#devine feminine


Your own personal romantic timeline:

(Follow these steps to go from a healthy dating life to a healthy romantic relationship)

• Step 2: Analyze your list. See if you’re actually ready to begin your dating-relationship journey.

If followed correctly, you’ve looked inward when creating your list. So the important questions to ask yourself now is:

-Do you normally attract a person of this caliber?

-Are you the type of dream partner this “person” is asking for on their list?

-What similarities do you and your dream partner share?

-Does your lifestyle match with theirs?

-What do you offer in love for this person, are you giving as much as you’d like to receive?

After asking yourself these questions, if you’ve answered yes to them all, congratulations, you are ready to begin your dating-healthy relationship journey.

If you answered no, to one or more, you are not ready to begin yet. But DON’T dim or change your list. Take a good look at it and realize, this is exactly what you want.

You wrote it, so this is what your inner woman desires.

Day to day, you dim and change your list; settling for less because you’re desperate for companionship but come out disappointed in every failed relationship.

Now you take back your energy.

Now you focus on what you truly want.

Stick with your list.

Just take it and give yourself time to achieve and level up. You want this person, prepare to receive them. Create the life you know you need to live to attract them.

Then when ready, ask yourself these questions again.

Femininity Tip 6:

  • Sensuality≠Sex Appeal. Babe, stop being afraid to see how sexy you are. You are a woman for god’s sake, the most powerful being on the planet. Embrace your sex appeal.
  • Maybe you think you’re a woman who lacks this because you’ve never turned her on or you’ve never tried but here’s a tip to bring out your sexy side.
  • Go into your room, lock the door, turn on your favorite sensual song, find a mirror;any mirror (floor length mirror recommended), get completely naked and take a look at yourself.
  • Embrace your body, sway your hips to the music, make yourself feel as if you’re the woman singing the song, feel your inner femininity that has been waiting to escape your body. Exude your sex appeal, sis.
  • Take as long as you need, tell yourself that you’re beautiful as many times as you can, eye yourself and pretend that you’re standing naked in front of your dreamman/woman.
  • Sensual song suggestions:

Beyonce - Dance For You,

HER - Say It Again,

Lolo Zouaï - Desert Rose,

Rihanna - Yeah, I Said It,

Teyana Taylor - 69

  • (Dos:be sexy, compliment yourself, be confident, embrace your body, embrace the woman you are.)
  • (Don’ts:be afraid of your body, be afraid of your sex appeal, be afraid to be sexy; it isn’t a crime.)

Femininity Tip 5:

  • Panty drawer. You knew it was coming. Clean out your panty drawer, sis. Right now. Go ahead, get up and do it. Yes, you.
  • Throw away those old panties that you’ve had for multiple years now. There isn’t any reason why there should be holes, strings, stains or runs in your luxurious panties. The home and cloths for your lady friend.
  • A lady should change out all underwear every six months, if financially able. Though if not, hand in hand with hygiene, you want to make sure your panties are always fresh, clean and looking brand new.
  • Invest in your panty drawer, your will thank you.
  • Best fabrics for a healthy lady friend:100% Cotton.
  • (Do’s: buy new panties, step out of your comfort zone and buy sexy panties, pink thongs, red panties.)
  • (Don’ts:old panties, stains, tears, runs, granny panties.)

Your own personal romantic timeline:

(Follow these steps to go from a healthy dating life to a healthy romantic relationship.)

• Step 1:Write out your list for your dream partner.

This is the most important part. This sets all your frogs away from your king/queen/them.Here you will set your boundaries as far as looks, occupation, religion, height, mindset, mentality, beliefs, family life, etc.

This is where you get selfish, this is where you write down exactly what you want from your dream partner and from your dream romantic relationship.

Be realistic here.

It’s most important to look inward in this moment.

Femininity Tip 4:

  • Confidence≠Ego.Nothing exudes femininity more than a confident woman. Now, don’t misconstrue confidence with arroganceorego.
  • Confidence is walking into a full room of people knowing your worth and knowing you are an astonishing woman but also being polite to everyone there.
  • Giving a small smile and a warm hello to everyone who approaches you. Smiling at others who are seemingly just as nervous as you might be on the inside.
  • This is what sets you apart.
  • A lot of people think that being a confident, feminine woman requires you to be mean and unapproachable but being able to balance between being confident and empathic is being a true femininewoman.
  • Mean girls aren’t confident, they’re arrogant and close-minded. Both factors which are simply a mask for insecurity.
  • Examples of “visually” confident≠empathic women: Beyonce, Jhené Aiko, etc.
  • Pay attention to how these women provide warm smiles and soft hellos when in crowded places, red carpets, etc.
  • (Do’s:stand tall, raise your neck and look straight ahead, straighten your back, smiles, warm hello’s, acknowledge others, mirrors.)
  • (Don’ts: ignore, roll your eyes, shoo people away, think your better than anyone, slouch, look down, nervous/insecure gestures, talk about being better than others, gossiping.)

Your own personal romantic timeline:

(Follow these steps to go from a healthy dating life to a healthy romantic relationship.)

Step 4:Ask important questions.

If you’ve gotten this far in your romantic timeline, you are now beginning to date and you are actively looking for your dream partner.

This is the key step in your timeline to go from healthy dating to a healthy romantic relationship.

You must ask questions. No, not just anyquestions.

Yes, their favorite color or favorite place to vacation might be cool and interesting for small talk but you want real information. This deciphers between frogs and your dream partner.

If a person you’re dating answers anything different from what’s been placed on your list of personal wants, you know exactly what to do.

