#clairvoyance psychics


2022 - Overall Energy and Prediction(s)

We are asked to let go of everything not serving us. 2022 will be a year which will bring a lot of change, for everyone for us, but not for everyone it will look the same. We are encouraged to take what is important and healthy for us but leave everything else behind.

Many of us will be confronted with our deepest fears and darkest desires, it will be difficult to withstand temptation or give in to an endless spiral of depression but I can see many, if not even the most of us, step out of this energy quite quickly.

Everyone is encouraged to trust their instinct, their gut feeling, their intuition to make the best out of this unique year. Truly, nothing was truly “normal” for a few years now actually already but this year feels special. Many of us will see how the things we planned and planted in the past will finally grow… and while it´s a shame to say, many of us will realize that what we did so far is not the right thing for us, but please do not be afraid, understanding what you don´t want is the first step into understanding what exactly you need.

Allow others to go their own ways. Even if it means to let them go. Sometimes people are just not meant to be together for that long, sometimes you have to let a person go, even if you still love them.

2022 will ask us to be strong, not only for others but mostly for ourselves. We are called to nourish ourselves and practice self-care. Cut the toxic people out of your life, let go of the toxic habits, this year is the perfect time for it. Make sure to take care of your mind but also your body, sleep might be big trouble for many of us lately.

We won´t need to carry the burden all alone, our friends and beloved ones will help us. Please ask for help and let others help you. Heartache cannot be avoided, no matter which year, age, or moment… but it will heal. Especially if you´re carrying wounds from the last year, this year will help you heal them.

Every one of us is begged to feel our emotions, please let it out. Cry, scream, hit your pillow, just don´t suppress your emotions. It´s alright to be afraid, sad, and angry, just ensure a healthy connection with those emotions.

A lot of us might receive a blessing in the earthly realm. If you´ve been looking for a job or desires a salary increase this might just be your sign that your desired outcome is close.

Don´t let others treat you badly. Don´t let others talk you down. You´ve come so far and did so much. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel, there is a time coming for you so much better than expected. You will be victorious in defeating your inner demons, just trust in yourself.

2022 will let it come out as winners in the end, despite its highs and depths, it will be the mark of a new time no one of us has experienced before.

Follow Me For More Readings



☄️ Exchange Readings - Open ☄️

I will give you a Free Tarot Reading if you offer something similar in exchange.

This either can be also a Tarot Reading, or a Psychic Reading, or a Birth Chart Reading or anything of the sorts, so just simply something of the same value.

You choose the length. I would like you to give me my reading first, so I can adapt. Since I already had exchange readings where I wrote about 3.000 words and the other barely 1.000…so this is just a precaution I like to do.

You also choose how many questions there are answered, the same amount you offer me, the same amount I will offer back.

No deadlines, please. You will have all the time in the world to answer my questions, so will I.

I will NOT answer any questions considering health, death, or anything which has to do with harming or betraying another person.

If you are interested in exchanging a reading, DM me and we can discuss anything further there!

Still open!

DM me if you´re interested!

So I actually had a problem with my Inbox and my Chat the last few days.

So please, if I haven´t answered something yet you wrote in my Inbox or in my DM,please send it again.

I had to contact support to fix the problem and now I finally can see all messages again!


☄️ Exchange Readings - Open ☄️

I will give you a Free Tarot Reading if you offer something similar in exchange.

This either can be also a Tarot Reading, or a Psychic Reading, or a Birth Chart Reading or anything of the sorts, so just simply something of the same value.

You choose the length. I would like you to give me my reading first, so I can adapt. Since I already had exchange readings where I wrote about 3.000 words and the other barely 1.000…so this is just a precaution I like to do.

You also choose how many questions there are answered, the same amount you offer me, the same amount I will offer back.

No deadlines, please. You will have all the time in the world to answer my questions, so will I.

I will NOT answer any questions considering health, death, or anything which has to do with harming or betraying another person.

If you are interested in exchanging a reading, DM me and we can discuss anything further there!

Still open!

DM me if you´re interested!

Your Relationship With Your Future Spouse

Pile1 - Tongue Out

Your relationship with your future spouse might be influenced by them being quite secretive. One of you might tend to overshare and the other one might talk about every little bit. This might cause some trouble you will need to clear up as soon as possible.

Despite this, I see that your connection will be very encouraging for both of you. Especially when one of you goes through trouble, the other one will always support them. This relationship might feel like it has been sent by the Divine for you.

