#fine line


Requested: yes by @theflowersbloom

A/N: I am so sorry if this is bad. I really wanted to write this request and I did my research because I was an uneducated fool. So I hope I did it justice and that I somehow informed you of asexuality. Always educated yourself before you write or post anything!

Pairing: reader & stranger to best friend!harry

Words: around 700 (it’s short I know I’m ashamed

Warning(s): asexuality (if that makes you uncomfortable for some reason, don’t read this)

“C’mon it will be fun!” your best friend Ava was trying to convince you to go to a frat party with her.
“And be in a room full of horny college boys and girls, I’d rather not.”
“But then I’ll be all alone, what if something happens to me?” Well… she’s got you there. Something always happened to Ava. Good or bad… mostly bad.
“Fine!” you give in after 5 minutes of arguing. Ava jumps up and cheers, already looking for an outfit that will impress the male population at the party later that night. You on the other hand, you were probably going to put on some shorts maybe a top maybe a shirt. As an asexual you didn’t really understand the whole dress to impress, you weren’t attracted to people by the way they look or the way they dress, so why not just dress for yourself.

At the party, you weren’t enjoying yourself one bit. Ava, on the other hand, was having the time of her life. Dancing with a few boys, making out with some, she literally turned heads ever since she walked in (which was probably her goal, you just weren’t informed on them). You had grabbed a drink when you walked into the house, sat yourself down on the couch and just watched people being … well people. To you it looked like a safari documentary, the male species being the hunters and the female’s representing the preys. It was strange, yet amusing to watch.
“So you’re all here by yourself?” a voice suddenly woke you from David Attenborough’s voice over.
“If that is some cheesy line to get me in your bed, it’s not working”, you informed the guy.
“You haven’t even looked at me.” At this you turned your head, looked him up and down like some frat boy and turned your head back.
“Now I did.”
“Yeah, so? You can see I’m like the hottest guy here right.” At this comment you can’t help yourself but scoff.
“Read my lips, buddy. I  a m  n o t  i n t e r e s t e d”, you slow it down for him so his drunk brain can comprehend the message better. He scoffs, throws his drink in your face and leaves you alone on the couch. It takes a moment before you realise what has happened and that you are covered in beer, everything reeks of it. You get up and try to find the nearest bathroom.
“Oh sorry, love.” You hear another male voice after you try to pull on a door that won’t budge. “I’ll be out in a jiffy then the bathroom is all yours.”
“Okay, thanks”, you say through the door. The guy comes out after 2 minutes and he gives you a certain look (or at least you thought that he was).
“Uhm… do you need help cleaning that?” he offers.
“That would be great actually.” For some reason you felt a platonic connection with this guy. You didn’t even know him but you just knew right there and then that this guy would become on of your bestest friends ever.

And how right you were. Three years later, here you guys are chilling on the couch while your other friends have left to go to a bar. At the party a few years back, where you met Harry, he helped you clean yourself and your clothes and offered you a ride home… in a none creepy stalker guy kind of way. He was actually very nice and very British and you were glad you met him when you did. You learned that you guys had a lot in common. You learned that he is a great supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and that he often protests just like you do. It didn’t take him long to accept that you were asexual and that you were struggling with your other friend to achieve that kind of support. Truth be told they just didn’t understand, so you were glad to have finally found the person who did.

Requested: yes by @theflowersbloom

A/N: I am know I did this request already but I just wasn’t happy with how it turned out so I decided to write another. Always educated yourself before you write or post anything! I made the reader 20 because it goes with this piece.

Pairing: reader & bestfriend!harry

Words: 1k

Warning(s): asexuality (if that makes you uncomfortable for some reason, don’t read this), angst

You have been dating Ryan ever since you were thirteen, so for about seven years now. You were dating him because you fell in love with the romantic gestures he made towards you. At first they were small, you were only thirteen he couldn’t pay for a fancy restaurant, but he would carry your books to class. He would wait up after school and would walk you home, hands grazing against each other as you walked until he finally had to courage to grab yours. On prom night he picked you up, told you that you looked ‘absolutely stunning in that dress’ and after he brought you home he gave you a kiss on the cheek. It was so simple and you loved the fact that he didn’t book a hotel room like they did in the movies and forced you to have sex with him because to you it felt like you weren’t ready.

