#crystal reference


Crystals for Dissociation and Derelization !

  1. Sodalite : logic, calmness, truth
  2. Black onyx: cantering, self control
  3. Unakite: grounding
  4. Aquamarine: clears confusion
  5. Dumortierite: stops detachment, clears a scattered mind
  6. Snowy Quartz: stops overwhelming and limitating emotions
  7. Tree agate: relaxation, cleansing, Balancing, grounding, awakens perception and awareness, clears mind
  8. Blue tiger eye: sharpens senses, helps with detachment, stress reducer, shows you the big picture / the truth
  9. Blue Calcite: aids in healing mental disorders, calms
  10. Apache tear: balances emotions, grounding
  11. Chrysophase: aids in healing mental disorders, healing, rids of negative thoughts