I see that you both enjoy celebrating together, even if you do not enjoy festivals that much, you will find much pleasure in simply going out with your future spouse.

Pile 2 - Laying On Car

Your connection will be quite fast-paced, you both might be very impatient and might have a tendency to first speak and then think. This might cause you both to get very heated into arguments and have trouble listening to the other one.

Your love is intense and moves quickly towards, you need to be careful that you’re to attachment one another doesn´t take completely over each other’s lives.

If you both learn how to behave more calm and balanced in all ways you will be able to truly learn from this connection as your future spouse will be like a mirror for you.

Pile 3 - Wedding Kiss

Both of you will have trouble showing their emotions in a healthy way when you both will meet one another. While one of you is very emotional and can barely keep it together, the other one has a lot of trouble displaying their feminine energy without feeling guilty.

There are clearly many things in this connection you do not see from the beginning, maybe one of you has a secret or you have a dark history you do not desire to tell the others from the start.

Despite all this, your love will offer you a stable connection, protection from trouble, and safety from the outside world. With some work, this can be very rewarding for both of you.

Pile 4 - Head On Shoulder

One of you will be quite a fan of gossip and might judge people easily while the other person often worries about their choices and has trouble trusting their intuition and their gut feelings. You both need to learn from one another.

Your connection will stem from similar interests and similar feelings towards the same things. Your family will greatly approve of your connection, maybe this is important to you or them.

You both will lead each other to a new part of your life and will encourage you to leave toxic connections or habits behind you.

You As A Poem

Pile 1 - Bridge

A Desire Old As Time

A soft touch

A hearty laugh

All meant for us

Loneliness doesn´t suit the pretty face

Neither does tears

Still, it´s a part of life

It all returns to you

For you to cry during the night

Staring at the ceiling

Wondering where you went wrong

Nowhere to go

Nowhere to hide

Yet you might feel at home

Because you keep hoping for

A feeling more powerful than time

It made you what you are

You should be proud

Instead, you frown at your reflection

Your body carried you

Your mind shaped you

It is you

A choice to make

Wherever you like seeing the tears

Or reject their existence

In the end

It all comes back to you

Pile 2 - Magazine

The World Below

Lost in the darkest shadow

Set ablaze by the weakest sparks

I never loved anyone like I wished to

It´s limitless

But it ends tomorrow

Just a raspy word


A vast ocean

A stormy sea

Will they drown?

Oh I wish so

But could I take the sorrow?

Nothing ever came so far

No one ever saw beyond

Lighting struck hem down before

I plead

The night hushes the child in me

A dagger in my dirty hands

The blood on it faded

No one survived

I might just give up


I cannot stop my dreams

Yearning for the same

Since I breathed in the dust

Endless murmur

That´s how I want to melt away

Pile 3 - Collage

Nothing But A Threat

Not a girl

Not a boy

Just who I am meant to be

Nothing sensitive

Nothing strong

Just my feelings in the mirror

And I am not afraid anymore

I am not sorry for my feelings anymore

If you loved me

You would understand

If you saw the truth

You wouldn´t claim it was a lie

Just two and you

Or maybe more?

You will never know

Envy has no space

In the night sky above

The sky will devour it whole

Banishing all your words

Which were aimed to tear me apart

You cannot change who I am

My true self will always remain

It wasn´t my choice, to begin with

You forced me to hide it for so long

But now I will break free

Out of this mortal realm

There is nothing between my legs

Nothing hanging from my chest

Not a single child

Shall leave my body

I am enough on my own

I am good as I am

I do not need to change myself

Your claimed love

Is nothing but attachment

Nothing but obsession

Over the person you want me to be

No thank you

Pile 4 - Clouds

The Seed

You poisoned the ground

All my flowers died

Nothing can grow anymore

There is a storm coming

Which is death in the form

No forest, not even a single tree

All I have left is a single seed

I cannot plant in this now dead earth

Memories like dust

Passing me by

Remembering me

Of the things I shared

I thought were heard

But they were lost in the wind

Two paths of nothingness

Not a single light in the dark

No ambition nor expectations

Not even a little bit of hope

All I have is this seed

I know might die in the heat

I am afraid to move

Death is tempting me

It is too late

Spite has become my bread

Anger my breath

Fear my water

I don´t know how

There is a land I was promised

To a child, they lied already

Barely eight years old

I have no choice

I guess I simply got used to it

To keep moving on toward

Even if now something is different

Even if now…

I am alone


400+ Followers Special - Open!


