#festival di sanremo


Per quanto io fugga

Torno sempre da te

Che fai rumore qui,

E non lo so se mi fa bene,

Se il tuo rumore mi conviene,

Ma fai rumore sì,

Che non lo posso sopportare

Questo silenzio innaturale

Tra me e te.

Last night I re-read with my friends on Discord the story Paperinik e il Festival di Sanromolo by Br

Last night I re-read with my friends on Discord the story Paperinik e il Festival di Sanromolo by Bruno Sarda and Giorgio Cavazzano, so - since I’ve never drawn the inhabitants of Duckburg - I’ve decided to do this little illustration before going to bed. For you not-Italian speakers, the whole story is set during the Sanremo (here called Sanromolo) musical competion: Donald, Gladstone and Fethrey’s outfits and song are a reference to the trio of singers who won the Festival back in 1987. You can listen to their performance here.
PS: in the Disney parody, Scrooge wrote the song’s lyrics in order to not hire a songwriter and therefore saving his money. How iconic.

If you like my art, you can find it also here.
Don’trepost it without crediting me.

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Amadeus che a giugno ci spara il Regolamento di Sanremo2023, che icona.

L’Italia è il Paese che amo
