#earth is a deathworld




Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!


Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!

All these humans are weird posts make humans sound more magical and stronger than we really are (well, in comparison to each other)

I am the Moondragon, final line of defense against the unknown.

There was a celebration when I was launched before the war. Thousands of humans were celebrating the success of my creation.

Although I have been forgotten, I do not forget the duties they gave me. Protect the Earth, no matter what.

My crew has left me, but I do not forget them either. Every one of their names were etched into my hull by her.

Although I have no working engines, I continue to patrol the restricted zone for signs of the Konok. Floating along with my remaining weapons searching for danger.

Humanity are my creators, my friends, and I must continue my job to defend them. I love you humans, do you still love me?

Among the many stories of the Vul’nak war, few truly stand out to me. A war of senseless violence and endless bloodshed, that ended in nobody gaining much of anything.

An escort ship, the Lightning Bolt, happened to be out on patrol when the Vul’nak mothership was chased into their sector of space.

The mothership was the most terrifying ship in the entire fleet, with enough weapons to glass an entire continent in an hour. She was fast too, fast enough to avoid the fleet pursuing her.

The orders from high command went out to every ship in the sector: locate the mothership at any cost, slow her down until reinforcements arrive.

The captain of the Bolt knew that there was no time to waste, and aims his ship directly towards the last known system the Mothership was seen in.

12 hours. It took the crew of the Bolt 12 hours to succeed where an entire fleet had failed, they had found the mothership.

The crew of the Bolt faced an important decision. Keep their distance and risk losing their foe again, or risk their lives and pray that reinforcements arrive.

To the crew there was no choice, the Mothership must not be allowed to continue any further.

The captain send a single broadcast, then orders the crew to engage with all weapons. Only one ship was allowed to leave.

For over an hour, the Bolt held its own against the Mothership. Outgunned, outmanned, outclassed, but still alive. Striking their hull whenever possible while dodging deadly laser strikes, like an interstellar game of cat and mouse.

When the Fleet finally arrived, they were greeted with a transmission from the Bolt, the same transmission that had been playing on loop since they had first engaged the Mothership.

A message that would eventually strike fear into the hearts of enemies, and rally courage in allies. A single sentence that meant so much more than simple words could convey.



We abducted humans.

To be fair, we abducted members of every new race. Abduct a small percentage of the population, expose them to some galactic prisoners, and we get a good idea of what germs, diseases, and viruses will make the jump between races. Do this over the course of a [roughly equivalent to a century], and you get a good idea of what there is, how quickly it mutates, etc. You also have the time to develop vaccines for any races that might be affected by the new race (including itself- we’re not heartless).

But we underestimated humans.

It was [roughly equivalent to four decades] into our testing of humanity. We picked up a human from his transport and placed him in a containment cell. He had some nutrients with him, and we picked that up too: less we had to feed him later.

But we underestimated the resourcefulness of humans.

Something went wrong- we think it was a door malfunction- and he escaped the cell. He disabled the guards easily (we suspect they were less alert than they should have been) and took their weapons. We locked all hatches, hoping to seal him in the laboratory wing. Unfortunately, he hacked the shipboard computer, gaining control of all systems. He made his way to the bridge, where he took the captain hostage. We offered him riches, technologies beyond human understanding.

But we underestimated the stubbornness of humans.

He was paid us no mind as he wrestled with the controls, as if on some quest. He punched numbers and figures into the console, and mumbled something about ‘being lit on fire’ by a superior. He set the ship down on the other side of the city from where he was picked up and opened the doors. We braced ourselves for a military confrontation, but it seemed like we were outside another human’s abode. He jumped out, carrying the nutrients with him.

We underestimated Domino’s 30-minute or free guarantee.