Finally, after over a whole fucking MONTH my blisters and co are starting to heal so I can finally do Divination again without dying of pain by just touching the cards.

Blessed be any gods and goddesses.


As you can see above I have reached the 400+ Follower mark! So this calls for a new little special!

Now, I want to keep this little game interesting, for both sides. So I am not going to ask you for your natal chart placements or simply let you ask your question, where is the fun in that?

I want you to give me something and I will give you something in return, seems fair, eh?

Send me a gif, send me a drawing, a sketch, a mood board, or a quote… anything like that you think has the same vibes as I do! So yes, those pictures are me, that´s how I look like if you´ve been curious :D

  • Send me them through my DMS along with your question you want me to answer!
  • One question for each person!
  • I will not answer questions considering death, health, or anything which has to do with betraying another person!
  • Have patience!
  • You must be my follower as I want to give them something back!

If you want an exchange reading instead

400+ Followers Special - Closed!

You all have beenFLOODINGmy DMs, seriously! So I will close this today as I have a lot to work on! Please be patient, I am already working on tarot readings but I really have lots to do!

Thanks to everyone who took part in it!

Oh, and exchange readings are still open! Just as mentioned before, patience, I have some of them to do too!

Send Me PAC Ideas!

Hello, lovelies!

I just prepared a bunch of PACs for the future and to be honest I am kind of out of idea right now.

So if you have any PAC Ideas, please sent them to me, no matter if through a comment on this post, through an Ask or through my DMS!

400+ Followers Special - Open!


Finally, after over a whole fucking MONTH my blisters and co are starting to heal so I can finally do Divination again without dying of pain by just touching the cards.

Blessed be any gods and goddesses.


As you can see above I have reached the 400+ Follower mark! So this calls for a new little special!

Now, I want to keep this little game interesting, for both sides. So I am not going to ask you for your natal chart placements or simply let you ask your question, where is the fun in that?

I want you to give me something and I will give you something in return, seems fair, eh?

Send me a gif, send me a drawing, a sketch, a mood board, or a quote… anything like that you think has the same vibes as I do! So yes, those pictures are me, that´s how I look like if you´ve been curious :D

  • Send me them through my DMS along with your question you want me to answer!
  • One question for each person!
  • I will not answer questions considering death, health, or anything which has to do with betraying another person!
  • Have patience!
  • You must be my follower as I want to give them something back!

If you want an exchange reading instead

☄️ Exchange Readings - Open ☄️

I will give you a Free Tarot Reading if you offer something similar in exchange.

This either can be also a Tarot Reading, or a Psychic Reading, or a Birth Chart Reading or anything of the sorts, so just simply something of the same value.

You choose the length. I would like you to give me my reading first, so I can adapt. Since I already had exchange readings where I wrote about 3.000 words and the other barely 1.000…so this is just a precaution I like to do.

You also choose how many questions there are answered, the same amount you offer me, the same amount I will offer back.

No deadlines, please. You will have all the time in the world to answer my questions, so will I.

I will NOT answer any questions considering health, death, or anything which has to do with harming or betraying another person.

If you are interested in exchanging a reading, DM me and we can discuss anything further there!

Advice For Everyone - Mostly For Beginners

  • It´s alright to doubt yourself, natural and good even. Someone who is always 100% convinced of themselves and what they believe in… well let´s be honest, either they are faking it or they are so absorbed in themselves, which isn´t good either.

  • There is no right or wrong way to be a witch, a tarot reader, or whatever you aspire to be. Honestly, everyone who says that certain things have strict rules that you absolutely have to follow don´t really do themselves nor others anything good.

  • It´s always good and important to get information out of many different sources. There is no set path in stone for you to go, unless, of course, you exactly want to follow the example of this person or this certain type of witchcraft. Otherwise, though it´s completely alright to go your own path which might be a mixture out of many different practices you´ve encountered so far.

  • You don´t have to excel in everything. For example, if you call yourself a witch, you don´t need to be perfect in everything which being a witch can entail but doesn´t have to. Maybe you are great at sensing energies but cannot perform a spell at all - No worries, you are still a witch. The same goes for anything else. Maybe you refer to yourself as a clairvoyant and are good at laying tarot but cannot use a pendulum - Still you are a clairvoyant. No one you will ever meet will be able to do anything, so don´t worry about it.

