#ds types



Sending him nudes whenever he’s mad at you or you’re in a time out so he has to give you attention mwahhahahahah hehehehehehehhehe


Signs Your Little Needs Extra Attention

  • Grabby hands
  • Needing to be regressive more often to cope with stress
  • Feeling burnt out
  • They might be touch starved: COVID especially has exacerbated this, doubly so for anxious folks, immunocompromised people, or people living alone.
  • Whiny voice
  • Stomping their feet
  • Avoiding responsibilities
  • Melancholy moods
  • General anhedonia or a lack of interest/ excitement even when doing things they normally love
  • Periods of high stress
  • Self- denial, from orgasms to a comfy blanket… when your little starts pushing away the things that give them comfort and security, they actually need them even more
  • Negative self talk
  • Family stress, especially if it’s severe or frequent
  • Repeated bad behavior without a clear cause
  • Unexpected or over the top anger at unusual situations
  • Disagreements that normally are minor, by keep getting bigger when you or your partner aren’t doing well emotionally
  • Self harm
  • Negative food or beverage choices: Whether it’s a food they know they should avoid or giving themselves a hangover from overindulgence, it can be a cry for help
  • Napping not for rest but to avoid things
  • Not taking care of their hygiene or wellbeing

If you spot the above behaviors, or similar behaviors… ACT! Give them love, time, affection, and rest.

You’ll be shocked how difficult it can be for many littles to express their needs, especially when stressed. So sometimes, it can be a profound gift to see their struggles even before they know to articulate it!

After all… little ones can’t be expected to know when they’re struggling… they’re just lil babies. That’s why they need a mommy, or daddy, or caregiver!


“I’m the Dom/me, that’s why.”

“I don’t have to discuss my behavior with you because I am allowed to do whatever I want.”

“If you were a good sub, you wouldn’t have (so many) limits.”

“If you were a good sub, you wouldn’t need a safeword.”

“I don’t do warm ups.”

“I don’t do aftercare.”

“I am a Dom/me and therefore infallible.”

Only YOU can prevent our community from douchebags masquerading as fake Dom/mes. Won’t you help 2016 be the last year for fake Dom/mes?


Red Flags 101

D-types who make you feel like you are a pain in the ass for asking for their time and attention.

Part of having a healthy D/s relationship is having very open and honest communication between yourself and your partner. If your partner discourages you from communicating your wants and needs, and makes you feel badly for wanting them attended to, they are discouraging open and honest communication from you, and making your relationship more dysfunctional. You are not a pain in the ass for wanting your dom(me)s time and attention. You placed them in charge so you could get it.


S Types!!!

If your D type is feeling down, sick, out of sorts. Take care of them.

Yes they’re your d type - but they need care too! You can’t take take take with no give. Just as with any other relationship, you have to be there for one another.

Take care of them, just as they would for you


The first thing you have to come to terms with, is that most littles need care and support above their sexual needs. There are subs that crave Dom Play, and being used quickly, and often, but by and large, littles will be looking for a relationship. Leading with your dick is not going to get you far in this dynamic, and is not appropriate if you want to capture the heart, mind, and body of one of the precious and youthful souls that is a little. 

If it is not obviously stated somewhere, you should always make sure that the little who has caught your eye is unowned. Ask if you are unsure. If she is owned, respect her Dominant and her relationship, and move on. If she is not, you should ask if she is open to meeting someone who could become her Daddy. The proper way to earn her submission takes time and energy, and if she is not interested in getting to the same place you are, you want to know that before you begin. 

Now that you know she is unowned, and is receptive to taking the road you wish her to take towards you, you need to get to know her. This part of the process is not different than meeting people in vanilla relationships. Where is she from? What are her hobbies? Who does she live with? Does she have any pets? What are her favorite TV shows? This is you showing interest in her as a human being. It’s a very reasonable place to start. Be as open and honest as you can possibly be about yourself when she asks you questions, or volunteer pieces of yourself when you feel appropriate. 

The last get to know you questions can be designed to start to get an impression of what will be involved in her care. What are her goals? What challenges does she face in her daily life? Does she want to eat healthier? Does she want to do better in school? Does she suffer from stress or anxiety, or have other health issues? Does she hate that her room is always a mess? Does picking out what to wear everyday stress her out? When you find these things out, you can start to consider how to help her deal with these things within the boundaries of the relationship you will create together. The good Daddy you hope to be for her, will take the time to look at each of the things she expresses to you, and come up with some initial strategies to help her manage, control, or fix these things. 

From here on out, challenge yourself to be patient. Patience is an essential element of being a good Dominant, and displaying that you have it at the outset will create the impression you wish to convey. At some point, when she feels you have taken an interest in who she is, and trust begins, she will start to open up with you about relationships and kinks. Let that conversation be on her timetable. If she is waiting for you to broach the subject, let her wait. In jumping into this conversation too early, on your timetable, you show her your lack of patience and control, and risk broaching the subject too early, and putting a chip in that trust you have been working on building.

Once you get to this part of getting to know a little you are interested in, things can start to take their own pace toward the day she asks you to be her Daddy. Remember that, like the discussion of kinks and relationships, that there are still elements that should be under her control and timetable. Don’t ask for nudes. Let her decide when she wants to share her naked self with you. Don’t ask her to call you Daddy. That’s what she calls you after she offers you her submission. Don’t call her pet names. You are not there yet. Remember that earning the trust necessary for her to offer you her submission can take weeks, or months. Be patient, have patience, and exercise as much patience as you can. 

