to reach climax. I had tried some variations on this theory but had not tried her exact method. We bought a cock ring style belt that would hold his shaft skin tight around the bottom of his shaft and engaged in sexual activity. Almost immediately he ejaculated saying that it was too much stimulation. When his sensitivity post-orgasm passed I got him hard again and we repeated. It was a full 180 turn, I could feel his head against one of my erogenous zones and wow. He said he could feel my muscles contracting against the shaft of his penis, the last person to say that to me was Azriel, for the first time in two years I reached climax vaginally during sex, my climax was so large that we had to change the sheets, sleep in a different bed because it was so explosive for me. It was a turning point in our relationship, we both took a week off work and did nothing but fuck, in every position possible as many times as possible. It felt like I was 16 again and sex was an adventure, exciting and something to learn about. Initially we did not discuss circumcision as we went to figure out what the underlying problem was that prohibited me from reaching climax. Often time and many experiments we found that it was two issues that together resulted in a lack of sexual stimulation. The first was that his foreskin was very long, when flaccid the skin would dangle over the end by at least 5cm, when erect he could still easily cover his glands. This was despite him having a relatively large penis (22cm long, 13cm girth). We adjusted our sexual position and his movements so that instead of penetrative stimulation he would remain on his back and I would use the tip of his penis to massage myself internally. It still didn’t work as expected, I took the unusual step of buying a capsule endoscopy camera and putting it inside me with the hope of seeing what was happening. After several attempts we finally got good enough footage to see that when the foreskin was not pulled back his penis’s head moved around on the inside of his foreskin and there wasn’t much sensation transferring through to me. As soon as we repeated the experiment with his foreskin pulled back tightly exposing his entire head and the corona could perfectly massage me to climax. We now knew how my anatomy worked and why he had trouble bringing me to (and other previous partners to climax). Now we needed to break down and understand was a circumcision the only solution. We eventually found a method where as long as he found the exact spot the first time while pushing in his foreskin would remain back and his head would be more exposed. This method allowed me to climax, but was very error prone and slight movements and his foreskin would engulf the head and the sensation would be lost. We continued to experiment with various other options until one day he came to me with a web page describing the various circumcision styles and methods. A few weeks later I gave him a freehand circumcision using a fairly rare by western standards method. The usual method removes a section of the inner foreskin, the method we settled on we removed shaft skin from the base of his penis leaving all of the foreskin intact, only pulled down tightly over his shaft. He was awake for the operation as I worked to ensure that he could still get an erection and not be too tight to cause pain. His penis now has a nice neat scar at the base of his shaft and when erect an extremely tight shaft skin with a beautifully exposed head. The transformation in the bedroom has been dramatic. He is like a new man with new confidence. That was 7 years ago and till this day he said its like he has a new penis and he wishes he was circumcised earlier. When we had our first child (a boy) he jumped at the opportunity for him to be circumcised, and then our second boy again.  I have now qualified and provide couples with sexual and relationship therapy and have helped many others achieve sexual satisfaction. This has always been through a part physiological, psychological and anatomical process. My clients pay significant for a third person to enter the bedroom, monitor and watch them to gather understanding and then use data to guide them to success.