  • Do you ever worry if witchcraft or what else you believe in might not be real after all and just pure coincidence? In the end, it shouldn´t be important if it´s real or true in whatever way, as long as it makes you happy nothing of that matters. As long as whatever you do and believe in doesn´t hurt others you should never stop doing it.
My name is Anna Adams and I have always had special gifts. As a child, I was afraid of the many ting

My name is Anna Adams and I have always had special gifts. As a child, I was afraid of the many tings I experienced, but over a lifetime of study to truly understand the world of the unknown and how I interact with it, I no longer feel fear but exhilaration during paranormal events.

I come from a long line of women who instinctively knew about the psychic abilities our family passes down, and was raised with ideas like shining your inner light to scare monsters away and braiding love into hair. Despite this, there was never any talk of witchcraft, psychic abilities, or the 6 Clair senses. Luckily, I am very curious, and did that research on my own to discover what gifts I had been birthed with and how to use them. 

I experience 4 of the 6 Clair senses (5 if you count the ability to acutely smell Carbon Monoxide, which is supposed to be impossible… But it isn’t, carbon monoxide smells like sweet gasoline mixed with rusty pennies to me, very pungent. Can anyone else smell CO? Tell me in the comments!)

Clairvoyance- Clear Seeing - I am a very visual person. Songs create vivid images of scenes and people in my mind that are specific to the song. I frequently see shadow people, animals, and figures in my peripheral eye. I can also see the progression of eldest possible age on a person’s face which allows me to know how old a person can live if they live their best life. It also clues me into when someone is nearing their time. I can also see a glow around something that is important to me, like scanning a shelf of books to find the book with an answer I need in it, or a person who has something to teach me. 

Clairaudience- Clear Hearing - I am also a very auditory person. I love music and through music I can hear messages, much like the glowing of important things, important lyrics will vibrate in my mind. I can also ‘hear’ in my mind’s ear responses to questions when in the presence of a Spirit. It is easier for me to hear inhuman spirits than human ancestors, but it isn;t impossible. Ancestors require more focus and meditation than inhuman spirits.

Clairsentience- Clear Feeling - People can’t hide their feelings from me when in my presence. I can feel it like a tangible force in the air. I can also feel if someone has committed any terrible acts or would be a threat to me. Taboo acts that would not pertain to me feel way different than dangerous people do, and truly good people shine and sing like a pulsing beacon.  I can also tell what an animal is needing since they communicate with the language of emotion. 

Claircognizance- Clear Knowing - I have always had an uncanny ability to know things I shouldn’t be able to know, either through dreams, visions, or simple gut feelings. These can be events happening at the same time of the vision, or years before the event happens. I have known about deaths (and have even been able to prevent a few because of it), births, elections, infidelity, crimes, and many other happenings where I found my visions to be extremely useful. 

All stories from my perspective posted on this page are true. As for the recounted tales from my family and friends, all I can offer is the promise that I have retold them in as exact details as I can (can’t promise they didn’t lie to me though, and some stories have been retold through the years amongst the family, so the universal telephone game must be taken into account. But these are as I was told them.) While I *am* working on a piece of fiction based off these stories, these tales will not be in prose, but rather will just be typed up in my free time under no real format, for fun. That being said, Please do not spread my stories without proper credit being made since these will be used in a future novel and are copyrighted to me. 

Other than my paranormal hobby, I also write novels, paint paintings, and am a Game Master for my own table top gaming system made by my husband and me. I live with my husband, brother, step-brother, and my two cats in a lovely little apartment that is not haunted by anything other than the various haunted items I have in my collection. (Yeah, I have an ever-growing collection of haunted items that I inherited from other people too afraid to own them, bucket list check!) I look forward to reaching out and getting to know you guys in the tumblr paranormal community. I will try to post regularly but to be honest I am the WORST at it so don’t expect miracles lol. Also don’t expect flawless prose or spelling, I am doing this for fun. I’m a writer, not an editor. You’ve been warned.  

Anyway, welcome to the page. Feel free to share any of your experiences you may have had in your life in comments, and shoot me a message if you feel inclined to do so, I don’t bite. I don’t tolerate any rude or argumentative nonsense, if you don’t believe that is fine but I don’t have time to argue. I will simply block you and move on.

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