#dionysus worship


Oración a Dionisio X - Dios Fanes

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La creación es el acto libre de tu divina bondad, Señor Dionisio Fanes. Cuando nada era, sólo tú vivías en tu sublime autosuficiencia. Tú eres el padre de los Sátiros y Ménades, y los humanos son tuyos.

Tú has revestido de luz los reinos celestiales y has creado la tierra, las aguas, las plantas, los animales y los hombres. Tú determinaste el curso del sol, la luna, las estrellas, y las estaciones. Tú sostienes la tierra y el firmamento para evitar el caos. Tú haces que la luna fluctúe en su brillo, y que las mareas fluyan y se desplacen. Tú haces que el viento y las nubes se arremolinen. Tú has creado el mundo corpóreo y el espiritual, oh Creador de todo lo que respira y no respira.

Tú creaste al hombre e insuflaste vida en su cuerpo por tu sacrificio, ¡Oh Zagreo! Le has dotado el poder de pensar y la libertad de la voluntad. El hombre, has dicho, es el más grande y el mejor de tu creación. Eres el redentor del mundo y de los hombres, con tu guía y tu ayuda, ellos buscan la unión íntima y definitiva contigo.

¡Que los pueblos de la tierra te rindan homenaje! ¡Que las lenguas te alaben con todas sus palabras! ¡Que te bendigan los despreciados que acuden a ti! ¡Que los homosexuales hallen consuelo en el Dios de la Gloria!

Tú eres el Padre, el Hermano, el Amante, y el Señor de la creación y, con un cuidado y una protección infalibles e indivisibles, te ocupas del bienestar de todos nosotros con el tierno cuidado de un creador amoroso. El homenaje y la adoración, la alabanza y la glorificación sean para ti, oh Bromios Arretos.

I - Oración de los Hombres Homosexuales

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Señor Dionisos, amante del Sátiro Ampelos.

Señor Cernunnos, encarnación perfecta de la virilidad.

¡Los invocamos con amor devocional!

Estamos agradecidos por el regalo de nuestras vidas y por el don de ser homosexuales.

Cada uno de nosotros ha sido creado con dignidad y valor, según sus designios.

Estamos llamados a amarnos de una manera especial, con una fuerza única entre machos de verdad.

Creemos en la riqueza de poder disfrutar de diferentes maneras, ya sea por amor o lujuria.

Y sólo por eso, somos condenados. ¡Que su furor sin piedad caiga sobre los que nos quieren matar!

No permitan que nuestro silencio cómplice condene a muerte a muchos de los de nosotros.

Lloramos ante esta pérdida de vidas sin sentido, ¡Prométannos tomar venganza!

Sufrimos cuando los hombres gay son oprimidos, excluidos y avergonzados por personas religiosas que pasan por alto el llamamiento fundamental de la justicia humana.

Pero haremos nuestra propia justicia para que todas las personas puedan vivir con autenticidad e integridad.

Lucharemos para construir un mundo en el que todas las personas, sin importar sus diferencias, sean celebradas y amadas.

Celebramos la diversidad sexual como una bendición que nos enriquece a todos.

El amor nunca excluye. Todos somos dignos, porque nacimos Libres e Iguales.

Dennos la gracia de estar libres de culpa al disfrutar de nuestro amor sin límites.

Que sepamos disfrutar sin vergüenza cuando estamos dentro de un hombre, o cuando sentimos dentro de nosotros la gloria de los sátiros.

Que seamos honestos en nuestras aventuras, para construir mejores lazos entre los hombres.

¡Por sus sagrados y firmes falos! ¡Por amor a sus nombres!

A ti, Señor Eleuterio, gran libertador.

A ti, Dionisio Soter, nuestro único Salvador.

A ti, Macho Astado, Señor del Portal de la Vida.

A ti, Cernunnos Invencible, Señor de la Muerte.

¡Gloria sea en lo profundo del bosque!

Oración a Dioniso IX - Adoración

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Invoco al gran Dionisio, a la fuente del dulce deleite,

Santo y puro, y encantador a la vista.

Danzante, y alado, impetuoso deseo feroz,

Con dioses y mortales te complaces, fuego errante.

Ágil y doble, guardián de la vida

del cielo y de la tierra, del aire y de los mares.

De todo lo que contienen los reinos fértiles de la tierra,

Por el cual las criaturas sostienen la vida,

Ampliamente extendido, de profundos gemidos

Para ti todos los reinos de la naturaleza obedecen,

que gobiernas solo, con dominio universal.

Ven, bendito poder, mira estos fuegos místicos,

y aleja los deseos locos ilícitos

Tu nombre es Amor, un amor apasionado.

Vuelo en alas ligeras hacia el Olimpo, en busca de Ti.

Una vez más, oh Dioniso, que endureces los falos, hazme temblar,

derrama dulcemente tu pasión, y calienta mi corazón.

