#empowering quotes


A mistake that you can do in your level up journey is waiting around for another person (friend, partner, family) to accompany you in achieving various goals, whether it’s fitness, taking a course, or creating new habits. You can’t wait around forever until other people decide to do the same things you do. Your path is miraculously unique. Decide what you want and go for it! It’s one of the single most empowering acts you can do, having the go-getter mindset of deciding and then going for it. For as long as you rely on other people or factors outside your control, you & your level up journey will always depend on others. Take ownership over your goals and celebrate your ambition and independence.

That’s it. When you practice everyday a little more, and you start seeing results. It will become more than an habit. You’ll be addicted to see more results. For example, you’re trying being more positive. And once you feel happier, then people tell you that they see you being happier. They like being around you, because they feel happier too. Believe me, you can’t stop once you see results.✨
