#humans are space fae




Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!

Humans are Space Orcs - Space food industry

Well, if we have a tourism industry in space, why not a food one?

Due to the fact we are humans, we can eat a lot things animals can’t eat, so I imagine that we would have access to a lot of different types of foods.

It would be free trading for the aliens if they can’t eat the fruit/veg and it would be exciting for all the foodies out there!

People might take up poison resistance via intake of poisons just to show off that they can eat a certain food or so they can see if an alien was right about a fruit/veg taste! I mean, if I fruit was as tasty as an alien told us it would be, who wouldn’t?

What if, when your 18 or 12, Idk, you get to pick of fruit you want to be able to eat despite it being poisonous? It would be like choosing a elective/college degree!


“Hey, what food did you pick?”

“I got the Kuramazui, you know the one that’s like a lemon but it’s pink on the outside and is sweet on the inside?”

“Lucky! By the time I registered, it was all filled up! I picked Bangotango! It seems to be the closest to my tastes other than the Kuramazui.”

Aliens would probably look at us at concern because humans are willing to poison themselves so they can eat food.

But, as we all say, it would totally be worth it.

Humans are space orcs - Urges

Is it just me or do random urges to do things come out of nowhere?

Like, wanting to glomp a nearby friend or singing a random tune?

I mean, just today, I got a hold of a hockey stick and I had the strongest urge to whack some in the head with it and see how far I could yeet them.

Though aliens could just put these urges down in behavioural adaptations, it still wouldn’t make too much sense as behavioural adaptations are usually developed to help the specices survive and jumping out a window certainly would be more detrimental than beneficial.

Human - I really want to eat the dirt.

Alien - Human, the soil of this planet is highly toxic for your specices-

Human - But it looks like sherbet!

Alien - No, we must depart now. *Grabs human by the space suit*

Human - *glares at ground* Stupid forbidden sherbet.

Human - Who wants to dare me to throw my bag off a balcony?

Alien - Why would you ask someone to throw your supply carrier? It not only contains important materials and equipment but it could severely injure a person.

Human - Cause I want an excuse to do it.

Alien - Why?!

Human - Cause I feel like it.

Human - *Hugs other human*

Alien - Human, why did you engage in the ritual you call ‘Hugging’ so spontanously?

Human - I don’t know. Just felt like it.

Human - I want to just collaspe down the stairs.

Aliens - ??? Human that would cause more harm than benefit.

Human - But it’ll be just like, splat.

Alien - Please human, reconsider your actions.

Humans are space orcs - Heart

Karvera’s notes

The documentary of the human species.


The death worlders are strange. The first thing you would note is that they are very friendly despite their death worlder nature. They are not apex predators, yet they thrive in their world.

What’s more to note is how much humans use the organ heart. They use strange shapes to represent it though those shapes look nothing like the human heart.

They use phrases like, “golden heart”, “good at heart”, “don’t take those words to heart”. Words that first confused me. It was not possible for a heart to be “made of gold”, it was not possible to physically take words to your heart. I got immediately concerned when a human said that they, “felt a hole in their heart.” I was later told that they meant a human felt like they were missing something.

Humans seem to see the heart as the center of their being, not the brain. They see it as who they are.

Does the thing they call, “a soul” reside there?

I asked the humans that had pack bonded with me and they laughed.

They told me no, but it was often where they felt like they had one.

How curious…

The idea of stories is really interesting. Us humans used it as a way to explain things we didn’t know and so did other species. But unlike aliens, we clung onto fantasy. 

Aliens gave up the wonderful tales to become rational, logical. What was the point of imagination if you already knew your limits?

But we and a handful of others dreamed. Of new worlds and new people. Of things of the past that never happened and moments of the future that might. We dreamed up creatures of catastrophe, monsters that could destroy universes and animals that were heartwarming and helped us live our life. 

And because we dream, we became the most curious species of the Milky way.


Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!

A Scifi and Fantasy Idea

Far in the future, to avoid Entropy and Heat-Death, Humanity has uploaded themselves onto the fabric of space-time itself; “beneath” the quantum field. Effectively gods, so ancient that many of them have lived more in millenia than the universe in modern times have existed in seconds, creating matter and energy through manipulating the quantum layer.

There is only one question left that science has been unable to answer: What will the next universe be like? It has already been confirmed that they will survive a big bang going off, and will survive no matter what alternate physics will be in play, but how it will turn out is completely unable to be predicted.