We went to a member of my Husbands families funeral in Spain, at the funeral was one of my Husbands ex partners, his longest and only previous love (according to him). She had kids and had separated from her Husband, Seeing them interact and hearing them talk I could feel that there was a sexual tension between them. After the wake his parents took all of the kids and we went out for tapas and drinks, one thing led to another and we ended up back at her house swimming in her pool naked. She couldn’t take her eyes off his penis. It came out that the reason that she broke it off with him was because there was no sexual satisfaction and he seemed that he didn’t care. After watching them interact and talk I had so much built up sexual frustration. I could not imagine what they had going on and I could see that my Husband was trying to hide his erection by swimming with his back to her. I got out of the pool and told them both to come with me, holding a towel up so my husband could hide his erection. Moving to their living room I ushered them together which exploded with passion as they kissed and fondled each others bodies, she was quick to grab his penis and feel it before pushing him away. She lay him down on the floor and squatted above him turned around and they engaged in oral in the 69 position. It was so sexy I sat on the couch watching before walking over and playing wish his balls while she sucked his penis. I asked her if she had been with a circumcised man before, she said that it was the first time. i went over to see that her vagina was dripping wet. I motioned her to get off him, and told her to side his cock inside her while I went over his face so he could stimulate me while I watched her finding her way. I offered her some advice and helped her move into position, I could see in her eyes when his glands started to rub her.. as her hips moved slowly in a circular motion i could hear the juices squelching and the smell of sex was soo strong… She climaxed several times before he had to quickly pull out and ejaculated over his stomach. None of us wanted any more kids. We cleaned up and the three of us all walked back in silence to my Husbands parents house where the kids slept. After about 5 minutes she broke the silence saying that was the most intense sex she had ever had and the only time she had climaxed more than once. Another convert to the benefits of circumcision.


With the narrative around circumcision being frowned on in Europe there is a small minority of people with very loud voices. Most people on the street who have experienced both uncircumcised and circumcised men in Europe have a preference for circumcised men. The unfortunate reality for many of those loud voices is that the silent majority are going about their business and circumcising their boys or partners. Circumcision rates in most European countries is on the rise at a faster rate than the rise in immigration from cultures who circumcise. The only explanation for this is that people see the benefits and are choosing to circumcise. Adult men choosing circumcision is one of the fastest growing areas of elective surgery in the UK, France, Germany and Spain. Looking at Pornography on the internet that is made in Europe we can see this with more men showing their fresh scars and wearing them with pride. Many of these elective circumcisions are not reported as they are not billed to health insurance or national health systems. The true rate of circumcision is probably not going to be known unless we start looking at people in the morgue. What I can say is that it is much higher than reported and growing in popularity.

Making me wet

I’ve been with my husband for 11 years. I used to think that his foreskin felt amazing, I was convinced that it was the best option. I would constantly try and tell everyone how much better it was than circumcised cock. Unfortunately I could only lie to myself so much. It was a cold Sunday night when I realised that I couldn’t liebl to myself any longer. He couldn’t get my best friend to climax, I was with her husband and climaxed several times and he was circumcised. My friend asked him to hold his foreskin tight and fuck her, she climaxed almost immediately. I then asked him to do the same and could cum so quickly. It was then that I realised that I was telling myself lies. A few months later and I had the privilege to watch my husband be circumcised. Seeing the doctor freehand circumcise him low and tight made me so wet. I couldn’t understand how I was so wrong for so long. Circumcised is always the way forward.

“that priceless look on your girl friends face when you tell them that your boyfriend of 3 months got circumcised for you.”

– Clarice on Facebook

“an interesting observation that I’ve made in 11 years of swinging. That look on the woman’s face when she realises that the guys just unloaded his balls already and she’s only just started to warm up. I can almost always bet that their uncut. Over the years people have always said it affects men’s enjoyment to be circumcised, the inverse is also true so many of us women don’t enjoy sex because our partners cum too quickly being over sensitive. Even botched circumcised men can help us women cum. All too often we are left hanging with little to no satisfaction, I’ll vote for anything that reduces the number of us left in the lurch”

- Kara on Facebook

Alexis #2

It wasn’t until after I had been with Chris that I realised that the issues that I saw with previous partners wasn’t normal.

One of my previous relationships had a serious smegma build up. It got to the point where I made him wash three times per day otherwise it would build up so much that it was like the lint in your pants pocket after only a few hours. He saw medical specialists on the topic and all the various treatments didn’t offer much reduction. If he wasn’t washing constantly I would end up very itchy with thrush like symptoms.

Another of my partner’s didn’t have any obvious build up but the smell was gag inducing. Like a mix of urine and a fish market. I couldn’t go down on him and we had to use protection otherwise I would be sore for days afterwards.