It took you to the end of freshman year in college to figure out that you were asexual and because of this sudden realisation you didn’t feel comfortable talking about it with Ryan. In your psychology class there was a guy who openly supports the LGBTQ+ community, you decided to trust a stranger and lay it on him. Lucky for you, he understood where you were coming from and told you that you could always talk to him.
From that day forward your friendship with Harry grew. Ryan was so jealous of your relationship with Harry that he decided he wanted more from you. He wanted to be shown that you loved him. That night he prepared dinner for you and him, a romantic dinner by candle light. He laid rose petals from his front door to the kitchen and chose your favourite wine to go with the dinner.
“Ryan?” you called as you opened his front door with the key that he gave you 3 years ago when he moved into his own place.
“I’m in the kitchen, bunny.” Bunny, your nickname, which he chose because when you laugh you scrunch up your nose like a bunny and Ryan thought it was adorable.
You then notice the rose petals on the floor and your heart melts over the romantic gesture. You quickly made your way to the kitchen and almost started crying at the sight.
Once you were both seated, you both opened your mouths to say something.
“Look, I..” Ryan started.
“Listen, I gotta…” You giggle. “Sorry, you go first.”
“Look, I have thought about this for a while now and I think we’re ready for the next step in our relationship.” This scared you.
“Is that all you’ve got to say about this?” He started to get a little angry.
“Maybe I should have gotten first…” you trail of, ignoring his change of behaviour. “I’m asexual. I have been for a long time… I just didn’t know how to tell you and then I got scared. But I’m not sorry because this is the way that I am. And I am not sexually attracted to you.. or to anyone.” You ramble and stop once you’ve realised that Ryan turned into a statue. He doesn’t move, you hope he’s still breathing.
“Is it because of that guy Harry?” He then asks after a few minutes.
“What? Why would this have to do with Harry. I just told you I am not sexually attracted to you or anyone… how does Harry have anything to do with this?”
“Because you actually like him, you love him right?! YOU DON’T WANT TO SLEEP WITH ME BUT YOU WANT HIM?!” He suddenly raises his voice and starts shouting horrible things at your that you don’t understand.
“What?! NO! Do you even know what asexual means?!” You scream at him. “It means that I am not sexually attracted to people. It means that I don’t give them one look and I want to sleep with them. Harry is my friend and he has nothing to do with this situation. He helped me understand who I am. He was the only person I could trust because I didn’t understand it myself. He will always be my friend and nothing more.” You explain.
“So you’ll never sleep with me?” A reasonable question, not the one you had expected.
“I’m not saying no but I won’t sleep with you just for the sake of sleeping with you. I’m romantically attracted to you. I love the thing we have going on now.”
“To be honest with you, I don’t. I want something more out of this. I need something more out of this”, Ryan says and put his head in his hands.
“Are we… uhm.. are we breaking up?” You ask with a wavering voice. You are so close to tears.
“I think we are.”

You can’t really remember what happened after that, everything is such a blur. Here you are, crying your eyes out on Harry’s sofa.
“I feel so guilty like I have been withholding him from have sex.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty. He didn’t know, heck you didn’t even know who you were. You should never feel guilty for being yourself!” It almost sounded like he was scolding you. “You are a beautiful individual inside and out. One day you will find someone who is right for you and who you are right for. Ryan wasn’t.. yet he came onto your path so you could find out who you are. Look at it from the bright perspective.” Somewhere inside you knew that he was right, still it hurt to know that the person you loved couldn’t love you back as the person you had become.

Requested: no

A/N: Based on Five more minutes by the Jonas Brothers.

