#rich living


Your own personal romantic timeline:

(Follow these steps to go from a healthy dating life to a healthy romantic relationship)

• Step 2: Analyze your list. See if you’re actually ready to begin your dating-relationship journey.

If followed correctly, you’ve looked inward when creating your list. So the important questions to ask yourself now is:

-Do you normally attract a person of this caliber?

-Are you the type of dream partner this “person” is asking for on their list?

-What similarities do you and your dream partner share?

-Does your lifestyle match with theirs?

-What do you offer in love for this person, are you giving as much as you’d like to receive?

After asking yourself these questions, if you’ve answered yes to them all, congratulations, you are ready to begin your dating-healthy relationship journey.

If you answered no, to one or more, you are not ready to begin yet. But DON’T dim or change your list. Take a good look at it and realize, this is exactly what you want.

You wrote it, so this is what your inner woman desires.

Day to day, you dim and change your list; settling for less because you’re desperate for companionship but come out disappointed in every failed relationship.

Now you take back your energy.

Now you focus on what you truly want.

Stick with your list.

Just take it and give yourself time to achieve and level up. You want this person, prepare to receive them. Create the life you know you need to live to attract them.

Then when ready, ask yourself these questions again.

Femininity Tip 8:

  • Submission.Listen babe, stop blaming your lack of submission on other people. It’s all us and we know it.
  • We were taught to be independent and do everything for ourselves but this is because we come from women who “did everything themselves.” We were taught tobe a strongwoman, just like thembut baby, I’m here to tell you that those days are through.
  • As long as your submission isn’t fumbling your finances or messing with your bank account, exude that submissive energy.
  • Let him do it.
  • Submission has been objectified and we’ve seemed to have lost the true meaning.
  • Submission has never been inferior, submission makes you superior. And this does not apply to just relationships, you can use your submissive energy daily. Even as a single woman. Especially as a single woman.
  • Homework: Allow that random man to open your door, allow that guy to carry your groceries, allow that dude to pay your tab at the register. You’re a woman for god’s sake, a feminine woman, a queen. If you wanted to do it yourself, you could, we all know that but you’re not. You’re way too pretty for that.
  • As a feminine woman, the only thing you should be worried about is what nail color you’re going to get next week. Let the men, do a man’s job and trust me babe, they’ll enjoy every moment of it. Men love to feel needed.
  • (Do’s:saying “yes”, “it’s so heavy”, allow a man to do it for you.)
  • (Don’ts:saying “no”, do everything for yourself.)