Extiende tus relucientes alas doradas,

Deja que este mundo conozca tu nombre y se conmueva con él.

La agridulce e irresistible criatura

Que es Dioniso, dios primordial de la fertilidad y el placer.

Si las penas oscuras me hacen languidecer

Haz que mi mejilla pierda su matiz,

En la hora de la más profunda angustia,

Bacos, entonces me afligiré contigo.

Aunque la noche sea oscura y lúgubre

y me parezca tan larga,

susurraría, “no te canses;”

Respira tú, Yaco, una oración por mí.

¡Loa a ti, Señor de la Vida y la Muerte!

every time I open myself up to Dionysus, I realize just in how many areas of my life I can feel his presence, how many times he was guiding me and putting me in situations for a reason.

✵Oh, great liberator! You are a patron, a protector, a healer for all of those kids who fall out of frames, who feel like they don’t belong anywhere.

✵You welcome them into your open arms, guiding them through their trauma, guiding their shadows and fragmented parts back to the center of their souls!

I am one of those kids

and I thank you, I praise you!

For your guidance, for helping me feel whole

and at home


honestly even if you are a “stereotypical” worshipper of a god, you’re still doing great. You’re a Dionysian that likes to get drunk? Good, just be safe! You’re a chaotic bisexual Apollonian? That’s okay! You’re an Ace or lesbian Artemisian who wants to chill in the woods? That’s okay! You’re doing great! You’re an Aphrodite worshipper who’s really into pink, self love, and sea aesthetics? You’re doing lovely!

Your worship isn’t lesser even if it’s what people expect. Your relationship can still be deep and interpersonal. You’re doing amazing — don’t doubt yourself.


Olympian God of wine, vegetation, pleasure, ecstasy, ritualistic madness, wild frenzy, festivity, & theater


Dark-eyed Dionysus,

Bringer of delight,

Who gave sweet wine,

Its joys and its perils to man.

Dionysus, born of Zeus

And unknowning Semele—

Semele, burnt in the flames

Of her lovers splendor,

A brief glimpse of the eternal,

Paid for dearly—

Fearful your wrath, overwhelming

Your gifts, your power.

Dionysus, god who walks

In light and shadow,

I pray to you. Grant me release

From reason,

Strength to step away from safety,

Faith to follow my heart alone,

Will to close my eyes to habit,

To follow impulse,

To let go of comfort,

To welcome change,

To bear what is torn away.

About Dionysus:

  • Symbols: Thyrsos(pine-cone tipped staff), a Drinking Cup, grapevines, & a panther
  • Sacred animals: Leopard, Tiger, Panther, Bull, & Serpent
  • Sacred Plants: Grapevine, ivy, bindweed
  • Retinue: Silenus, Satyrs, Maenads
  • Other names: Bacchus, Lyaeus
  • Cult terms: terms related to his religious praxis

Dionysion:Temple of Dionysus

Lênaion:Temple of Dionysus Lenaeus

Dionysia: Festival of Dionysus

Lênaia:Festival of the Wine-Press

Theoinia:Wine-God Festival

Anthestêria:Festival of the Flowers

Apatouria:Festival of Deception

Lamptêria:Torch Festival

Askôlia:Wine-Skin Festival

Skiereia:Festival of the Shade

Phellos:Festival of the Rocky Land

Astydromia:Town-Running Festival

Bakkheia:Bacchic Revelry

Thyia:Festival of Wild Reveals

Tyrbê: Festival of Tumult

Anthestêriôn: Month of Dionysus Anthesterius

Titles and Epithets

  • Bakkhos(Bacchus):Of Bacchic Frenzy
  • Bakkheios(Baccheus):Of Bacchic Frenzy
  • Lobakkhos(Lobacchus):Of Ritual Bacchic-Cry
  • Iakkhos(Iacchus):Of Ritual Iacchic-Cry
  • Euastêr(Evaster):Of Ritual Euoi-Cry
  • Bromios(Bromius): Noisy, Boisterous
  • Mainolês(Maenoles):Mad, Raging
  • Nyktelios(Nyctelius):Of The Night
  • Lamptêros(Lampterus): Of The Torches
  • Hestiôs(Hestius):Of The Feast
  • Kôlôtês(Colotes):Spotted Gecko
  • Auxitês(Auxites):Giver Of Increase


  • Pinecones
  • Grapes
  • Figs
  • Cinnamon
  • Grape juice
  • Honey
  • Olive oil
  • Apples
  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Curved daggers
  • Pine or frankincense incense
  • Bull horns
  • Snake skin
  • Leopard or tiger print items
  • Theatre masks
  • Percussion instruments
  • Wine Corks
  • Wine labels
  • Ivy leaves
  • Pine needles
  • Apple seeds
  • Toys, photos, art or any other depictions of big cats, bulls, or snakes
  • Amethyst, grape agate, sugilite
  • Hymns
  • Art of him or his sacred animals/plants
  • Art and/or pictures of the Comedy & Tragedy masks