Pairing: Y/N & Harry Styles

Words: 800

Warning(s): fluffy af and some smut because why not

Mornings are always difficult for you because you are not a morning person but your job requires you to wake up at 5.30. And the thing that makes it even harder for you to leave your bed in the morning is Harry. He comes home late at night and wraps himself around you, not that you are complaining you love cuddling with him, and you always cuddle into him. It’s so warm and cosy in bed that you don’t want to leave to get to your job (that you are not enjoying).
This Saturday it’s the same story. Your alarm clock wakes you up. For some reason, Harry always sleeps through it, how is a mystery to you. You turn in Harry’s arms and carefully pull the blanket from your body, exposing it to the cold morning air. As you sit up you feel to arms sneaking around your waist, pulling you back to the bed.
“Don’t go”, you hear a groggy voice say. You kiss him on his forehead and wait till you think he has fallen asleep again then you try to get up for the second time.
“No, please don’t go, love”, you hear him say, “five more minutes”. You really have to get up but you can’t say no to the vulnerable Harry laying here before you.
“Alright, five more minutes.” You lay on your side, you face facing his. He pulls you in for a kiss, ugh how could you say no to this. After five minutes of cuddling… well more like five minutes of smooching you pull back, ready to face the day ahead.
“No, baby, please. I’m not finished loving you.” He pulls on your arm.
“Harry, you can love me when I get back okay?” You say a little sternly. You can’t risk getting late, this would be the third time in the past month.
“But you just look so good right now. I cannot fathom letting you leave and I know that you’ve got important places to be. But please, baby, not yet”, this side of Harry only comes out once every blue moon. The whiny begging side, the one that makes you knees weak.
“I can’t, Harry, I’m gonna be so late!”
“Give me five more minutes. I think I ould make it worth your while. I know you don’t like being late but please, please, say yes. I need you so much right now.” He sits up straight, looking you in the eyes, his hair is all over the place he looks like a hot mess. A mess you would love to play around in but you can’t. You subconscious is screaming at you to go to the bathroom, shower and get going. However, your heart is saying “STAY!”.
“Okay, you have five minutes.” You quickly jump into the bed. Harry straddles you and starts kissing your neck and undressing you at the same time.
“Now you don’t have to get undressed, see you’re already saving time.” You roll your eyes. His kissing moves from your neck down your stomach to your underwear. He kisses over them.
“Please Harry”, you beg.
“Alright, love. Begging me already.” He smirks, feeling very cocky and confident as you crumble underneath him. “You want me to?” he asks.
“Not the right word, love.”
“Yes.” Is all you have to say before his fingers slip in and his tongue starts dancing around your clit. You grab his curls in your hands, he moans against you and you already feel like you’re close.
“Yes, Harry, yes. Oh my God, yes”, you moan.
“Are you close?” he asks, as he feels you clenching around his fingers. You moan, not trusting your voice. “I need you to use your words, love.”
“Yes, Harry. Please”, you say as you come undone. You lay there for a second and Harry kisses you passionately.
“I told you I was going to make it worth your while.” He whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, starting you back up again.
“You know what. I’m just going to call in sick today”, you state as you grab your phone.
“No, you are not. You can still make it in time.” He pushes you out of the bed.
“But I wanna stay here with you, please. I can help you and you can help me again. And maybe we can shower together and make breakfast together”,  you start to sum up. Not meaning any of it and implying other activities. Harry is not oblivious to this and his eyes start to darken again.
“Yeah, you know what. Call in sick and call in sick for tomorrow because you are not going to be able to walk tomorrow”, he says as he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom.

Requested: no

A/N: Honestly, it has nothing to do with dad!harry.

Pairing: reader & Harry Styles

Words: 1334

Warning(s): swearing

You were on holiday with your parents in Thousand Oaks. Your parents wanted a nice vacation with everything inside the hotel so they chose to stay at the Four Seasons. However, after a week of staying by the pool and having drinks at the hotel bar, you got bored. You desperately wanted to go to the beach but your parents weren’t letting you go, treating you like a baby. As if you were still twelve, no you were a twenty-three year old woman… on holiday with her parents.
After three days of asking, they finally agreed to let you go but they would come along with you. You had two options, one was to complain over the fact that they wouldn’t let you go alone, or two, you could just stay quiet and be happy that you were going to see the sea from up close.

