

Here I go again, with a new chance to ruin everything. I still have you in my mind and all my doubts, all my insecurities, all the mistakes I made. You’re still in my life even though you are long gone. And I don’t know how to stop you being a part of the new me.

But I deserve to be free for him.

Inside of me“I look up at the sky, wondering if I’ll catch a glimpse of kindness there, but I don&rs

Inside of me

“Ilook up at the sky, wondering if I’ll catch a glimpse of kindness there, but I don’t. All I see are indifferent summer clouds drifting over the Pacific. And they have nothing to say to me. Clouds are always taciturn. I probably shouldn’t be looking up at them. What I should be looking at is inside of me. Like staring down into a deep well. Can I see kindness there? No, all I see is my own nature. My own individual, stubborn, uncooperative, often self-centered nature that still doubts itself—that, when troubles occur, tries to find something funny, or something nearly funny, about the situation. I’ve carried this character around like an old suitcase, down a long, dusty path. I’m not carrying it because I like it. The contents are too heavy, and it looks crummy, fraying in spots. I’ve carried it with me because there was nothing else I was supposed to carry. Still, I guess I have grown attached to it. As you might expect.”

Haruki Murakami,What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

(Illustration by D. B. Abacahin)

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Would you come back to me again? Because I hope so, desperately.

Maybe I don’t know exactly what I want, but I have no doubts about what I don’t want.

On the first week of supervising kids, a school in the middle of nowhere and my new friends

I don’t know how did it happen, but I am working on a summer language camp. And it is the most varied experience I have ever had. It all started last Sunday. We were sent to Brunel university for a couple of days and I had to go there straight after the mass at St Mary’s. It was not easy at all and I was crying the whole way from the church to Euston Square station, brokenhearted. My bag’s wheel…

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Advice For Everyone - Mostly For Beginners

  • It´s alright to doubt yourself, natural and good even. Someone who is always 100% convinced of themselves and what they believe in… well let´s be honest, either they are faking it or they are so absorbed in themselves, which isn´t good either.

  • There is no right or wrong way to be a witch, a tarot reader, or whatever you aspire to be. Honestly, everyone who says that certain things have strict rules that you absolutely have to follow don´t really do themselves nor others anything good.

  • It´s always good and important to get information out of many different sources. There is no set path in stone for you to go, unless, of course, you exactly want to follow the example of this person or this certain type of witchcraft. Otherwise, though it´s completely alright to go your own path which might be a mixture out of many different practices you´ve encountered so far.

  • You don´t have to excel in everything. For example, if you call yourself a witch, you don´t need to be perfect in everything which being a witch can entail but doesn´t have to. Maybe you are great at sensing energies but cannot perform a spell at all - No worries, you are still a witch. The same goes for anything else. Maybe you refer to yourself as a clairvoyant and are good at laying tarot but cannot use a pendulum - Still you are a clairvoyant. No one you will ever meet will be able to do anything, so don´t worry about it.

  • Do you ever worry if witchcraft or what else you believe in might not be real after all and just pure coincidence? In the end, it shouldn´t be important if it´s real or true in whatever way, as long as it makes you happy nothing of that matters. As long as whatever you do and believe in doesn´t hurt others you should never stop doing it.


Being human means having doubts and yet still continuing on your path. -Brida, Paulo Coelho

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.“ - Michael Phelps

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Having a long distance relationship is more complicated than I expected. We have a lot of communication, we talk to each other all the time, and from now on we will talk to each other on Skype.

Everything is really perfect, I trust him and I know he won’t hurt me, but…

My huge problem is temptation. Since he left, many guys talked to me again, to see me, to do things we used to do.
I’m having doubts about my strenght and my love for him. I want to be with him, I don’t want to break up, but I don’t want to hurt him and I am afraid of being weak. We are 1 of 12 months officialy apart (or maybe more) and I can tell you that I won’t cheat on him because I love him. The only chance I have to do it is when I loose myself drinking and everytime Im myself but drinking I only remember how much I miss him and how special he is to me.

Not as alone as I felt before, but my boyfriend is already gone. He went to study abroad for a year, but he just booked his ticket to go there, not to come back. I’m kinda worried about it, I know he doesn’t want to stay in our country his whole life and I don’t want that for me either, but I’m still too young to move away and he is not.

We talked about our relationship and agreed to continue together as he lives in Spain. I’m not worried about him cheating on me, I’m worried about that our distant relationship doesn’t work the way we both want to, he already had bad experiences with his ex-girlfriend (who studied abroad and cheated on him) so as he told me many times, when that happened it was hard for him, so I guess he won’t do the same to me, because he is an older man and he is suposed to be mature enough to think about his life decisions. I trust him.


I don’t need to carry a passport—

Never had one for flu shots before.

Vaccination, if it really works,

Lessens symptoms and not more.

So how many shots do I need?

What’s this Russian roulette’s price?

When will experts all consider

Everyone’s well-being should suffice?

I don’t need to be given mixed messages:

Certain pills are good, or er.. maybe not.

Have scientists sidetracked to politics

And the greater good completely forgot?

I get mad that folks don’t realize

Wearing masks is for protection.

No, it’s not about natural rights;

It’s to stop self- and others’ infection.

But I don’t blame them for the doubts—

No one likes being manipulated.

It’s ironic your greatest suspicion

Is when you’re being vaccinated.

Ladies and gentlemen
After years of wondering, I can say without a doubt
I am gay for moleman

Today is the day that I pick up “the” gloves again… #nostalgic #doubts #boxing ne

Today is the day that I pick up “the” gloves again… #nostalgic #doubts #boxing new #chapter

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