#euphoria astrology



* actual birthday


Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising

Hostile Ash can’t handle bullshit..so he doesn’t. With his Capricorn sun, he values loyalty and tradition, but his Aries moon can make him a bit impulsive in proving it. His Aries rising makes Ash come off as a domineering and dangerous individual, with his emotions under a level of care. Not one to stray from family, Ash chooses to stay on the front lines just in case something chooses to cross them.


*Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising

Tenacious and passionate Maddy won’t take no for an answer. Her Aquarius sun makes her a unique individual who prides themselves on their perspectives of life. Maddy’s Taurus moon makes her stubborn and confident, while her Leo rising adds a spotlight to her life- even if she doesn’t want it in the private sector. Vindicative at times, Maddy doesn’t back down from a fight..might even start one.


*Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Rising

Idealistic and dreamy Jules is ever empathic when it comes to others. Her Pisces sun makes her open to those around her, taking a dip before going for a swim. Her Taurus moon makes her sympathetic, while her Capricorn rising gives her an air of determination, but also with a slight edge of intensity. Jules likes to invite people in, but it’s up to her on whether or not she’ll kick you out.



Libra Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising

Charismatic Kat is someone you want on your side- blunt, open minded, and outspoken, she’ll fight for you. Charming, she can swindle her way out of almost anything. Her portrayal of self is different than how she truly feels about herself, which is shown in her Leo moon. Her Libra rising makes her amicable and friendly, as well as diplomatic….if she decides to be.


Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising

Soft McKay wants to be what others want him to be. Although he has the best intentions, it’s hard for him to express them in the correct way. Hear me out- his Scorpio sun creates inner turmoil, with his Virgo moon adding an inability to process his emotions right; he has to work through them (literally). His Gemini rising makes him a popular guy with circles of friends everywhere; his likability is in his aura. Devoted, he wants things to be at his portrayal of perfection…which can be impossible to fulfill at times.


Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising

Nate Jacobs is discrete, calculating, and manipulative. His Sagittarius sun makes his character intelligent when it comes to gathering data, and calculating when it comes to serving it. His Scorpio moon curates a toxic culture of destroying others to get what he wants, instead of delving into the positives and giving instead of taking. His Scorpio rising makes Nate unapproachable, his aura hostile instead of powerful. All in all, Nate is somebody who has a to-do list and doesn’t care about who he has to whack in order to cross something off.


* actual birthday


Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising

Cassie is someone whose deep insecurities came to be from her childhood. Docile when it comes to her lovers, Cassie is someone who finds strength when kind to others. Her Pisces moon gives her the power to be empathetic towards everyone…and I mean everyone (get who I’m talking about). In touch with her emotions, Cassie is aware of her feelings- a bit too much…and she doesn’t really know what causes them. A catalyst for support, Cassie will give unless scorned. She has a lot of power to wield, but still unaware of how to. Her Virgo rising gives way to Cassie looking her best to the world, but a wreck on the inside. Affectionate and caring, she serves those around her.


Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Cancer Rising

Fezco is nothing if not loyal. Family oriented and fierce, Fezco refuses to be crossed by anyone. His Leo sun gives way to his generosity being extends towards those he cares about, and who they care about, and so on. Fezco’s Capricorn moon let’s him be traditional in the sense of family- you took care of me, I’m going to take care of you. He keeps his head on straight and he keeps his word; he’d never let external circumstances cloud his overall judgment. Strategic and calculated, he always knows what to do. Fez’s Cancer rising turns him into Home- Ashtray, Rue, and Faye find solace in his home, along with his presence and being.


*Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising

Rue is someone who can be impulsive yet methodical at the same time- channeling Virgo’s mentality and Leo’s enthusiasm, Rue is able to charm anyone in her way. If it works, it works! If not…Anyway, Rue’s someone who would find her way out of a wormhole. Her Leo moon gives her a multitude array of emotions and with the fiery passion Leo ensues, it embodies her character fully until executed outward. Rue’s Sagittarius rising enables her to go beyond this world and the next, and to learn more of what the world has to offer. Dogmatic at times, she can’t resist a good time.


* actual birthday


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising

Being an Aries sun and Pisces moon, Lexi is full of the boundless energy Arians possess, along with the receptive qualities of Pisces moon. However, that’s not all. Being neighboring signs, Aries and Pisces are both alike in multitudes of ways. Passiveness is common, but so is the childlike wonder of Aries- and let’s not forget Pisces’ creativity- hello Bob Ross. Lexi is faced with expectations left and right- submissive, quiet, weird. With an Aquarius rising, Lexi dares to go against those expectations and explore her personality and creative capacity further.


Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, Pisces Rising

Unbothered and humble Elliot takes shit from no one. Elliot cares about his loved ones, but he maintains a “the ends justify the means” mindset that could potentially harm himself and others. With a sensuous Taurus sun, Elliot is all about sensation- how to feel good, when to get good, with who to get good with. His Aquarius moon enables him to detach quickly and be inquisitive when it comes to the best interest of those around him, no matter the circumstances. His Pisces rising paints Elliot as a dreamy character who seeks the other world. Anyway, if not for pleasure, why dig in?


Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising

With her style, Faye knows what she likes. Loyal to a fault, Faye likes to broach the unknown and seek the high her environment provides. One to avoid conflict, Faye still instills conflict (although unknowingly..somehow). With two air signs and an earth sign, Faye’s opinions are served as facts in her mindset and she will refuse anything that she deems irrelevant to her goal at that moment. With a Gemini sun, Faye is open to those around her…eating ass for oxys? Alright. With a Libra moon, she approaches those around her openly unless given a reason not to (fuck that manager). Her Taurus rising bestows her a matter-of-fact aura that can get her into entanglements if not managed right.

♡ zendayas big 3 ♡

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ virgo sun in the 7th house ღ

<3zendaya is probably picky about the things that come into her life. she pays attention to detail, (obviously..) she just wants to be surrounded by what is right to her. she’s patient, critical, reliable, possibly overthinks, and hardworking. since her sun is in the 7th house she pays a lot of attention to her relationships, and can sometimes rely on how people perceive her. she can be motivated by diplomacy. she seeks career opportunities that involve a flowy partnership. she loves bonding with others. virgo sun in the 7th house gives off the vibe of someone who is really kind, but anxious in relationships sometimes. ♡

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ taurus moon in the 3rd house ღ

<3 zendaya is the type of person that appears calm when everything is falling apart. she is emotionally secure, and enjoys helping others be that way too. she doesn’t hesitate to put in hard work, she works consistently toward goals rather than “fast”. taurus enjoys material comforts, especially in the moon sign. she seeks stable relationships. since her moon is in the 3rd house she might be good at communicating her feelings, having a good memory to random knowledge, and finding comfort in learning. she can struggle with finding balance between her heart and her mind. and she can be adaptable to others views. ♡

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ aquarius rising ღ

<3 aquarius risings are friendly, and well-liked. their personalities are accepted easily by other people. zendaya is quirky in my opinion and I LOVE IT. i know most of you probably dislike that word, but it literally means unexpected traits. she has deep curiosity for this world. she’s original, and unique. she is her own individual 100%. anything that is advanced grabs her attention. ♡