My first long term boyfriend Mikhail was just over three years. His foreskin was so long even when fully erect his head would be covered. I used to love pulling it all the way back so his head was exposed, he would cum in under a minute. Sex for me was apauling I could barely feel anything even when he was going at it like rabbits. I would dry out he would cum and it would all be stored in his foreskin when he pulled out. It made sex very clean for me, no dripping out for hours afterwards. Even after we got him a cock ring to hold it back, the sex was better but it just wasn’t good enough. It was just another straw that broke the donkeys back.

I had a few small flings, all of them unfulfilling and all had a Catalog of problems. I felt that this was the norm and all my girlfriend’s had just made up their exciting sex lives. It wasn’t until I was in my mid 20s living in Sydney that I realised that they probably told the truth. Sex could be amazing and not leave me sore for days or weeks. Without stink and disgusting smegma.

I started this blog three years ago (exactly- December 8th 2015) at a time when I felt unheard, broken, and angry. There are a lot reasons people typed “circumcision” into tumblr for the first time. Some for the thrill of sexual fantasy, some a search for understanding, some a desire to be something they weren’t. But some, like me, felt a mix of all of that yet also an unvoiced sense that the values and views they have about the natural male body are not representative in society. And the forced surgeries we didn’t consent to were symptomatic of that social view. To me there always was a pureness in the male form. Its inherent beauty found in its natural state. I had a pride in that, an interconnectedness with my twin. After being circumcised I felt divided. I felt divided from him, but also from my vision of masculinity. And part of that morphed into a turn on. That one act could have so much power. I was forcibly made something else, and I didn’t know what that was, or wasn’t.


This blog (clearly) was never a “woe is me” tale. I am not whining here. In the end what happened to me is a fact of life for boys all over the world. No choice, no voice, just submission. But over three years I’ve had a large array of posts that finally allowed me to explore how a forced circumcision effected me. My views of identity, gender, sex, and social norms. It allowed me to learn a lot from other people too. It allowed me to explore the duality of the sense of injustice I felt (and that many boys experience to this day) yet also circumcisions sexual nature, its vulnerability. 

From this blog I was able to see there are a minority of men, totally intact, who have a strong longing, a deep desire to be circumcised. Which confused me until I realized we actually wanted the same thing- to have a voice in what happens to our own bodies. A voice that reconfirmed a sense of identity. And how under certain circumstances circumcision could be sexually empowering!! 

From this blog I learned it’s not uncommon for older boys to submit to circumcision even though they don’t want to or just uncertain, because they feel like they don’t have any other choice. And after either just keep silent, or learning to live with it, saying “there are worse things.” 


From this blog I advised and counseled men and boys who were worried they NEEDED circumcision by a medical establishment (in the US and UK) that prescribe the surgery as a catch all solution without considering the individual values a patient may have- and helped them find other options. I helped some men figure out that what they wanted was to get cut, and some who didn’t.

And yeah, this was also a porn blog. So much of what ties men to their favorite appendage is sexual, and sometimes the most effective way of dealing with repressed complicated feelings is exploring them sexually first. Which is what I have often done. By the end of things I had 3,020 followers. And I imagine a good many of those men and women squirted and cummed to the things I wrote, and that makes me happy- because sex and sexual exploration is not only good and healthy- it’s fundamental to being a complete human. (Unless you are asexual of course). Hell the whole start of circumcision in the western world came from a Victorian society that viewed sex as something that was wrong. And how to stop little boys from masturbating. So obviously I disagree with the new polices of Tumblr and the rest of the more corporatized internet.  Especially as Tumblr became the platform for unvoiced sexual expression online.


In many ways this marks an end of an era. For myself I am in a much healthier place. I realized FOR ME my circumcision was a trauma. I also learned my trauma is not my identity. I may have not been able to have a voice in what happened to my body, but scars and cut flesh was never what defined me. My trauma was just thinking that it did. That being said, my journey is in no way complete, but the medium I need to navigate it has. Which is why I am excited about starting a new chapter on reddit.

