#edible gardening

Drawing for Hunter Organic Growers Society, 2015

Drawing for Hunter Organic Growers Society, 2015

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In other news, my fava beans have started to bloom:

These are the large seeded kind, for eating rather than use as a cover crop. I really like their flowers, though I feel like the cover crop version has more flowers. These are still gorgeous though.

And yeah, there are weeds in there. That’s life. Especially when you garden for other people for a living, and thus don’t have so much time for your own garden :/

I’m very pleased with my walking onions:

I got these as a small handful of tiny bulblets a couple years ago, and transplanted them to this bed in early winter. They’ve put on a lot of growth, and all the little bulbs that the original plants made last year have grown quite well.

These are perennial multiplier onions, and I use them mostly for the greens. This year I think I’ll get enough bulblets that I can share, instead of just building up my own stock.

They’re planted on the edge of one of my greens beds, half of which I’m saving seed from, which is why you see bolting brassicas in the picture as well.

Fellow gardeners please read!

I am extremely interested in pursuing career and/or education dealing with plants. It’s my most central passion, but I’ve had such a hard time trying to figure out what I can do to follow through with it.

My biggest goal is to be able to own my own business in the future, but for now I was wondering if there were any specific degrees or practices or any other educational paths that would be worth my while. I would like to stay out of large agricultural or landscaping businesses if possible. I also just wanna be cool and have a title I’m proud to tell people.

TL;DR: please decide my future in gardening for me.

Got some garden work done this week! ‍

The violas, strawberries, and parsley all survived the winter and look pretty damn good.

The chamomile re-seeded itself EVERYWHERE, so a lot of time was spent either pulling, composting, or transplanting it. I let one of last year’s kale plants flower (mild winter = kale kept growing, is only now bolting) so hopefully I’ll have some seeds soon.

Planted early crops of romaine lettuce, butter lettuce, and spinach earlier in the year. The past few weeks they’ve been growing like champs and are ENORMOUS and delicious.

This week I transplanted seedlings to the main garden and container garden. Main has beefsteak tomatoes, vine cucumbers, and bell peppers. Containers have cherry tomatoes, bush cucumbers, and various herbs/greens.

New this year are onions and carrots!

Need efficient irrigation for your garden? Check out www.gardendripsystem.com

Need efficient irrigation for your garden? Check out www.gardendripsystem.com

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My cat hanging out in the garden while our tomato plants are being watered.  Interested in water sav

My cat hanging out in the garden while our tomato plants are being watered.  Interested in water saving drip irrigation for your garden? Check out www.gardendripsystem.com

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One of my favorite ways to preserve produce from the garden. Might be the lazy option, but they keepOne of my favorite ways to preserve produce from the garden. Might be the lazy option, but they keep

One of my favorite ways to preserve produce from the garden. Might be the lazy option, but they keep their bright colors even in the middle of winter and that makes me happy.

Also that blackberry drawer is deep. Baked a few pies already and there are still enough for a many more.

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A little photo collage to recap 2021 and remind myself that even though this fall wasn’t what I want

A little photo collage to recap 2021 and remind myself that even though this fall wasn’t what I wanted, it wasn’t a bad year overall.

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Work has been brutal lately so I missed the apple-picking season. And every other harvest this monthWork has been brutal lately so I missed the apple-picking season. And every other harvest this monthWork has been brutal lately so I missed the apple-picking season. And every other harvest this month

Work has been brutal lately so I missed the apple-picking season. And every other harvest this month, actually. I thinks it’ll be a few more weeks until I’ll have the time to get back there and by then all that’ll be left to do will be the end of season clean-up. Not really the autumn I expected.

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Some more tomato varieties.These are: Beauty Lottringa Orange, Phil’s Two, Afternoon Delight, Citron

Somemore tomato varieties.

These are: Beauty Lottringa Orange, Phil’s Two, Afternoon Delight, Citron Russe, Auria, Charlie Chaplin, Piprakujuline Triibuline, Indigo Rose and Orange Cherry.

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For those of you that were confused about the Teddy Bear sunflowers seeds.

For those of you that were confused about the Teddy Bear sunflowers seeds.

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Finally harvested these tomatoes after putting it off for over a week.I really don’t feel like dea

Finally harvested these tomatoes after putting it off for over a week.
I really don’t feel like dealing with them though, so I’ll give some away and put the others as they are in the freezer.

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My daily snack of blood peaches, kinda look like beets :) They’re bigger and the color is darker and

My daily snack of blood peaches, kinda look like beets :) They’re bigger and the color is darker and more vibrant than last year and I love it. Wouldn’t mind if they’d get better with each year, as the tree continues to mature.

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It wasn’t a good year for cauliflower & broccoli. I planted so many and this is one of the only

It wasn’t a good year for cauliflower & broccoli. I planted so many and this is one of the only 2 purple cauliflowers that actually produced any heads. A while back I also harvested 3 regular white ones, but no broccoli.

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My biggest luffas this season. Still nowhere near starting to dry, but I’ve peeled plenty of green lMy biggest luffas this season. Still nowhere near starting to dry, but I’ve peeled plenty of green l

My biggest luffas this season. Still nowhere near starting to dry, but I’ve peeled plenty of green luffas last autumn and they lasted just as well so I’m not worried about it.

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Harvested the potatoes last Wednesday and I wanted to document it here, because it’s been a long timHarvested the potatoes last Wednesday and I wanted to document it here, because it’s been a long tim

Harvested the potatoes last Wednesday and I wanted to document it here, because it’s been a long time since we last had potatoes this small. We’ve been lucky, there were a few years when our neighbors had pretty bad harvests and we didn’t, so I guess it was bound to happen to us as well. It’s been a cold and weird year and they didn’t get to mature properly.
Also had to harvest the volunteer sunflowers that popped up among the potato rows.

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Blood peach and cherry blossoms blended together. There’s a bit of a slope between them, still, the

Blood peach and cherry blossoms blended together. There’s a bit of a slope between them, still, the blood peach grew so much. Was planted around 5 years ago, while the cherry around 10. And I remember the day I planted both. I wasn’t serious about either of them, figured it wouldn’t hurt to give them a try and look where we are now. 

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 I have yet to sow my tomatoes outside in the greenhouse, but I did till and rake the garden in prep

I have yet to sow my tomatoes outside in the greenhouse, but I did till and rake the garden in preparation for planting them.

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organicandurban:Mobile garden in the edible gardens feature in Brussels, Begium [August 2013]MOB


Mobile garden in the edible gardens feature in Brussels, Begium [August 2013]


Methinks this item is a good addition to the growing(!) Gardens in Unexpected Places mobile gardens archive.

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