

Daroga: I have the social skills of a stag beetle.

Daroga: Erik, when someone asks you if you’re a Phantom, you say YES!

Erik: Do you care if I take the skin off the furby? I want to make him a god. Once he is free from his sinful flesh he can begin the path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.

Erik: Also I want to softhack his circuits.

Daroga: I could literally not care less but please don’t saying anything that frightening ever again.

Erik: You have to stop watching so much anime, Christine!

Christine: Nani the fuck are you talking about?

Erik: That. That is exactly what i’m talking about.

(This just popped in my head so uh…)

Erik: You read my journal?!

Christine: At first, I didn’t know it was your journal. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.

Erik: A vodka for me and uh… she’ll have a juice box.

Christine: Erik, I’m 16.


Christine: I can order my own juice box.

Raoul: Stop tying to rain on my rainbow.

Erik: You need rain to make a rainbow, you absolute moron.

Raoul:Don’t you use science on me!

Christine: There’s only one thing worse than dying.

Christine, rips off paper to reveal ‘Raoul dying’: Boom.



Daroga: Are you talking to yourself?

Erik:Yes, it is the only way I can have an intelligent conversation.

Christine: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.

Erik: Killed without hesitation?

Daroga, to Erik: If you slit my throat tonight, I’m gonna have a hard time forgiving you.

Erik: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.

Meg: I’m too gay for this.

Christine: For what?

Meg: *gestures vaguely at everything*

Daroga: Why’d you do that?

Erik: Do what?

Daroga: Get stabbed.

Erik: Because somebody stabbed me…?

teef-soup:Nadir <3
Erik is flattered by your appreciation. ((I apologize for the lateness of this, a lot of personal th

Erik is flattered by your appreciation.

((I apologize for the lateness of this, a lot of personal things came up this summer))

Post link



You know, every so often I rewatch Llamas with Hats and I’m reminded how much of the dialogue reminds me of stuff Erik and Nadir might say to each other.

Like convince me that this doesn’t sound like a conversation they might have:

Nadir: Erik! There is a dead person in our house.

Erik: Oh, hey, how did he get here?

Nadir:Erik.What did you do?

Erik: Me? Uh, I didn’t do this.

Nadir: Explain what happened, Erik.

Erik: I’ve never seen him before in my life.

Nadir: Why did you kill this person, Erik?

Erik: I do not kill people. That is, that is my least favorite thing to do.

Nadir: Tell me, Erik, exactly what you were doing before I got home.

Erik: Alright, well I was upstairs.

Nadir: Okay.

Erik: I was sitting in my room.

Nadir: Yes.

Erik: I was reading a book.

Nadir: Go on.

Erik: And, well, this guy walked in.

Nadir: Okay.

Erik: So I went up to him.

Nadir: Yes.

Erik: And I, uh, stabbed him 37 times in the chest.


Someone draw it. PLEASE.

#oh my god    #its true    #its them    #phunnies    #phantom of the opera    #daroga    


Not only would I LOVE to see an adaptation of Phantom of the Opera that actually has the Persian in it, but I would especially love it if he’d spent half the adaptation totally, completely, and 1000% done with everyone’s melodramatic bullshit. 

teef-soup:Nadir <3
#phanart    #daroga    #phantom of the opera    

Some Pharoga Hurt/Comfort

for #poto queer week 2022

muirin007: Inspmuirin007: Inspmuirin007: Insp