
Inktober 2019 Day 17: Ornament #artbylarinel #pikaplusmin #artistsoninstagram #artph #inktober #inkt

Inktober 2019 Day 17: Ornament
#artbylarinel #pikaplusmin #artistsoninstagram #artph #inktober #inktober2019 #ornament #decoration #holiday #christmas #countdown #ball #holly #star #poinsettia #candycane #christmaslights

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Anybody else remember those paintbrushes from Neopets? Well, I tried a Christmas one on Eldegoss and Gossifleur here; they’re looking pretty festive now, aren’t they? =D

All I own here is the art; likes, reblogs, comments & critique are welcome!

Juicy poinsettias… forbidden grapes… forbidden honey… forbidden cheeto dust&hel

Juicy poinsettias… forbidden grapes… forbidden honey… forbidden cheeto dust… smh.

The seeds on my salmon poinsettia were falling off, so I picked the loose ones before they get my window sill all sticky. Apparently once they are all brown and dried out, the seeds inside these seed pods will be ready for planting. I have no idea what they will look like inside there lol, but I’m excited nonetheless. The smell of this poinsettia is something like the smell of dark chocolate, so it was very tempting to lick the pollen and juice off my fingers. (But I didn’t!)

Also it looks like my red poinsettia is making a new bloom!! So late in the season!! Idk what to do! I was going to repot them into their larger pots, but if it’s about to flower maybe I should wait it out… my room never has seasons anyway, I always keep it as warm as I can, so I’m wondering if this will mess with the poinsettias’ annual cycles… They require pure darkness in the evening in fall, but if the temperature is wrong, idk if I will get them to bloom again properly… (I was kinda using them as a test run for when I plant another green plant that requires special dark hours as well but maybe I’m better off planting those ones outside.)

Anyway, once the pink one is done with growing the last seed pods, I will repot that one, and probably the red one at the same time. I have the pots and plant stands all ready for ‘em, I’m just impatiently waiting for the seeds. (And also hoping I can get some of the seeds to acclimate to our outdoors weather!)
How are YOUR poinsettias holding up?
#plant #plants #indoorgardening #indoorplants #poinsettia #poinsettias #variegated #poinsettiaseeds #poinsettiapropagation #euphorbiaceae #euphorbiapulcherrima #pandemicgardening #winter #houseplant #houseplants #seedpods #seedcollection #seeds #flowers #blooms #bracts

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Poinsettia seed progress!!Only my peachy poinsettia bloomed (apparently my variegated one had alre

Poinsettia seed progress!!

Only my peachy poinsettia bloomed (apparently my variegated one had already bloomed when I got it, cuz the flowers just fell off when I touched them, back when I was pollinating the peach one)….
Anyway, January 1 was the first time I noticed that the seed pods started forming! And already just over a week later (today, January 9), they have so much definition! Gonna be exciting to see them form, and if they grow after I harvest them! It was SUCH a sticky process - the poinsettia yellow flowers (not the pink bracts) have a natural hole under them that weeps a clear sticky sap…. I thought just clearing the fallen leaves was sticky, but pollinating?? It’s like dipping my fingertips into honey and then into shredded broccoli florets. Such a mess lmao.

Once the seed pods have fully formed and I’ve harvested them, I’ll repot the poinsettias into the nice big pots I already have set up. I just LOVE how bushy and full these plants are, hopefully I can keep them this way!

#poinsettia #poinsettiaseeds #poinsettiapropagation #seedpods #euphorbiaceae #plant #plants #plantprogress #progress #indoorgardening #indoorplants #pink

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Cleaned up my plants and windowsills!The bigge boi is my dream plant, a Dragon’s Blood Tree

Cleaned up my plants and windowsills!

The bigge boi is my dream plant, a Dragon’s Blood Tree (“Dracaena draco”), and he weighs like 60+ pounds, MINIMUM, I s2g. I’m amazed I was able to deadlift him up the whole stairway (in a very smooth pot with no grips) when I could barely move him 5 feet into the house after potting him last month. (And the grow light is there because I don’t think it’s quite enough sunlight, but he’s been doing well inside with NO direct light for the past month, so…)

I also have 2 new Poinsettias (“Euphorbia pulcherrima”) bc I’m all about that #tropicallyfe !! One’s a pinky salmon colour, and the other is red and white variegated “Mexican Flameleaf”. My mom also has a classic red one we’re gonna try to plant in the yard after it stops blooming.

My “Cordyline indivisa” got his pot painted gold finally to match all my shit. He’s looking REALLY great and has grown A LOT. I feel bad that his brother I kept outside died last spring, but that’s why I kept them separate!

