#brother zachariah


—Herondales. —la voz de Zachariah fue un resoplido, mitad risa, mitad dolor—. Casi se me había olvidado. Ninguna otra familia hace tanto por amor, o se siente tan culpable por ello. No lleves el peso del mundo sobre ti, Jace. Es demasiado pesado incluso para un Herondale.

— Cazadores de sombras: Ciudad del Fuego Celestial.

Brother Zachariah:Pixie dust?

Brother Jeremiah:Brother Enoch make a wish

Brother Enoch:I wish the dust never stops

Brother Zachariah:[Blows the dust] Done

My friend’s OC: Are they doing it again?

My OC: Nope.

My friend’s OC: You sure?

My OC:Yes.

Brother Jeremiah:Bros before dust.

Brother Enoch:One cannot simply put you before the dust, Jeremiah.

Brother Jeremiah:I would.

Brother Zachariah:Really?

Brother Jeremiah:No. Dust for eternity.

Brother Jeremiah:I wonder…

Brother Zachariah:Oh no.

Brother Jeremiah:Does every person’s dust would taste different?

Brother Enoch: Like, individually?

Brother Jeremiah:Yes

Brother Enoch: Brother Zachariah. Do it.

My friend’s OC: [Wakes up from the death] Excuse me?

Brother Jeremiah:What would’ve happened if I inhaled the dust?

Brother Enoch:Dust addiction.

Brother Zachariah:I’m uncomfortable.

Brother Jeremiah:Sniff it, Zachariah.

Brother Zachariah:I inhaled a great lot of dust back in my day. No.

Brother Jeremiah:Not the human type bro.
