#female presenting nipples


Meanwhile, half the follows I get are still pornbots.

I managed to get a couple of paintings by John William Waterhouse flagged.  The women were all fully clothed, too.  Heckuva job, Tumblr!

(Psyche Entering the Gate to Cupid’s Garden, and Ophelia, if you’re curious.  The algorithm seems to pay attention to large photos with two flesh-toned crooked elbows in frame, for some reason.)

well I’m glad to see that someone is taking this seriously…your Mask is the first like of def

well I’m glad to see that someone is taking this seriously…

your Mask is the first like of defense along with um, all the other precautions like uh, the gloves and uh, face shield…goggles…gown…um and y’know all the protective gear keeping you safe.

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Tumblr has decided it no longer wants me to be part of its world. To stay would require I accept ser

Tumblr has decided it no longer wants me to be part of its world. To stay would require I accept service terms that deem female-presenting nipples as obscene and queer art as offensive. I will not be complicit in Verizon’s “full-frontal” attack on women’s bodies, sex workers and the LGBT+ community.

This blog consisted of historic tales related to works of art along with images of diverse people (perhaps naked or partly so) and contemporary photography that emphasized feminist and queer perspectives. Sometimes I tried to offer a clever pun and once came up with a slightly-successful meme about the Pythagorean theorem.

That which seemed innocuous enough a year ago has now been transformed by Verizon into something dangerous. Tumblr originated with a promise to welcome people seeking companionship as they traveled paths previously unexplored. Yes, some of what these adventurers found was not safe for work, but that wasn’t the problem, not really. The ideas they encountered, and the ways they found of expressing those ideas, turned out not to be safe for corporate and socially conservative elements of the American state. That is why they are being suppressed.

I have sought shelter from the storm, taken my pen and gone home. Perhaps someday a refuge will emerge where I can reestablish this blog, but on the whole I am pessimistic. In the meantime, if you wish to find me, I sometimes check email at caseylorne [at] hush [dot] com.

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My nipples get so hard when I’m at the gym. They CLEARLY show through my sports bra and tank top.

I’m not sure if I hate this or love this.

On one hand, I wish my nipples would calm down for once. On the other hand… it’s pretty cute tbh.


It’s been a year since Tumblr’s all-out ban on NSFW content went into effect, giving rise to waves of memes,vidsandart; fans migrating to other platforms; and of course, content flags. So many content flags.

FromFemale-Presenting NipplestoA Network Of Our Own, reblog this post with your thoughts on Tumblr fandom before and after the purge, and edit our Fanlore page to add links to your favourite commentary, parodies and fanworks.

I could go on and on

trust in the algorithm

Love too have to scroll through years of posts to find out which scans of fully-clothed men just got flagged for apparently being pornographic photos of women.



If we’re all going down I'm going the way I lived, making shitty memes in the face of peril.

This is genius


lmao tumblr ded


the other day this teenager who couldn’t’ve been more than 15 or 16 years old was checking me out relentlessly and I absolutely didn’t get it. like I’m happy with how I look but I don’t think I’m so fine that a rando teen is gonna be lusting after some stereotypically-Ashkenazi-looking lady twice his age. 

but then I thought, what do I know. maybe I look just like Blorbina Blorbstein from his shows and that’s why he can’t stop looking at me

anyway later I figured out it was almost definitely because I wasn’t wearing a bra and my nipples were EXTREMELY visible 
