#humans are confusing


Humans are space orcs - Urges

Is it just me or do random urges to do things come out of nowhere?

Like, wanting to glomp a nearby friend or singing a random tune?

I mean, just today, I got a hold of a hockey stick and I had the strongest urge to whack some in the head with it and see how far I could yeet them.

Though aliens could just put these urges down in behavioural adaptations, it still wouldn’t make too much sense as behavioural adaptations are usually developed to help the specices survive and jumping out a window certainly would be more detrimental than beneficial.

Human - I really want to eat the dirt.

Alien - Human, the soil of this planet is highly toxic for your specices-

Human - But it looks like sherbet!

Alien - No, we must depart now. *Grabs human by the space suit*

Human - *glares at ground* Stupid forbidden sherbet.

Human - Who wants to dare me to throw my bag off a balcony?

Alien - Why would you ask someone to throw your supply carrier? It not only contains important materials and equipment but it could severely injure a person.

Human - Cause I want an excuse to do it.

Alien - Why?!

Human - Cause I feel like it.

Human - *Hugs other human*

Alien - Human, why did you engage in the ritual you call ‘Hugging’ so spontanously?

Human - I don’t know. Just felt like it.

Human - I want to just collaspe down the stairs.

Aliens - ??? Human that would cause more harm than benefit.

Human - But it’ll be just like, splat.

Alien - Please human, reconsider your actions.

Humans are space orcs - Heart

Karvera’s notes

The documentary of the human species.


The death worlders are strange. The first thing you would note is that they are very friendly despite their death worlder nature. They are not apex predators, yet they thrive in their world.

What’s more to note is how much humans use the organ heart. They use strange shapes to represent it though those shapes look nothing like the human heart.

They use phrases like, “golden heart”, “good at heart”, “don’t take those words to heart”. Words that first confused me. It was not possible for a heart to be “made of gold”, it was not possible to physically take words to your heart. I got immediately concerned when a human said that they, “felt a hole in their heart.” I was later told that they meant a human felt like they were missing something.

Humans seem to see the heart as the center of their being, not the brain. They see it as who they are.

Does the thing they call, “a soul” reside there?

I asked the humans that had pack bonded with me and they laughed.

They told me no, but it was often where they felt like they had one.

How curious…

All these humans are weird posts make humans sound more magical and stronger than we really are (well, in comparison to each other)