This is how I’d go about pursuing the submission of a little that I felt myself drawn to. It is not the only way, but it encompasses what I perceive to be their typical desires, and paves the road for a healthy and happy DD/lg relationship. My best on capturing the attention, and earning the submission, of the little who has caught your eye. 


1. Push you to do things before you are ready.

He should always want you to be comfortable about playing with him, sending him nudes, or anything else within your relationship. Your comfort first.

2. Ask you to call him Daddy.

This is a title that you give him when you are ready. When you feel a shining and intense trust and sense of safety, it may be time to offer Him your submission, and ask him to be your Daddy. Before that, he has not earned the title.

3. Call you pet names.

This also is on your timetable. Once again, you should wait till you feel safe and trusting of someone before they get to call you little girl, sweet pea, babydoll, or anything of the like.

You are in control of these things little ones. Any Daddy who knows that is one to pay attention to. The ones who don’t… let them know and teach them. The ones who don’t care… put them in the rearview.


Once a submissive puts her submission in the hands of her Dominant, she experiences such peace. So many of the things she had to worry about before, are now out of her hands. What will she wear? Will she wake up on time? What if she gets anxious? All the little stresses that were once part of her day to day, are now simple rules, consistent support, and under the supervision of her Dominant’s will. It’s what her nature has been yearning for. Now, she can relax.

But what about all the time leading up to submission? In the time between meeting her Dominant, and his control over her day to day life, she is in charge of all the decisions. She decides who is a prospective Daddy. She decides how fast he will earn that title. She decides when intimacy starts between them, and how fast it will progress. It’s so very important that she has control of things during this time, and yet, it’s not in her nature to want such control, or wield it in the presence of a Dominant that may one day be hers. 

It’s no wonder so many submissives rush through the screening process on their way towards submission. The temptation to hand everything over to Him as soon as possible much be almost impossible to resist. So hard to resist, that she is willing to do things before she is comfortable, allow him to take liberties with her body and her spirit that most would consider reckless, and hand Him the reins before she feels the complete trust that she should wait to feel. 

In the end though, it’s the fact that she has ALL the control herself prior to submission, and gives it ALL to him in submission, that makes the power exchange so complete and intense, and makes the dynamic so successful. 

Hold onto that control little one. I know it’s nothing that you want, and that you yearn for it to be taken away from you. Just hold onto it long enough to make sure you have a Dominant worthy of taking it from you for a long time to come. Then, you can rest. Then, you can let it all go. 


Before you give your submission to a Dom, and make him your Daddy, you are the fucking boss. Every day is like Sadie Hawkins Day in the DD/lg dynamic, in that it’s you littles who get to pick who you interview, when you talk sex, when he sees you naked, who you submit to, and who gets dismissed. It’s our jobs, as hopeful Daddies, to woo you, impress you, and prove that we care about you, and not just the kinky sex, until you grow to trust us, and we earn your submission. You are the bright shiny grand prize, not a old used toy sitting in a bin marked “free” at a garage sale. So go into looking for a Daddy with a little chip on your shoulder. You’re the prize. You’re the boss. Make him show you he’s patient, and that he thinks you’re worth having patience over. Make him earn it. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!


Listen, safe words are critically important. They’re non-negotiable, they have to exist in healthy BDSM.

But, we should talk a little about the fact that a good dominant / top shouldn’t be letting it get to a safe word situation. There is a whole lot more to all this than just going as far as you can and waiting for them to tap out. The dominant/top needs to be aware of when they’re pushing the envelope, we need to be watching for signs in the submissive / bottom of things going too far, we need to be checking in as things go on. When you’re taking the reins, you’re taking on a responsibility that is so much more than just agreeing to a safe word.

Yeah, safe word means stop. But lack of safe word does not necessarilymean go.



1. I put my thumb against her lips.

That’s something I noticed she did early on. Whenever she’s very sleepy, she would lie down, close her eyes and put her thumb on her lips. So now I do it with my thumb. She says it makes her feel vulnerable, it makes her feel like a baby and she loves it.

2. Burrito roll

If she’s not feeling well, is either sick or grumpy I put her to bed, roll her in blankets like a little burrito along with her stuffies. Then I put on a Disney movie or cartoon that she loves.

3. Checklist

When we go to bed, I ask her if she brushed her teeth, washed her face and went potty. She used to say that she was too old for me to ask those, but now she likes it, it’s her pre-cuddles bedtime checklist.

4. “That’s not for little ones”

When we watch a movie and theres a scary part and especially when an animal is killed or hurt, I immediately cover her eyes with my hands. My baby loves animals and hates to see them hurt, even animated ones.

5. Using my big voice

I’ve got a very deep, low voice in general, but when I use my “big voice” my little knows she’s in trouble. She likes to make fun of me by mimicking my voice, but she knows it generally means she’s earned a trip on my knees. Spankings don’t always do a good job at punishing her, since they often turn her on… but it’s a sure way to make her feel like a misbehaving little girl.

6. (BONUS) LOTS of pet names.

Baby, kitten, my little sun drop, my heart, angel, love, little one, darling, sweetheart, sunshine, dolly, kitty, any baby animal, etc.