This blog became about more than just figuring myself out, but helping guys navigate this subject in a society that provides no council besides the actions of a scalpels blade. And the truth is, so much more is needed. Men need to know the history behind circumcision. The facts of male anatomy. They need to know this cultural demand is one they can entirely reject, or happily embrace. 

Circumcision has ALWAYS been an act that divided and silenced. Divides between caste, class, religion, culture, and tribe. The nature of circumcision silenced discussion and created hard realities that were mostly cultural fabrications. It never nurtured individual voices. Which is why I am starting a new subreddit intended to open a dialogue among people (especially men and boys) about circumcision. But more on that in a future post coming soon! (like actually soon…) 

I hope that reddit can become a place of multiple circumcision subreddits. Each with their own unique perspective. Some more sexy, some cock worship, womens perspective, gay, etc. In the same way each Tumblr focused on a slightly different views.


Circumcision subreddits so far:




r/———. : the one I’m creating, name coming soon! 

My contact info:

kik: wheatfieldss

Reddit username: u/choppedwheatfields

Also I am keeping this blog open after they gut most of the posts. I may still post here from time to time. So feel free to contact me here through messenger. Also if you want my email, ask me through that.


Again, thank you to everyone who helped me figure myself out, thank you to everyone who subscribed to my tumblr, who made this an engaging community. And to all the guys out there who are still figuring things out- you will find a way to self empowerment. And know one scalpels cut won’t fix you or destroy you. Only you can do that. 


Tom, a boy of 10 is chasing and teasing his slightly older sister through the lush winding growth of their grandmothers backyard garden. It’s a hot, muggy late Summer day. Wearing nothing but shorts, he teases his sister about having to wear a shirt. Barefoot and sun baked Julie swirled around putting up her hand just as it made contact with Toms bare chest, stopping him mid-step. She starts teasing him back “well tease me as much as you want, at least I’m not a boy and I don’t need to be fixed!!”

“What do you mean I don’t need anything fixed, I’m perfect! grandma tell Julie to stop lying!”

Their grandmother over by her roses simply asks the two to join her.

“Grandma, tell her!”

“Julie, you shouldn’t joke about this with Tommy, it’s a very sensitive thing boys need to go through.”

Go through what? Tommy asked.

Grandma sighed. Putting down her rose shears onto the rich, dark earth and picking up a garden knife.

“You see Tommy, all boys need to be pruned, kind of like my flowers here. If these flowers could grow wild, then they wouldn’t do what I need them to do.

Grandma pulled two mushrooms out of the ground. One was just an orb shape, the other a traditional mushroom with a flared head. With her garden knife she cut the orb mushroom in half and presented them to Tommy.

“You see how the head on this one is flared and this other one is more like your penis Tommy, with everything seamless inside.” When you prune a boy’s penis before puberty it causes the head of the penis to flare out into a defined ridge like the second mushroom. But if we leave it covered it will never get that definition.” It will be overgrown, and it’s growth restricted like a tree choking by its own roots.

Boys are special you see, if you prune them at the right age they grow up to be different, some would say better. It’s a surgery called circumcision where your foreskin is cut away. But it’s very important to cut as much of it away as possible that isn’t necessary for a penis’s main purpose.

Tommy stood barefoot, legs set widely apart. His mouth open, slightly surprised, mushrooms in his dirt dusted hands. Nervous, doubting, but curious. To his right stood Julie with a mischievous grin creeping across her face.

“And it will make your penis less sensitive!” Julie yelped out justified after an afternoon of teasing from her little brother.

“Julie! That’s enough!!” Grandmother wondering if Julie had been too young to have the purpose and methods of circumcision be fully explained to her.

Tommy’s mind went back to late night sessions where he pulled and twisted on his foreskin, and remember how good it felt.

“But what if I like my foreskin!”

“Tommy” grandma said warmly as she placed her hands on his bare chest to calm him.

“If you were any plant in my garden, your purpose would be to flower brightly for our enjoyment. Wouldn’t you want to be the best plant you could be?” Don’t you want to become the best kind of man for society?

