#city of fallen angels


Clary and Jace 3x02 - “I’ve never felt about anyone, the way that I feel about you..” FULL SCENE - KISS

Clary and Jace 3x04 - “I am not going to lose you again” - KISS

 “But a man is not forgotten, as long as there are two people left under the sky. One, to tell the s

“But a man is not forgotten, as long as there are two people left under the sky. One, to tell the story; the other, to hear it.”
― Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn

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—Herondales. —la voz de Zachariah fue un resoplido, mitad risa, mitad dolor—. Casi se me había olvidado. Ninguna otra familia hace tanto por amor, o se siente tan culpable por ello. No lleves el peso del mundo sobre ti, Jace. Es demasiado pesado incluso para un Herondale.

— Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad del Fuego Celestial.

  I’m so beyond happy that Robert Sheehan is going to be Simon. I’ve loved him for years, and he’s beyond awesome. He’ll make such a good Simon, I really do think so, he’s just got that kind of flair. Although… Now I regret even more that december night almost two years ago, when I was in the middle of competing in the worst pub quiz in history, when I got a text


I jumped out of my seat in my skyscraper heels.

“Lads I’m outta here.”

But before I got there, he had left, and so, with only one thing to do, I walked up the street, where I saw his retreating figure hop into the car.

The only bright spot:

I got to see his ass.