Best questions to ask as during a date:

  • What’s your relationship like with your mother or any leading lady figures in your life?
  • How often do you speak with your family?
  • Do you want a family of your own one day?
  • What are your views on homosexuality/lgbtq+?
  • What kind of hobbies do you take part in?
  • Are you religious?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • What are your views on gender roles?
  • Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  • How well are you in social settings?
  • Are you skilled at communication and comprehension during disagreements?
  • Are you okay with being wrong sometimes? And admitting when you are?
  • What comes first in your life; ego or empathy?
  • What’s your zodiac sign? (Very important. LMAO!)

Your own personal romantic timeline:

(Follow these steps to go from a healthy dating life to a healthy romantic relationship.)

Step 3: After analyzing your list and coming to your conclusion, if your list and answers say you ARE ready to date, begin to actively look for this person.

This isn’t a Disney movie, a healthy romantic relationship will not just fall into your lap. For some, maybe, but we’re being realistic here. Actively look for this person.

- Date multiple people.

- Get phone numbers.

- Ask questions. (Most important, ask about family life, ask about beliefs.)

- Go for your type. (It’s okay to decline if someone doesn’t meet your preferences- physically and mentally.)

- Stop feeling obligated. (If a person doesn’t fit your list, stop texting/talking with them.)

- Stop being afraid to be rejected. (Everyone has been rejected before, even the person you’ve been rejected by.)

- Stop becoming too attached so quickly. (If they aren’t checking all boxes on your list, you shouldn’t be falling for them. That’s just setting yourself up for failure.)

You have the blueprint/map for your ideal partner so there’s no way you can fall for a frogwhile dating. The only way to fail, is to lower your standards and go against the list you’ve created for yourself. Stop going against your list and get the person you truly want.

Healthy Romantic Relationship Tip 5:

  • Anger/Rudeness/Disrespect.This is something that’s rarely talked about because it’s completely overlooked within most relationships. But, NEVER disrespect your partner. Not out of anger, not out of pettiness, not in a joking manner, never.
  • Now, everyone has emotions and feelings and sometimes you’re just not having a good day. We’ve all been there before but the key to any healthy romantic relationship is learning how to control those emotions and feelings.
  • If you feel yourself becoming too upset or angry at the moment, step away, go for a drive, listen to music, explain/communicate to your partner, “Baby, it’s not the time. I’m having a day.
  • There’s many alternative routes to take before becoming rude/disrespectful to your partner. And the moment you decide to disrespect your partner for any reason, is the moment your relationship becomes unhealthy and you lose respect for one another.
  • When angry or upset, as humans, we sometimes tend to say things that we do not mean, causing disrespect or rudeness. For some, this may seem minimal and not too big of a deal but it is because you can nevertake those words back once you say them. This will hinder not only your relationship but the way your partner feels about you.
  • Your partner will never forget your words whether they took them well or not. That’s why it’s important to take alternative routes to continue a healthy relationship.
  • (Do’s:step away if you become too angry, communicate to your partner what’s going on.)
  • (Dont’s:swear/curse at your partner, call your partner names, disrespect your partner because you’re angry, feel the need to hit below the belt.)

Generally, if disrespect comes easy to you toward your partner, the relationship has already become unhealthy and it’s best to step away. You should never feel comfortable disrespecting anyone you love dearly.

Femininity Tip 8:

  • Submission.Listen babe, stop blaming your lack of submission on other people. It’s all us and we know it.
  • We were taught to be independent and do everything for ourselves but this is because we come from women who “did everything themselves.” We were taught tobe a strongwoman, just like thembut baby, I’m here to tell you that those days are through.
  • As long as your submission isn’t fumbling your finances or messing with your bank account, exude that submissive energy.
  • Let him do it.
  • Submission has been objectified and we’ve seemed to have lost the true meaning.
  • Submission has never been inferior, submission makes you superior. And this does not apply to just relationships, you can use your submissive energy daily. Even as a single woman. Especially as a single woman.
  • Homework: Allow that random man to open your door, allow that guy to carry your groceries, allow that dude to pay your tab at the register. You’re a woman for god’s sake, a feminine woman, a queen. If you wanted to do it yourself, you could, we all know that but you’re not. You’re way too pretty for that.
  • As a feminine woman, the only thing you should be worried about is what nail color you’re going to get next week. Let the men, do a man’s job and trust me babe, they’ll enjoy every moment of it. Men love to feel needed.
  • (Do’s:saying “yes”, “it’s so heavy”, allow a man to do it for you.)
  • (Don’ts:saying “no”, do everything for yourself.)

Femininity Tip 7:

  • Voice/Tone.Babe, soften up that voice. You know that voice you put on when you’re talking to your crush, yeah, that one. Use that voice all day, everyday. This voice is the voice that makes you a feminine woman in any room. At any time.
  • If there’s any thing that exudes femininity, it’s the soft, knowledgeable voice, leaving your luxurious lips. It’ll make everyone around you see you for who you are, the feminine woman you long to be.
  • Feminine woman have kind eyes, kind mannerisms and extremely kind voices. Soft voices pull you in and make people extremely comfortable around you. It also makes people want to respect you because they see you as a warm, kind and seductive woman.
  • Women who “seemingly” apply this to their everyday careers: (Ari Lennox, Jhené Aiko, Janet Jackson, Beyoncé.)
  • Your voice doesn’t have to be extremely high but you don’t want it to be too low. Find your balance and picture yourself speaking with your favorite person/crush. That voice is your femininevoice.
  • (Do’s:Hum, drink water, speak slowly and softly, speak quieter to reach your seductive tone)
  • (Don’ts:speak too loudly,speak too lowly, speak too quickly.)