The next day it’s was finally time for the beach. You put on your favourite bikini and grab your bag to put in your sandals, towel and your tan lotion. You put on your flipflop, for some reason you always pack shoes that you should walk in even though you are going with your parents. There is a little sprinkle of hope that you can somehow evade your dad’s watch of you 24/7. You desperate want to show them that you are not a little kid anymore but you have no clue how to do this.
The drive to the beach wasn’t long but you were happy that you were out of the car, man that was hot. You and your parents find a spot on the beach that wasn’t too crowded and laid your towels down. After sunbathing, you went for a swim in the ocean with your mother while your dad guarded the stuff you had brought. When you got back from your swim, you noticed that your dad fell asleep, your mother was laying on her stomach with her head facing away from you so you used the window that had just opened itself up, to leave for a bit and explore the beach. It wasn’t that you weren’t enjoying yourself but you felt like you needed a little ‘you-time’.

You had been walking for at least 15 minutes when you noticed that this part of the beach seemed less busy than where you and your parents were laying. A few feet away from you, you notice a guy struggling with a whole bunch of watermelons. Being raised to help those in need (take this however you’d like), you ran over to the guy.
“Hey, you need any help?” you ask him, scaring him a little almost causing him to drop one.
“No, sorry this is a closed set. I can’t let you in here”, he says while he hoists up a watermelon that is escaping his grip.
“C’mon you obviously need help. Look I didn’t even know there was anything going on here. I’m not trying to break in, I just wanna help”, you offer again. He sighs in defeat.
“Alright, grab this one.” You hold out your hands and he drops the watermelon. He is still carrying three. “Through here”, he nods to the gate. “Hey Gary, she’s with me, thanks.” This Gary figure holds up the rope as we walk underneath. Now you start to notice the scene in front of you, there are vans everywhere, models running around and cameras.
“Wow.” Is all you can say.
“Right, this set is not even the craziest one I have been to. It’s just Harry, a bunch of models and watermelons on a beach. Last time we had an artist come over and do all these rivers and waterfalls and stuff, and the crazy part is that that video never came out. So much money went into that, holy shit.” This guy just keeps running his mouth. You realise that you never asked for his name. “Oh just drop the watermelon here.” He points to a basket and you carefully place it in there not wanting to ruin it.
“Hey, I’m sorry but you are not supposed to be here. This is a closed set.” You hear a voice say, he’s got an accent, you think to yourself.
“No worries, Haz. She’s with me”, the nameless guy says to this Haz person.
“Hi, I’m Y/N but everyone calls me baby… at least they would if I knew everyone.” Would have sounded so cool but instead your brain had a fart and all you could say was “I carried a watermelon.”
Oh my God!, you think to yourself, is that really all you can say right now. During your brain fart you had turned around and once you saw the person that belonged to the voice, you declared to yourself that he was the most gorgeous person you had ever seen in your entire life.
“Alright, well please leave as soon as possible. Tai here will show you out.”
“Great, well good luck on the video? I guess, is what you are doing here. I’m sure it’ll turn out great”,  you say and start to walk away.
“No, wait… hold on for a second”, the Haz person grabs your arm and pulls you back. “You don’t know who I am do you?” You shake your head. “Would you actually like to be in the video?”
“I don’t know, I actually have to get back to my parents… I’m sure they’re looking for me right now.”
“How about just one shot. The ending.” This guy almost sounds like he’s begging you to be in the video.
“Alright, one shot. If it doesn’t turn out the way you want it too, I’ll be leaving anyways.” He quickly nods and walks away, realising that you aren’t following and turns around again.
“Are you coming?” You quickly make your way over to where he is standing. “Alright, so we are going to be standing here and you’d just have to eat a piece of waterme- wait you’re not allergic are you?” You shake your head. “So just eat a piece of watermelon and smile towards… that camera”, he says and he tries to figure out which camera. “After that guy yells something, you throw away the watermelon and you would have to put your head on my shoulder and your right hand on my stomach and slide down. Would that be okay with you? If it’s not than that would also be okay, and I would ask someone else.”
“It’s fine”, you say. You don’t want to objectify the man but he is looking so fine. The tattoos are definitely a turn on.
“Okay. It’s a go.” He gives a thumbs up to the camera man, he yells a bunch of stuff. All the people get ready for the shot and you do exactly as you were told. This whole experience felt like a fever dream. You were surrounded by a whole bunch of gorgeous people and all because you carried a watermelon for someone.
“CUT!” the camera man yells and everyone cheers. “It’s a wrap!”
“Thank you so much for wanting to do this”, he says. You were still not sure on his name, he realises this too. “I’m Harry by the way. Harry Styles.”
“I’m Y/N.” You shake his extended hand. “I really have to go now but thank you so much for the experience.”