Tommy looked up at a budding rose, it’s petals still twisted, spiraling inward, still light in hue. Nothing but the potential of what was to come. In its twisted rosy bud he was reminded of his own foreskin, and he felt this sudden yearning inside, to be able to see his penis bloom naturally like that rose will.

“…and that is why you will be circumcised.” missing part of his grandmothers statements in his own thoughts.

“I don’t want my penis to be less sensitive, I like the way it is.”

“I know, I know” as she ushered him towards her roses. “Look how beautiful they are, look how strong they are. Do you think they like it when I cut their leaves?”

Tommy shook his head slightly.

“You may not understand this now, but your penis isn’t for you. Just as these flowers beauty isn’t for them. They go through the pain and mutilation of pruning so we can appreciate their beauty. They sacrifice what they are to serve a different purpose. If you are a male, it’s always been seen as your role, and duty for you to serve society before yourself.

Tommy looked uncertain, so Grandma continued. Remember when you said last year you wanted to be a soldier for Halloween? Well men are made soldiers because it’s traditionally their role. But soldiers are made to do things they might not like, but they do it anyway because its honorable.

What you are, what you want is secondary. Yes it’s true women’s roles use to be about serving men, but thankfully we are moving beyond that side of things now. But not all traditions should change I don’t believe.

If your penis is less sensitive, and has a more flared head like those mushrooms you will make a girl very happy one day. These flowers are for you to appreciate their beauty, and your penis is for a woman’s pleasure, not yours. But that’s ok, when you are older you will understand why that’s important.”

Julie had already run off to woods behind grandmothers property, restricted by her shirt but free from the worry Tommy faced. Tommy had turned around to follow, not sure how he felt about all this. But he stopped, and asked “So when will you take away my foreskin?” When will I be pruned?”

The grandmother gave a soft laugh, “I don’t do that the doctor will. Don’t worry about when, just know it will happen when it’s time, and it will be for the best. She will cut you nice and tight and it will grow into a new shape. You will grow to like it very much, you will be proud of what it will do. But its also ok if you don’t like it too, just know its important to do no matter what. Try not to think about it, and go off and play in the wildflowers with your sister while you still can.”

What does it mean to be boy? Our society says its short hair, cut and trimmed tightly- just like a b

What does it mean to be boy? Our society says its short hair, cut and trimmed tightly- just like a boys foreskin should be. It means stay in line, do what you are told, sign up for war and die for your country. Impregnate your wife, but don’t enjoy the sensation. Thats because cultures see the value and power in young men and do everything in their power to control that. 

I never felt more in touch with my masculinity then when I had long hair, an intact foreskin- spending Summer days of boyhood exploring forests getting dirty. Masculinity’s true strength is found in freedom, and not as a tool for social control. There is beauty in our bodies, and wisdom in holding back strength. We have been taught our whole lives to submit, be a good boy, and do what you are told- and all we are left feeling is empty rage. Submission is such a normalized part of masculinity these days that in some cultures you have to cut off part of your foreskin to become a man. That we see circumcised as being more masculine, while in reality its just a representation of masculinity constrained to the will and use of society. Circumcision is a wild horse thats been tamed with a saddle for the rest of his days. 

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I’m pro-choice, which really means I’m pro-bodily autonomy. That means I support these things:

  • Not being forced to stay pregnant
  • Not being forced to have an abortion
  • Being able to get sterilized without hassle or shame
  • Not being forced to get sterilized
  • Affordable care for carrying a pregnancy to term
  • Respecting patients’ right to consentduringchildbirth (tw: birth violence)
  • Access to affordable contraception
  • Comprehensive sex education
  • Not being forced to have sex without contraception
  • Freedom from all rape and sexual assault
  • Compassionate treatment of sexual assault victims and justice in the courts
  • Wearing whatever clothing you want without harassment
  • Access to affordable gender confirmation surgery and hormones for trans people
  • Ending infant circumcision and genital mutilation
  • Respecting patients’ right to consent to all medical treatment
  • Death with dignity for the terminally ill
  • Elimination of torture as an interrogation technique
  • Ending domestic violence and all other violent crime
  • Ending sex, organ, and surrogacy human trafficking
  • Sex workers legally working in safe, violence-free environments
  • Consent for all interactions involving your body

Your body, your choice.

