




i do genuinely think you’re a bad person, like, morally if you donated to ao3

like not only does ao3 host literal child porn and yall are just fine with this but every single time ao3 asks for donations they make triple what they’re asking for and then somehow are asking for donations again a few months later. and then they triple their goal again. and again. and again.

meanwhile yall wont even reblog a donation post let alone help the people who actually need it. you’d rather line the pockets of people who certainly do not need it than show the tiniest bit of compassion for poor people. its sickening.

anyway hi im rukeli and im an unemployed, disabled, poc with no fuckin money and i need food and to pay rent this month. if ao3 can reach their goals so can i

paypal (ignore deadname)

venmo: wormpoet


tarot readings

Experimenting with color using my wizardsona ⭐️

Some people make wizardsonas to cope


Here is the last two!

Harmony replaces pasqually as a drummer to even out the band gender wise and make it more inclusive by having her be the tomboyish brute of the gang

Crusty is back and is an antagonist on another show stage to medal with the band kinda like Rolf the wolf. He’s just an edgy cat that likes to poke fun at them especially chuck since he’s a mouse and crusty wants to eat him and all

Also dw pasqually still exists he is just over the kitchen entrance in his portrait form and acts like how he originally did by announcing orders


Crusty the Cat my beloved

funny-clown-cat: i drew a quick crusty


i drew a quick crusty

Post link


top ten crusty silly moments



Yellow school bus abandoned in the forest … #bnw #abandoned #abandonedbus #schoolbus #bnwmood

Yellow school bus abandoned in the forest … #bnw #abandoned #abandonedbus #schoolbus #bnwmood #bnw_planet #crusty #bnw_captures #bnw_of_our_world #bnw_photography #igersbnw #thingsfoundinthewoods #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #blackandwhitephotography

Post link