You run as fast as you can back to where your parents are panicking. They yell at you for ‘running away’, grab their stuff and start walking back to the car. You know that you are going to regret leaving your parents without warning because they are really going to be babying you for the rest of the holiday. However, when you put your hands into the pockets of your shorts, you notice a piece of paper.

Call me sometimes. XXX-XXX-XXX

All the love. Harry x

And all the regret you were feeling, floats away like the waves crashing on the shore.

Requested? Yes, Band!y/n.

A/N: I have no idea if this was meant as a Y/N is in Harry’s band or as in Y/N has her own band, so here is my spin on this request. Not my best work I gotta be honest. I also used Scotty Sire’s past life as their song.

Pairing: Y/N & Harry Styles

Words: 1143

Warning(s): swearing

“How’s the writing going?” Coco, your band mate, asks as she walks into the studio. You groan and sigh, “So fucking awful. I literally have no inspiration what so ever.”
“Can’t we just order food and let that inspire us,” Lou suggests… classic Lou always thinking about food.
“No, we need to focus ladies. Our new album isn’t going to write itself!” Ruby says firmly. “If we don’t make a bomb ass second album, we are D-O-N-E, done.” You drop the pen on the table in front of you and stand up from the couch.
“Ladies, I suggest a karaoke night. Maybe we’ll get inspiration there, nothing bad ever happened on karaoke night!” To be really honest, you were just hoping you would run into him again. A few weeks ago on a Wednesday, you met a guy. He was great, he was a fan but not one of those crazy ones. For some reason it felt like you have known him your whole life, he looked so familiar but you couldn’t place it. Today is Wednesday, so here you were hoping faith would bring you two together and maybe you could put that into a song and make some money of those feeling you were having.
“You know what? That’s a great idea, let’s get some noodles at that place too, I am starving!” Lou stood up as well and started gathering her things.
“Yes, RAD on tour!… well RAD on karaoke night, God that doesn’t sound as catchy does it?” Coco says and chants ‘RAD on tour’ all the way to the karaoke bar. The taxi driver was probably very pleased that it was only 15 minutes away (we tipped him extra).

Coco ran to a booth screaming, we pretended not to know her but when you end up sitting at the same booth… it’s kind of inevitable.
“I was thinking The 1975, Me & You together song?” Coco suggests. Ruby shakes her head, “How about some drinks first?” You immediately jump up, “Great idea, I’m gonna go to the bar and order us some.” And you walk off, the last time he was sitting by the bar, ugh you are so stupid not to ask for his name! But alas, he wasn’t there on Wednesday and you girls went home early not feeling inspired at all.

That night you had a dream about a melody, you woke up and grabbed your guitar that was next to your bed. This was it, this was the song.
The morning after, you girls were back into the studio. You played the melody for the girls and they all loved it. After that the lyrics came rather quickly.

Three months later, RAD was on tour (just like Coco had chanted on the way to the Karaoke bar). Tonight you were playing in Amsterdam and oh how excited you were. This venue was the biggest you girls have ever played and even though you were excited, the four of you were nervous, pants-shitting wrecks all day long. You tuned your guitar again, you honestly couldn’t remember how many times you had already tuned it for. That was until your stage crew took the guitar from you to actually make it sound good. Tonight you were performing the new song for the first time and even though the boy wouldn’t be here, it still felt like he would hear it. Well, I mean he would because you know… these things are posted online and such but you get the gist.

“Five minutes!” A voice suddenly pulls you out of your daydream. You look around and the other girls are no where to be found. Oh no, this can’t be happening. You run out of the room where you had been sitting, only to find all the girls standing backstage with their mic packs on.
“There you are, c’mon where almost on!” Lou yells in excitement and stress.
“Alright, alright. Slow down.” The stage crew attaches your mic pack and then you hear the intro play. The girls go on stage one by one, right on cue. You can hear the applause and feel the adrenaline soaring through your body. ‘Alright, you got this’ you say over and over again, hyping yourself up as if you’re going to a boxing match. You hear your cue and walk on, not looking up until you’re right in front of your mic.