Emily was listening to her sister on the phone’s speaker as she was describing her 10 yo son’s circumcision. She couldn’t stop getting naughty listening to her words.

“You can’t believe how much he resisted lol, I mean we should’ve thrown it in the trash a long time ago, right?”




“Omg the look on his face when he saw that exposed shiny mushroom head for the first time haha, I think he kinda likes being boyskin free”




When there was a free discussion about circumcision at the class and you showed everyone how procircumcision you are and how you would snip all your baby boys super tight.

Excerpt from the graphic novel Orc Stain.I wonder how many chuggets worth of penis was removed from

Excerpt from the graphic novel Orc Stain.

I wonder how many chuggets worth of penis was removed from me?

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Back in World War 2, Doctor Cumberland was a respected Allied military physician. Due to the respect

Back in World War 2, Doctor Cumberland was a respected Allied military physician. Due to the respect afforded him, and the chaos of the war, Cumberland discovered he could get away with any ridiculous exams or procedures he desired.

Cumberland had been circumcised as a baby high and tight, with about 0.75″ of inner skin. Because of his post-Victorian upbringing, he took his repressed sexuality out on every soldier who’s unfortunate foreskin he came across. No one left base camp unsnipped in his favorite style, low and tight, with the frenulum carved down to the urethra. Best part, as an officer, soldiers could be court-martialed for refusing.

A few soldiers complained that their pee wouldn’t shoot straight anymore out of their carved urethras. The Doc would examine them closely and tell them it was “normal”.

In particular, Cumberland was known to re-circumcise high and tight men who had more inner foreskin than he did. It gave him a feeling of power knowing he had more inner foreskin than the men who he touched. He felt like he’d be “with” each soldier when they returned home after the war and surprised their wives with a new life of aggressive, pounding sex. 

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Stan’s wife encouraged Stan to explore his bisexuality with his guy friends.As time went on, Stan di

Stan’s wife encouraged Stan to explore his bisexuality with his guy friends.

As time went on, Stan discovered he really wanted to try sucking on his friend Alejandro’s cock. The only thing was, Alejandro’s cock was uncircumcised, while Stan’s was tightly-cut.

Stan told his wife he was worried that Alejandro’s cock would be unclean because of his foreskin. That Alejandro might have HIV! His wife knew this wasn’t true and told him as much…

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circumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shavcircumcisedperfection: spitnbbraw:puphawaii: bone-up!  puphawaii & puphawaiitoo HOT DAMN! Shav




bone-up!  puphawaii&puphawaiitoo

HOT DAMN! Shaved crotch, circumcised cock, fully excised frenelum and a gaping meatus/piss-slit!

What a fucken hot circumcised cock

We know two things here:

1) This guy’s dick is bigger than like, 99% of dicks out there.

2) The doctor had to go through extra effort to carefully gouge out every trace of frenulum.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the (male) doctor felt insecure that this person’s dick was going to be bigger than theirs in adulthood. I wonder if that influenced how extensively they removed his big cock’s pleasure centers?

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“Check out my brutal dick tip.”

“Check out my brutal dick tip.”

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Since i’m getting lots of questions about this lately, i think it’s better to make a public post about it.

When i was a teenager, i once had a conversation with my parents about circumcision. I tehn realised i was almost circumcised as a baby :(

My parents wanted me to get circumcised, and they even brought me to the doctor. They said the doctor made them a question. He asked them: your baby boy is healthy, everything is normal, why would you get him circumcised?

Since they didn’t really have good reason to have it happen anyway, they took the advice from the doctor and decided to leave me intact. I was very shocked, to hear this, but also very thankful and happy that it was actually a doctor who decided not to circumcise me! Also thankful for my parents for not forcing their decission.

I do realise that i was very lucky though! If I had another doctor i would probably be missing my foreskin now!

Wish there were more doctors like this!
