#life changing

clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help clovenhoofbindery:Away Childish Things by @letteredletteredHarry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help


Away Childish Thingsby@letteredlettered

Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.

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After reading George Orwell’s book Animal Farm and his life-changing dystopian 1984, I happened to be struck with a very powerful and triumphant point; why it is important to read.

In general, the books  reflect  events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was remarkably known to be a critic of Stalinism.

Anyways, why is it so important to read?

In the Animal Farm, Old Major – who symbolizes Marxism – was the oldest pig, he had assembled all the farm’s animals before he died. “Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that I had last night.” He had a dream of a world in which animals would live without the tyranny of the farm’s owner, Mr. Jones. – Who symbolizes Russia’s last tsar, Nicholas II.

Animalism – which symbolizes Communism – was a system of ideals that Old Major established, which were put into words and hung on the barn wall for all animals to see.

After the rebellion of the animals against Mr. Jones, pigs were the ruling class, and as time passed by, they had started taking excessive advantage of all of it.

Clover was a female horse – who symbolizes the working class people – and when the pigs begin sleeping in beds, she thought that she remembered a rule against animals sleeping in beds.

Like in the Animal Farm, countless people are currently living under tyranny and opression. They are being, on ongoing basis, disdainfully patronized, fooled, with their rights being abducted away from them with all complacency and indifference.

In fact, the female horse, Clover, was right. One of the ideals was “4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.” But how could she prove the pigs’ deviation from the authentic laws if she could not read?

Clover represents those people who are able to distinguish deviation, but are helpless to change anything.

Another important moment was that of Clover watching other animals being executed by the ruling pig, Napoleon. – who symbolizes Stalin. – “As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago…”

The key phrase is, “If she could have spoken her thoughts.” But could she? Clover was not so good in using her words. She could not read.

Like the Animal Farm,1984 also speaks of betrayed revolution. The ruling party, which led to the revolution (in a very particular way), started to change and to take advantage of the people’s hard work. People were living under a totalitarian tyrant system. There was no such thing as freedom. “Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull.” For, “Big Brother [Oceania’s autocrat] is watching you.”

Until now, you may think just ‘knowing words’ might be useless. Well, that isn’t as futile and as simple as it might sound. In Orwell’s 1984novel, the totalitarian state Oceania had created a controlled language, the Newspeak, as a tool to actually limit thought. Yes, to limit thought! By reducing the vocabulary of the actual language.

The Newspeak had barely something new. It was English, but a more limited one. It attempted to eliminate personal thought by restricting one’s expressiveness.

By creating the Newspeak, Big Brother sought to tighten the range of thought through “the Destruction of words.” “It’s a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words.” Says Syme who works with Winston, the main character, at the Ministry of Truth.

Big Brother, who was all the time watching them through the Telescreen, managed to narrow the range of thoughts and concepts that would pose a threat to the regime, such as self-expression, individuality and freedom generally, in order for Thoughtcrime – the crime of simply thinking – to be “literally impossible.”

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” For the less you express yourself, the less you’re likely to make change.

In conculsion, and in Orwell’s view, the deluded dominated people must seek for knowledge. They need to wake up, to be aware, to become “concious”. For it is by conciousness that Truth would result, and it is within Truth that lies freedom.

“Until they became conscious they will never rebel…”

SEE: ‘Accepted’

This movie starring Justin Long could be writtren off as just another semi-teenage-comedy-pseudo-sex romp (minus the sex.) Fluff might be another way to describe it. But I have never felt that way about this film.

Quite the opposite really — I have always been somewhat inspired by ‘Accepted.’ And this scene, as contrived as you might think it is, is represenative of the idea that you can look at the work differently to get the things you want and need. 

As a matter fact, it is suggesting that you do have to tilt your head sideways a little to see things in a different light and to follow your dreams. 

Mister Gaines is right. Do we have to conform to the world that is presented to us or can we create our own universe and mold it to the way we want to live? 

I might not run off and start my own college tomorrow. But nothing is going to stop me from from making the changes I need to make today.

#accepted    #comedy    #netflix    #justin long    #inspiration    #motivation    #life changing    #po culture    #ajunop    #ajjunop    #aj junop    #hear see daily    

We stood for almost three hours to see him. It was hot. There were a lot of people in one place. My feet were in absolute AGONY. (Cowboy boots or bust, okay? Fashion. ✨)

But the night was fueled with the excitement of strangers. Even standing in line before the venue, people were chatting and laughing and making friends. There were SO many amazing outfits – cowboys and cowgirls and everything in between. The opening act – the Nude Party – had amazing energy, and by the time they’d finished, you could *feel* everyone waiting. It was a small venue, close. I had the perfect spot on the second platform; only twenty feet from the stage.

And then after all the waiting, there he was. He and the band hit the stage and the crowd became a body, and we all knew what to do. With every new song there was a new wave of cheering and clapping and dancing, and I couldn’t even feel my aching feet. It was *incredible*. Being so close felt amazingly personal.

I know every word to every song this man’s put out, and I sang along the whole night. He was an incredible showman; funny, energetic, entertaining for every second. And yes, he sounds even better live. An insane voice.

He handed out roses to people in the crowd for great outfits or enthusiasm or dedication to knowing all the lyrics (!!!!!) Alas, I didn’t get one, but it was so exciting to see other people receive theirs ☺️ God, what a night.

I cried during Curse of the Blackened Eye. I almost fell over during the crowd rush to dance to Lafayette. I screamed when they played Legends Never Die. And I danced my ass off for Iron Hoof Cattle Call. It. Was. Spectacular.

That’s it. When you practice everyday a little more, and you start seeing results. It will become more than an habit. You’ll be addicted to see more results. For example, you’re trying being more positive. And once you feel happier, then people tell you that they see you being happier. They like being around you, because they feel happier too. Believe me, you can’t stop once you see results.✨


bro what WAS the deal with that panties comment in 5x04 anyway

stanbap: BANG YONGGUKOFF, EP ALBUM ‘2’ (2022)stanbap: BANG YONGGUKOFF, EP ALBUM ‘2’ (2022)stanbap: BANG YONGGUKOFF, EP ALBUM ‘2’ (2022)stanbap: BANG YONGGUKOFF, EP ALBUM ‘2’ (2022)


OFF, EP ALBUM ‘2’ (2022)

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Keep GRINDIN boy your life can change in ONE year….and even when it’s DARK out the SUN is SHINING somewhere

#motivation    #inspiration    #cole world    #premeditated murder    #believe    #grinding    #keep grindin    #roc nation    #rapper    #hip hop    #life changing    
nume-x:i fell in love again


i fell in love again

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We can’t wait to go commando with Dear Kate yoga pants! Make a pledge to their Kickstarter cam

We can’t wait to go commando with Dear Kate yoga pants! Make a pledge to their Kickstarter campaign and be one of the first to get a pair of pants that will probably change your life. 

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daglout:oathgrowth:This stupid exchange between friends has become a cultural icon. This text threaddaglout:oathgrowth:This stupid exchange between friends has become a cultural icon. This text threaddaglout:oathgrowth:This stupid exchange between friends has become a cultural icon. This text threaddaglout:oathgrowth:This stupid exchange between friends has become a cultural icon. This text thread



This stupid exchange between friends has become a cultural icon.

This text thread brought us into a new age

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