

dismissive attachment style.

I’m broken. Not broken as in wanting someone to come and fix me. I’m broken because I believe there’s nothing wrong with me yet I’m hurting the people around me. I’m broken because I choose to let go of people when things get too rocky. I’m broken because walking away is more appealing to me than solving issues. I truly cannot accept the fact that someone loves me so much they want to be with me forever. I cannot believe someone will actually fight for me. It does not make sense in my head and I don’t know when I’ll finally open up to you. My friend told me that maybe sometimes I picked fights with you to see if you truly care about me. Sometimes I wonder if this relationship is even worth changing myself for. But you really are someone I do not want to let go of. You are someone I do not want to walk away from. You are someone I see myself opening up to.