“When we met, if felt like a rewind,” you start of. The music stops for a second and you can hear the screams. “I’ve been thinkin’ about it the whole night.” Again the music stops and you finally look up and over the crowd. “Somethin’ tells me this ain’t the first time.” You look around the first row, almost searching for him even though you know he’s not. “Somethin’ tells me I met you in a past life.” Suddenly the stage lights turn on and you start the song for real.
“You might not remember, our souls are locked together. Anywhere, anytime. It’s you and I forever.” That’s when you look eyes with his. You almost want to laugh out loud at the ridiculous fanfic written way of meeting. But he is actually there, he came all the way from London just to watch you and your band, (more you though). You almost have to force yourself to continue singing because you are taken aback and the air had left your lungs. “I swear we must’ve been reincarnated. I can’t take it, watchin’ you play with the fate the universe gave us. I know they call it déjà vu but I just know that we made it.” You look over the Ruby and she gives you a concerned look. You nudge with your eyes to where the guy is standing and she understands it’s all good.
 “It’s you and I forever.” And with that the song fades away. “How are you guys doing tonight?!” you scream over the mic. “Amsterdam let me hear you scream!” You turn the mic towards the crowd. “Wow, you guys are so loud. It’s unbelievable. Welcome to our show, this is our first show of the ‘RAD on tour’ tour, thank you for being our first I can already feel that tonight is gonna be awesome. That was a new song, I wrote it a couple of months back. You see I met this guy and I felt like I knew him before I knew him, y’know. So, I mean, he probably knows who he is. I believe he is here tonight, I think I saw him. If it’s really you, please find me after the show because I don’t want to play with the fate the universe gave us. Alright, I’ll stop rambling on now. Again, thank you guys so much for coming, enjoy the show, be yourself. Here’s ‘Here’s to us!’.”

This was requested by anonymous.

A/N: Based on Being alive by Raúl Esparza from the musical Company. I have never seen this musical or heard the song before so I really hope that I did it justice and that the person who requested this is happy with the end result.

Pairing: Y/N & Harry Styles

Words: 843

Warning(s): light swearing, mentions of drug use

Harry always convinced himself that he didn’t need anyone in his life other than his friends and family and sure it got lonely sometimes but he would be so happy to get home after a night out and be all by himself. Sure he dated a few women in the past but those relationships all had their problems. So he decided after his last relationship ended that he would be fine on his own.

Even if his friends all got engaged, married and had children, Harry did not feel lonely at all. It wasn’t like he had a different woman in his bed every night but he was enjoying life as it came.
And yet here he was, on Mitch’s birthday surrounded by couples and their children and oh Mylanta did he feel lonely. He stayed for a few hours and then visited his best friend Louis. Louis’ also had a child, who was currently at his mother’s house (Louis’ ex-wife). He and Louis often smoked pot when his son wasn’t there and talked about life as if they couldn’t do it sober.
“Do you know what you want for your birthday?” It wasn’t a heavy question but in Harry’s mind it carried something. It was indeed a loaded question. What did he want? Did he need something?
“Honestly, I have no clue.” And it was true, he had no idea want he wanted not for his birthday, not even in his life.
“Holy Moses dude, you’re turning 30 this year. Maybe we should find you a lady,” Louis said as he blew out the smoke and handed the joint to Harry. Harry took it, but instead of taking a drag he answered, “Oh please, not this again. I am fine on my own!”
“Are you though?” Louis was not trying to be rude and offend Harry on the contrary he was so worried that his friend would end up alone, it was truly an honest question.
“I don’t know, Louis.”
“Because the way I see it, Harold, is that you’ve got so many reasons for not being with someone, but you haven’t got one good reason for being alone.” God, Harry hated when Louis was right.
“Well you see, sometimes I do wish I had someone to hold. Someone who knows you so well inside and out. Someone to care for and who cares for me.” Louis just stayed still as Harry rumbled on. “Someone you have to let in, someone whose feelings you spare.”
“Harry, how do you know so much about it when you’ve never been there?”
“Because I see it around me all the time, Lou. Everyone I know is either engaged, married or have kids.”
“It’s so much better living it than looking at it, Harry. But you were onto something, continue,” Louis says as he gives Harry the hand gesture to continue. Harry continued to name what he was looking for in a person. It had to be someone who would crowd him with love, who would force him to care, someone who would always be there. Someone who was as frightened as him of being alive, feeling alive. As he was listing his wishes, he realised that he shouldn’t be afraid of going out there and letting people it.

