#romance time


Date somebody who always wants to know your location. Not in a demanding way, but just always wants to know where you are in case something happens.

Date idea: it’s the first day at your new house, they come in with the pizza you ordered and they place it on the ground in your empty soon to be dining room. You two eat on the ground, in your house.

Date idea: staying in bed cuddling all day with the rain in the background while you chat all day.

Date idea: he hits you up at 2 am on Thursday early morning with a Snapchat. You open it days later, left him on read. Then he Snapchat’s you again a week and a bit later on a Sunday at 9 pm. You wanting to know what it is, but not giving him the satisfaction of him having power over you.

Date idea: getting coffee or smoothie & driving around with music & talking all night.

#date idea    #dating    #dates ideas    #dates idea    #date ideas    #a helpless romantic    #romantic    #romance    #romantic things    #romance time    #coffee    #smoothie    #music date    #coffee date    #smoothie date    