After aeons of waiting, when the universe has been dead many millions of times longer than it was ever alive in the first place the time finally comes, and a new Big Bang occurs. Humanity collectively watch in anticipation, and then:

They get a front-row seat to an Overgod creating a High-Fantasy D&D-esque cosmology multiverse, complete with Gods, Magic, Elemental, Astral Planes and Far Realms. And they have no idea how any of it works. But Humanity knows one thing. THEY WANT TO KNOW ALL THE THINGS!

How does a ludicrously advanced sci-fi human civilization of might-as-well-be Space!gods and a D&D-like High Fantasy cosmology react to each other?


Queuing this one up ahead of vacation, so no reader shoutouts this week, unfortunately. I appreciate each and every one of you so much, to let me write this story for as long as I have.  Some of you may already know, but the first chapter of this was originally posted on my other blog in 2016, although I didn’t start posting weekly updates until 2018.

So, thank you all. Seriously.

And especially @baelpenrose,@charlylimph-blog, and all the support I get in the discord for my and Bael’s work. Also @writing-with-olive who recently wrote a song for The Miys and recorded it so I could hear it!!!!!!  I screamed when I heard it and want to just hug and kiss the song so much.  Hopefully I’ll find a way to work it in.

Keep reading

Late on reblog as I was out camping with my partner away from all wifi or cell service, but this was legitimately one of my absolute favorite chapters. The Odvubs return, Derek’s reaction, all of it. The sheer heartwarming message of the tiny creatures in singularity.


In which we are reminded that Derek is an adult, and is also not all-knowing, no matter how smart he is.

Although he is leaps and bounds smarter than Sophia most of the time. :D

Thanks, as always, to @baelpenrose for being an awesome beta reader and keeping me on track!  Reader shoutout this week goes to (i’m not making this one up) @gayassholeposts who literally just lost their minds on a reblog as I type this up.

Keep reading

The odvub!!! Also the Terran data is finally decrypted. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.



Mentally combining the “bees are unionized and will leave if they don’t like their working conditions” post with the various “humans stow away on alien spaceships and do the jobs that are too dangerous for more fragile species” posts

Interstellar guidelines state that while approaching humans carelessly or aggressively can result in serious injury, and while you absolutelyshould not try to trap a swarm of humans on your ship, if you build a human-friendly habitat with enough food within grazing distance and safe places to sleep, you just might entice a colony to move in

My dad is a genius. He came up with a GREAT Humans are weird idea.

Cigars and alcohol.

What would they think of it? We take a bunch of dried leaves, roll them, clip them, then light it on FIRE and hold it close to our FACES.

And we drink aged wheat juice that often burns our throats and makes the brain fuzzy if you drink too much. It can even KNOCK A PERSON OUT. A whole person.

Alien troop: “Can this be done to any leaves? Do you inhale it? Do they all produce this much smoke? What about this liquid fire? Do they all taste the same? What’s in them? How much to I have to drink before I feel that fuzzy feeling you humans get?”

And then it turns out they have a heckin WEAK limit before they get drunk, like just the SMELL of it sends some of the alien crew into a drunken state.

Okay, life goal: Create a TV show based around the #humansareweird and #humansarespaceorcs tumblr tags.

I don’t care if I start it out as a YouTube channel with friends, I will make a “Humans in space” TV show and I WILL pull from tumblr.




Mentally combining the “bees are unionized and will leave if they don’t like their working conditions” post with the various “humans stow away on alien spaceships and do the jobs that are too dangerous for more fragile species” posts

Interstellar guidelines state that while approaching humans carelessly or aggressively can result in serious injury, and while you absolutelyshould not try to trap a swarm of humans on your ship, if you build a human-friendly habitat with enough food within grazing distance and safe places to sleep, you just might entice a colony to move in

Trapping a swarm of humans on your ship:

  • unauthorized tunnels keep popping up in restricted zones
  • theft of various items they consider cozy, delicious, cute, or extremely hazardous
  • equipment sabotaged in supposedly impossible ways, and/or supposedly explosion-proofed material exploding
  • received communications vary from heartfelt pleas for freedom to vengeful declarations of war to treatises on the sacred rights of spaceship-occupants to disturbingly specific threats to incomprehensible slam poetry

Encouraging a volunteer human colony to thrive:

  • leaving items they like + building materials in areas they can access, then coming back later to find those areas transformed into fully organized warehouses/gardens/workshops
  • items left lying around spontaneously being made cuter, cozier, tastier, and/or more hazardous
  • new workarounds, temp fixes, or repurposes being tried out on any equipment that’s on the fritz (and some that’s not)
  • disturbingly creative and fervent allies against outside forces
  • sound of happy poetry coming from the vents