#humans are amazing




Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!

Humans are space orcs - Heart

Karvera’s notes

The documentary of the human species.


The death worlders are strange. The first thing you would note is that they are very friendly despite their death worlder nature. They are not apex predators, yet they thrive in their world.

What’s more to note is how much humans use the organ heart. They use strange shapes to represent it though those shapes look nothing like the human heart.

They use phrases like, “golden heart”, “good at heart”, “don’t take those words to heart”. Words that first confused me. It was not possible for a heart to be “made of gold”, it was not possible to physically take words to your heart. I got immediately concerned when a human said that they, “felt a hole in their heart.” I was later told that they meant a human felt like they were missing something.

Humans seem to see the heart as the center of their being, not the brain. They see it as who they are.

Does the thing they call, “a soul” reside there?

I asked the humans that had pack bonded with me and they laughed.

They told me no, but it was often where they felt like they had one.

How curious…


Humans are space orcs - Thinking

I think humans will definitely be studied upon by mind-reading aliens. It’s just that we think in so many different ways! There are people who think logically, and those who are more emotional. People who narrate their everyday life, while others think in pictures and scenarios.

I’ve heard of people thinking in colors, people thinking in quotes and memes. Personally, my everyday life is thought in song.

Wouldn’t it be interesting? All the different ways of thinking?

How our mind works would probably become two studies, one about morals and all the philosophical stuff and the other would be why we think in such different ways.

Now have a fun little scenario!


Mind reading alien - *Is found crying on the floor*

Alien 2 - “What is wrong MRA?”

MRA - *mumbles* “I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one. I thought we got a normal one.”

Alien 2 - “What did you think we got normal?”

MRA - *Sobs harder* “A normal human!”

Alien 2 - “Well, she is quite normal for her species.”

MRA - “She has been singing the same song about killing a creature of her own species for over 3 human hours!”

Alien 2 - “But I do not hear anything.”

MRA - “She’s been doing it in her head!”


Glad you asked! (couldn’t find your blog post so I opted to screenshot your reblog)

I would say said alien would just be frozen. Just stands there, dazed. Kinda like when you zone out but worse in a good way. You can bring the alien back by touch but most humans have to go through a screening to see what type of thinker they are so the mind-reading aliens won’t spend a bunch of time being frozen.

Speaking of the screening, I like to think that some humans will purposely change their tag to see the alien zone out or to bluff. Like, if pirates came just saying ‘visual thinker’ & 'horror movies’ is probably enough to deter any alien from entering your mind.


I, 1000% believe that people will capitalise off visual thinkers making stories in their heads. Like they visualise their entire story in their head and people just watch. This not only helps with the story building for the person visualising but is probably entertaining for the aliens as there are a lot of different concepts and ideas that they might not have thought of.

The best thing would be the night time visualisations, aka, DREAMS~

Is it going to be scary? Is it going to mundane everyday work? (Which is probably not mundane for aliens tbh) Is it going to be a whole ass story with a confusing plot and a cliffhanger at the end that drives you mad because you’ll never know what happens after the story because it’s just a dream? WHO KNOWS! It’s a frigging lottery!


If I’m somewhere where there are Educational Personell (Museum Docents, Q&A zookeepers, Park Rangers, Public School Teachers, Professors etc.) I have a question I like to ask them:

“What’s the weirdest question someone’s ever asked you?”

I say weird and not Dumb becuase even buckwild questions can have important answers, but whoever I ask it too usually has to think about it for a bit, then comes out with something different every time.  And I love every single answer becuase it just warms my heart out there to know people are trying to understand the world a bit better, no matter how limited thier starting point. A collection of favorites so far:

  • Art Museum Host: “A man once asked me “Can you help me find someone and if you can’t can you find someone who can?”  Which I always thought would be a great title for an Artwork.”
  • Park Ranger: “I’m so glad the Japanese couple asked me “Is bear spray like mosquito spray and it goes on the jacket, or on the bear?” instead of just trying it.”
  • Zookeeper: “A man once pointed at the live red-tailed hawk I had out for a demo and asked me “Aren’t those extinct?” We eventually figured out he meant “Endangered” but I hear that question every time I see a redtail now.”
  • Primary School Teacher: “About every other year a student asks me what part of the school I sleep in at night, because clearly I live here.  I tell them I sleep under the bleachers in the gym but it’s actually the Nurse’s office.”
  • Professor: “A student asked me “So how do I use this in a conversation when my aunt is wine-drunk at thanksgiving and being a jerk again?” Which honestly is a fair question about philosophy and really changed how I teach rhetoric.”
  • Natural History Docent: “A woman once asked me what the difference between a Million and a Billion was.  Kinda pieced together that she’d just left her church for her safety, and was learning about Earth’s Natural History for the first time. Nobody else was there because it had been snowing, so I walked her through the Hall Of Time and answered as many questions as I could.  She was bewildered, but really trying. It always struck me as a really brave thing, to try to understand all of that while fresh out of a dangerous situation. I hope it helped.”
  • Forensic Scientist:  “People ask me how to commit murder all the time, but if you really hate someone, stealing thier identity causes much more suffering and is a lot harder to get caught at. A guy did ask me if working at a body farm was creepy and did not like that it was ok until you learned that decayed human fingers are a deer’s favorite midwinter snack.”
  • Zookeeper: “People call us becuase they think they’ve found an escaped animal all the time, or they think they’re neighbor’s husky is a wolf. One guy asked me if his dog was part hyena because it had spots. But that one guy really did have a Tiger in his toolshed that one time so we try to take them seriously.”
  • Meteorologist: “A guy once emailed me about how hard you’d have to fan a tornado to make it start spinning in the other direction and included a picture of him holding up a box fan at an approaching tornado.  We printed it out for the work fridge.”
  • Park Ranger: “I was giving a talk on the Yellowstone Supervolcano and a guy asked if, after it errupted, the earth would be ‘hollowed out’.  I suppose I was just relieved that he understand that the earth isn’t flat.”
  • Primarcy Shcool teacher: “A student once asked me where she could sell her bones online so she could by a dog.  Which? Same.”
  • Natural History Docent: “A guy asked us ‘If I had a time machine, and managed to kill and cook a T-Rex, what would it have tasted like?’ and every paleontologist on staff deciced to take him seriously.  They did research to learn about fat distribution, and read up on culinary science to learn what flavors meat, even did chemical analysis on the bones.  They concluded that it’d be Tough (no evidence of juicy fat pockets), bitter (carnivores tend to taste foul) and would probably kill him, because heavy metals travel up the food chain and T-Rex accumulated a lot of the cadmium that was in the dirt in the late cretaceous.  Wrote him a letter with our findings and he sent us back a drawing of him and his buddies cooking a T-Rex over a fire and all of them throwing up and dying, and it’s my favorite drawing in the whole world.”