
rcbbstark:URL EDITS: for → @irtazeThis is the second rune gifted to the Nephilim by the Angel Rarcbbstark:URL EDITS: for → @irtazeThis is the second rune gifted to the Nephilim by the Angel Rarcbbstark:URL EDITS: for → @irtazeThis is the second rune gifted to the Nephilim by the Angel Ra


URL EDITS:for →@irtaze

This is the second rune gifted to the Nephilim by the Angel Raziel and is also the second most powerful rune in Nephilim lexicography.

want one?

Post link

—Herondales. —la voz de Zachariah fue un resoplido, mitad risa, mitad dolor—. Casi se me había olvidado. Ninguna otra familia hace tanto por amor, o se siente tan culpable por ello. No lleves el peso del mundo sobre ti, Jace. Es demasiado pesado incluso para un Herondale.

— Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad del Fuego Celestial.

I like how Cassandra Clare has put at least one bad egg in most of the Shadowhunter families (with multiple members). Fairchild, Lightwood, Blackthorn, Carstairs, etc

Except Herondale, I don’t remember anyone in that family who was rather a rotten person (please enlighten me)

Cassandra Clare really likes compound surnames doesn’t she

Yin Yang Will Herondale

Here I am with a new project in hands. Let me explain:

What I want to do is create Yin and Yang cards. Yin is the unknown side while Yang is the known side.

In here we have Will. The Yang shows his love for reading and literature while the Yin has cracked glass and chrysanthemums which represent the curse. (Chrysanthemum symbolizes death).

On the other hand, I added the Wales dragon and a heron to represent the Herondale family.

This will be a long process because I will go through many of the important characters in the chronicles and I will do it chronologically from TID to TDA.

This thing took about three days and I’ve never done anything like this before so I’m proud of the results with what I can do at the moment.

The next on on the list is Jem.

“Life is a book a there are thousands pages I have not yet read.” — Will Herondale.

I really do not remember the specific time this took to finish, but I won’t complain. But I do remember I struggled so much with the hair and looking up his runes.

Mr. Don’t trust ducks at your service.

Have you ever been seeing memes for a long time and tell yourself “I should stop before I see a spoiler” but the memes are so good you don’t stop. Then the spoiler hits you like a bitch, you close everything down, zone out for a while, and insult yourself right after?

Feeding Ducks

Jem: They’re adorable.

Will: They’re monsters.

Jem: Let’s adopt one.

Will: Traitor! Bringing the enemy home!!


Shadowhunter Families

To be a Herondale is to love so deeply and passionately that you feel like you’re flying rather than falling.

To be a Carstairs is to be the sword and shield between what you love and the world against it.

To be a Lightwood is to burn bright with the love you have not only for others, but the love you learn to feel for yourself.

To be a Blackthorn is to be so devoted to your family that the hand striking at them comes away with its blood on your armor.

To be a Fairchild is to understand and love those around you for the strength that others call a weakness.

To be a Lovelace is to let the ones you love choose their path, even if it breaks your heart when they never return.

To be a Morgenstern is to sink to any depth for what you love, even if you hit the ground burning on your own passion.

To be a Shadowhunter is to love.

The path the dead traveled was utterly silent and utterly dark. She could niether see nor hear anything at all. If it were not for Jesse’s arms around her, the solid feel of his body, she might have thought she had lost the living world forever" ~Chain of Gold

The only romance here is necromancy . Hehe i’ve been sitting on that lame ass joke for a while

Part 2 of Yesterday drawing

James Herondale - Shadowhunters The Last Hours: Chain of Gold by @cassandraclare


The great Herondale flower card post. Courtesy of the wonderfully talented Cassandra Jean.

Sorry for leaving out the ladies!! I’ll post them separately