“You know, alone is alone, not alive,” he suddenly said more to himself than to Louis who by this point was too far gone to even know what was going on. Harry decided that it was time to head home and maybe be alone with his thoughts some more.

That weekend was his birthday, him and his friends went out for dinner before heading to their local pub. It was close to 12 o’clock and most of his friends had already went home. Gosh, he really started to feel old. It definitely wasn’t like it was before when they would all stay out till the sunrise and go home completely hammered. It dawned on him even more that he didn’t want to end up alone and even though he was only thirty, he was also that ‘thirty’, he wasn’t going to get any younger.
“Congratulations.” He suddenly heard a voice behind him, he was sat on a barstool and bend over his drink to even notice anything going on. He turned around and was met by a woman. “I saw the balloon, so I thought I come and say congratulations. Unless of course, it’s not your birthday and you are just holding onto that balloon for a friend or something… but you looked so sad and alone and then I thought maybe I could give you some company so you don’t have to be alone on your birthday if it turns out that it is, in fact, your birthday,” she rambled.
“Yeah, hi, yeah well thanks yeah. Hi, I’m Harry.” He held his hand out for her to shake.
“Haha, hi I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” And boy was his mother right. You receive what you send out to the world and he just got lucky.

A/N: Okay, so I was listening to the Frozen 2 songs (as one does) and I found this song that wasn’t in the movie. And I got this idea for a story from it, so this isn’t 100% me. But it gave me some awkward Harry proposing vibes, so here you go. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Pairing: Y/N & Harry Styles

Word Count: around 1k

Warning(s): none

Harry had been planning this night for a while now, in fact he had tried to propose to you three times now. Although every time that he wanted to, something came up or he forgot what he was saying or he got so nervous that he got sick and you had to end the night early. He had never been this much in love before and it was safe to say that he had no clue what he was doing.
Right now, you were at your best friend’s wedding. The entire night her family had been telling you that you would be next. At some point you got a little angry at them and found a quiet place for yourself to get away from the ‘fortune tellers’.
“Hey baby, what are you doing here by yourself?” A familiar voice came up from behind.
“I just needed to get some air”, you said, “and-”, but you decided to stop there. Not wanted to scare Harry about getting married. Not that you didn’t want to, oh no, you have been waiting for him to propose actually. There were a few times where you thought he would ask you, but those nights never ended with him on one knee and a ring around your finger.
“Well you know, Y/N. I-”, Harry took a deep breath. Somehow the tone in his voice sounded like he wanted to break up. “I, uhm, it’s not you, it’s me.” Yup, there it is, that’s how all good things end. “The timing and the setting aren’t what I thought they’d be. There’s probably someone better for you out there anyway. Maybe I just need some space”, he rambled. Right now, you were keeping quiet. He stood up quickly, but then turned around and mumbled to himself, “No, I should just come out and say … I wanna get this right, baby. I wanna thrill you in the way you deserve. I’m just havin’ trouble gettin’ up the nerve.” He took a deep breath.
“I wanna make you swoon, baby. I wanna rock you with my righteous romance. I wanna set he mood, darling. But I’m sweatin’ through the seat of these pants.” By now he was walking around as he rambled on.
“Harry, love, are you okay?” you ask very concerned. You had never seen him in this state before.
“Y/N, I tried to do this so many times but I always feel so stupid. Like I had planned to read a poem, but I lost it. And then I tried to sing you a song, but I forgot the words. And ooh, here’s a thing. Last time I forgot to bring the ring. So this went very well… I didn’t get this right.” With that he left you alone on the bench and ran back inside. At this point you were very confused. You had no clue what just happened but in all honestly you didn’t have the time to wrap your head around it. Because before you knew it you were running after Harry.
“Baby, it’s okay, come back!” You shouted, with no luck. All the attention that you attracted was from the guests at the wedding and not from your boyfriend, the one you were actually shouting at. While looking for him in the ballroom, you ran into your best friend.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” She asks you and grabs you by your shoulders, forcing you to stop and breath for a second.
“I- uh, I am looking for-. Have you seen Harry?” You are looking around the room, but you couldn’t see his curly mop anywhere.
“Yeah, he is talking to TJ. Why?”
“I was sitting outside and he came to see me and then he started saying that it wasn’t me but it was him. So I thought he wanted to break up and then he started talking about all the times that he had tried something and I didn’t get it but then he said last time he forgot the ring, so now I am thinking he wanted to propose to me. But then I wanted to talking to him but he ran off”, You start to ramble as you try to wrap your head around the current events.
“Well you-,” she starts but gets cut off by someone talking into a mic. That someone of course, was Harry.
“I am sorry for before. I’m freezing up, I’m blowing it – not what I meant to do. I know how crazy lucky I am to love you. Gorgeous, funny, brave and brilliant, beautiful, won’t-give-up-on-anyone you. And I wanna get this right. I wanna love you in the best way I can. And I wanna make you cry, but in a good way! By proving I could be your perfect man. I meant to write it in the sky. I meant to get down on one knee. I planned to really try to be the opposite of me. But, Y/N, I will love you with all my might. I promise you, in here,” he pointed at his chest, “I’ve got that part right. At first I thought maybe we should do this on some other night.” By now he walked from the stage, to where you and your friend are standing.
“Are you asking me to marry you?” you cried.
“You’ve got that right, baby,” and he got down on one knee and pulls the ring out (that he forgot TJ kept in his pocket at all times), “Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me? I’m gonna be the man you want.”
“Oh Harry, guess what? You already are. Of course I will marry you!” He slide the ring on your finger and gets up to kiss you. “We got the hard part over with,” he jokes as the crowd cheers for you. All you both could think about was how happy you were in the moment and how you’re going to celebrate it tonight.

