

‘Lligwy Prehistoric Burial Chamber’ Pen and Ink Sketch, Anglesey, North Wales, April 2020.

‘Old Bourbushtree Stone Circle’ Pen and Ink Sketch, March 2020.

All rights reserved, 2020. Repost only with credits.



I made a SKETCHBOOK TUTORIAL and uploaded it on Gumroad.

This is the 1st chapter, it is FREE and talks about common issues like Art Block’s and how to approach Art Challenges. This is the first part of a whole series about activating and maintaining a healthy sketchbook culture.



The talk this tutorial is based on has premiered this May at the IFCC in Croatia, Zagreb. I have received an overwhelming feedback on it, and since I think noone should live with an art block ever, I wanted to share its content also with those, who weren’t able to attend the conference.


Hope it will help you, and sharing is caring!


dontbefanci:turakamyou: erykahisnotalright:desbreaux:elionking:Real question: did backpacks nodontbefanci:turakamyou: erykahisnotalright:desbreaux:elionking:Real question: did backpacks no






Real question: did backpacks not exist in the 70’s?

I think they were just poor

The backpack started on the west coast and migrated towards the east pretty slowly between the late 60s and early 80s. They were originally intended for hikers and other outdoors-y types, and were marketed at hiking retailers, but one of them happened to be connected to a university in Washington. Since it was so rainy over there, people started using them for books, the idea caught on, spread, and eventually backpacks became a necessity as opposed to a novel idea.

Images && info truncated from “From ‘Book Strap’ To ‘Burrito’: A History Of The School Backpack”

Also back then kids didn’t have to carry a ton of books to school, full sized lockers were the norm, and they didn’t have as much homework.

1: I miss The Get Down, 2: this timeline tracks, i never had a backpack ‘til college in the early-mid-80s,

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