21+ Offerings:

  • Wine
  • Mead
  • Intoxicants

NSFW offerings:

  • Sex toys (he was often worshipped as a giant phallus)
  • Orgasms

Devotional Acts:

  • Watch theatre, musicals, & even movies (especially comedies & dramas)
  • Write a play
  • Learn how wine is made
  • Do fun things
  • Have a party or attend one
  • Donate to help his sacred animals experiencing extinction
  • Research him, read his myths, hymns, poems, etc
  • Write songs, poems, hymns, letters, etc for him
  • Make art for him
  • Embrace your more wild side
  • Do thing’s solely for pleasure
  • Make a playlist for him
  • Throw a feast in his honor
  • Take care of your mental health
  • Be a part of the theatre
  • If youre trans you can dedicate your HRT routine to him & pray for help when feeling dysphoric, Dionysus himself is described as transgender in some myths️‍⚧️
  • Go to pride️‍⚧️️‍, or just be proud of yourself in general if your not in the lgbtia+ community
  • Wear wreathes of ivy
  • Wear faux leopard or tiger print
  • Wear the color purple
  • Pray to him for protection especially when drunk or high, and for relaxation, improving mental health, fertility, ecstasy, and for everything to go well in theatre
  • HonorZeus, his father
  • HonorAphrodite, the two were lovers at some points, and their children: Peitho,The Graces,Priapus
  • HonorSilenus, the rustic god of drunkenness & winemaking who raised him
  • Honor the Maenads, nymphs that always accompany him
  • Honor the Satyrs,other nature spirits that can be found accompanying him
  • Donate to organizations that help trans rights activism & lgbt rights in general
  • Support trans & other lgbt owned businesses
  • Support sex workers
  • Support small liquor businesses & vineyards
  • Support local theater groups

21+ Devotional acts

  • Drink wine
  • Smoke weed
  • Attend a wine tasting
  • Go on wine tours

NSFW Devotional acts

*As with all of these only do these if your comfortable doing so don’t feel obligated:)

  • Masturbate in his honor
  • Partake in sexual acts for him
  • If you have an onlyfans or are a sex worker in general you can dedicate your work to him & pray for greater success

Digital Devotions:

  • Make an E-shrine
  • Make a mood board
  • Write blogs about wine making, trans activism & topics, theatre, musicals, etc

Altar/Shrine ideas

Sacred spaces to Dionysus should incorporate his sacred color of purple, like having a purple altar cloth, purple candle, or purple crystals like amethyst, have some fake grapes to use as decoration as well, fake vineyard vines can really bring together an aesthetic appeal as well, you can also use faux leopard, tiger, bull, or snake skin on the sacred space as well. Goblets and wine glasses are good too, whether to be used as decoration (i saw one person put fake grapes in a goblet for him), or for libations(whether it be wine or grape juice etc), pine cones are another great sacred object to incorporate, if you are old enough & comfortable to you can also incorporate sex toys or phallic objects and statues, pride merch can also be incorporated, artwork or statues of his sacred animals, himself, vineyards, or the comedy & tragedy masks are great too! You can also place wine bottles on his altar, ive seen some people put flowers in them! Corks are amazing too, and really anything that’s associated with him.




Have you ever seen a violinist going APESHIT?!

Be sure to check out IAmDSharp!


Ok so I’ve been playing for 18 years and i’m a string teacher. Can i just say how IMPORTANT it is for young kids to see a BLACK, MALE-PRESENTING PERSON playing, nae, SHREDDING on a violin? I’ve know maybe 5 black people who played stringed instruments throughout my schooling and teaching (predumably because i’m an upper middle class white woman). In districts where the population is predominantly black, funding is always low, so the instruments are crappy. Kids quit, or the program is dismantled. I’ve seen very few professional string players who are black.

Obviously there are black string players. We just don’t see them because they “don’t look like” string players.

This person is the real deal. They were clearly classically trained, and seems to have some fiddle training as well. How cool is that?

This has a strong and beautiful melding of Apollo and Dionysus energies and I am HERE FOR IT


“Dionysus is a god who takes human form, a powerful male who looks soft and feminine, a native of Thebes who dresses as a foreigner. His parentage is mixed between divine and human; he is and is not a citizen of Thebes; his power has both feminine and masculine aspects. He does not merely cross boundaries, he blurs and confounds them, makes nonsense of the lines between Greek and foreign, between female and male, between powerful and weak, between savage and civilized. He is the god of both tragedy and comedy, and in his presence the distinction between them falls away, as both comedy and tragedy…”

Paul Woodruff, 

The Bacchae (Translated and Annotated) - Euripides

