

*evil cackling*

Emotional manipulation is fun, easy to do, and rarely has any negative consequences for either party

Never be afraid to take what you need. Take that nap. Treat yourself to a snack. Steal those jewels. Kill your nemesis-

I loathe hypocrisy. Unless, of course, I am the one doing it.

If people keep denying you the things you need, no matter how kindly you ask, that’s your sign to take it.

I am transgender and I think there should be more violence

Selflessness is a totally unhinged concept. “Oh everyone matters except me so I’m gonna sacrifice myself for their benefit!” What makes you so special? What makes you the one person unworthy of your glorious beneficence? Get off your high horse

What a fantastic day to remember that no one can tell me what to do <3

Funny how everything I like is in good taste, and everything I don’t is objectively bad? Actually it’s not funny I’m just always right

“Oh the nature of life is that good always wins, your evil deeds will come to naught, blah blah blah” so then why are you putting so much effort into convincing me to give up, hm?

Me, evilly filing the evil paperwork needed to make sure my evil empire runs evil smoothly: You know this isn’t as fun as I thought it’d be

Nobody gets what they deserve, and let me tell you, that looks a lot better when what you deserve is, like, bad things

im the most unique and interesting mad scientist in this secure government facility

using titration to determine the concentration of your mom’s breast milk

two scientists are getting married in the lab…

girlie his big test tube is making up for the size of something else if you know what im sayin


my head is swimming with numbers and Greek letters and equation after equation after equation. and still, no matter how many revisions i make, it still won’t work. nothing works anymore.

two-footed lambda stares me down and insists i’m wasting my time. theta (forever my favourite) declares me inadequate, too small to achieve something so big. sigma seems to point in my direction, as if to accuse me of something else. and yet i push on–for something must eventually work, yes?

i am no god, no. i neither claim to be such nor aspire to do so. i am a mortal, and i understand this so, so well. but even in his fall, Icarus was immortalized. i can only hope the world is so kind to me.


happy pride month i going to do an experiment that challenges the gods themselves <3


Now this is an ooooold illustration of my surprise villain, Elizabeth „Lizzie“ Fallacy from the H.E.L.L. Minicampaign i ran for my boyfriend and my partner a while ago, but i somehow forgot to post it here until now. Nevertheless, I love her and she is one of my all time favorite villains i‘ve ever played. Absolutely crazy in the coconut.

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