I also got a Christmas Cactus (“Schlumbergera bridgesii”) and unfortunately did not have a pot big enough for all 4 of them to stay together, so I had to separate them out, and now their flowers and buds are dropping off. But better that than staying in the gross nursery pot. (I know, they like to be pot-bound, but I can’t keep a black nursery pot inside, it’s not #aesthetic .)

My other plants are still kickin’ - Persian Shield plants (“Strobilanthus”) and Dark Star Coleus (“Coleus”). I tried propagating both from a clipping, but I think it’s too cold for them downstairs… so. The jury’s still out on those. (Also pictured: Arrowhead Plant/“Syngonium podophyllum” and Rubber Plant/“Ficus elastica”).

I still have a bunch more plant-organizing to do on my vanity counter, so stay tuned for that. (But only if I stop procrastinating it.)

#plants #indoorgardening #indoorplants #plantlyfe #organization #dracaenadraco #dracaena #dragonsbloodtree #dragontree #euphorbiapulcherrima #euphorbia #euphorbiaceae #poinsettia #tropicalplants #cordyline #cordylineindivisa #dracaenaspikes #schlumbergera #schlumbergerabridgesii #christmascactus #persianshield #coleus

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The poinsettia plant!

The poinsettia plant!

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holiday cheer for your feed (:

holiday cheer for your feed (:

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Non c’è niente da fare, le stelle di natale mettono tantissima allegria, e da sole riescono già a contagiare parte di quel calore che ci avvolge durante le feste. Io le adoro, perciò le regalo quando posso, e visto che quelle vere non mi bastano, ogni anno ne creo alcune a mano.
Se mi seguite da un po’ conoscerete già qualche mio vecchio tutorial… oggi, invece, sono qui per presentarvene uno nuovo! Nella rivista Ci piace cucinare di questa settimana (è bellissima, non sto scherzando, e costa solo 80 centesimi) trovate tutte le indicazioni (e il template) per creare queste stelle di natale per le vostre decorazioni natalizie, e a questo link trovate una playlist da ascoltare mentre le preparate… Per chi desidera canzoni per Natale che non siano le solite canzoni di Natale!

La leggenda narra che un bambino molto povero il 25 dicembre entrò in una chiesa per offrire un dono a Gesù nel giorno della sua nascita. Dal momento che si vergognava tristemente per quella sua piantina misera e incolore, una lacrima gli sfuggì e finì fra quei ramoscelli che un miracolo trasformò nel fiore più rosso e bello che i suoi occhi avessero mai visto.
Esistono altre versioni di questa storia molto bella, ma tutte partono da delle piantine povere o erbacce: e il bello è che, anche in questa versione, i materiali che potete usare sono tantissimi: solo in questa foto vedete carta, gomma crepla glitterata, pannolenci e anche pagine di un vecchio libro, perciò via con i materiali di riciclo per fare lo stesso miracolo!

Anche gli utilizzi sono molteplici… Qui vedete alcuni esempi per le vostre tavole delle feste, in particolare il portatovagliolo (perché non scrivere i nomi su una delle foglie, in modo che diventi anche un elegantissimo segnaposto?) Io le ho utilizzate anche sull’albero di Natale, per decorare i pacchetti e come fermatende. E l’effetto è assicurato!


Perciò cosa aspettate? Correte a comprare Ci piace cucinare, è una rivista fantastica e ho menzionato che costa solo 80 centesimi?
E ricordate di seguirmi su facebook e instagram, per idee sempre nuove.
Buone stelle a tutti!

Stella di Natale – Il Tutorial più bello e una playlist per Natale Non c'è niente da fare, le stelle di natale mettono tantissima allegria, e da sole riescono già a contagiare parte di quel calore che ci avvolge durante le feste.


Poinsettia oddball of the year. It’s an ordinary red coloring up red with pink splotches

I decked the halls of the little tabletop beach house ‍♀️ Couldn’t help it hehe ❇️⭕⛱️❇️⭕⛱️❇️⭕⛱

I decked the halls of the little tabletop beach house ‍♀️ Couldn’t help it hehe

#ChristmasDecor #BeachLife #Holly #ChristmasDecorations #Poinsettia #BeachHouseChristmas #Xmas

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There’s an adoption sale going on over on my Facebook this afternoon!If you love #christmas

There’s an adoption sale going on over on my Facebook this afternoon!
If you love #christmas and #dragons you don’t want to miss out!

#christmasshopping #christmasgifts #christmasornaments #greenandred #dragonshop #dragonsforsale #giftshopping #artgifts #christmascolors #poinsettia #christmasdragon #dragonsforchristmas

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#Repost @juliahatmaker with @get_repost ・・・ The pink poinsettias were my favorite flower at Longwood

#Repost @juliahatmaker with @get_repost
The pink poinsettias were my favorite flower at Longwood Gardens yesterday.
#pink #poinsettia #poinsettias #flowers #flowerstagram #nature #garden #longwoodgardens #longwood

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