

I Am the Meat Man (My Meat is Delicious) by MKULTRA

I had an odd dream.

It started with me at my house, and my mom was sitting on the floor organizing something under the electric piano. I felt dizzy, so I lay down as to not fall and pass out, causing injury.

I woke up once again at the local grocery store with my aunt, and once again passed out.

She pressed a long cardboard box on me, I think my brain mistook chest compressions for that.

I either died in that dream or went into a coma which brings a theory:

When you die, you wake up. They may be mourning my loss, but I am still alive. In this dimension anyway.

How are you here?

I have a theory that if you die in your sleep while dreaming, you live in that dream until you die.

Today In Spanish II my teacher asked in pear deck “what fills your bucket” so of Course I said my new demonia’s filled my bucket.

(The popular demonia’s but without the platform).

After I showed her, I proceeded to manically laugh assuming my mic was off, as people with untreated mental problems do.

She heard and said “Ooookay then..” I profusely apologized and said I “Saw a funny tiktok” when in reality I was laughing at thin air like some… some schizophrenic machination of terror…

the unsettling side of poolcore

i can’t recall if i’ve talked about analog horror on this blog before but jfc the CHILLS that run up my spine when i think about thalasin and suddenly my brain goes




[ if you don’t know what i’m referencing and you must know then look up blue channel new emotions but keep in mind those images will be burned into ur retinas for the rest of eternity and it will probably unsettle you ]

anyway leave analog horror recommendations in my inbox or dms