A/N: Felt inspired when I saw the new Harry pics.

Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader

Word Count: 783

Warning(s): none? I guess

You were at work when a mutual friend texted you the pictures, asking if Harry was okay. You then went on Instagram and Twitter to see what people were saying about him. When you noticed all the negative comments and questions about his health, you decided to ask your boss if you could leave early. As soon as your boss agreed under the term “personal matter”, you called a taxi.
While in the taxi, you texted Jeff to see if he knew where Harry was but he told you he hadn’t been able to reach him since this morning. You got out of the taxi at Harry’s and asked the driver to wait in the driveway. In the house, you called for him but there was no answer, you quickly checked the bathrooms and his room but he was nowhere to be found. You did notice that his keys where gone so he must have gone somewhere. After 5 voicemails and 8 texts of asking Harry where he was and if he could please answer the phone, you decided to go home.

You have always been supportive of Harry, the way he expresses himself and his fashion choices and him. It really broke your heart to see all those negative comments about how make-up was for girls and he shouldn’t be wearing it or that if he was wearing make-up then he should definitely be gay and that you were just a beard and Larry is real. The Larry comments never really bother you but you know that Harry will take them to heart and cry about it when he thinks that you are asleep.

When you unlock the door, you notice that the light in the hallway is on. That’s strange, you could’ve sworn you turned it off… Harry. You walk straight to the bathroom but he isn’t there. You also see that your bathroom cabinets are opened, then you walk into your bedroom. There you find Harry sitting on the floor in front of a mirror with your make-up in front of him. You lean against the door and admire his actions. It doesn’t take long before he notices you through the mirror.
“y/n! What are you doing home so early?”, is his first questions and he sounds scared. “I-I am so sorry, I know I didn’t ask for your permission to use your make-up but I saw this make-up tutorial and I wanted to try it out but I didn’t want to go into the store to buy all the products because that would be a waste and I-” he starts to ramble and you plant a kiss on his lips.
“Harry, you don’t need to ask my permission. What’s mine is yours remember, just next time tell everyone where you are. I was very worried about you after I saw the pictures and comments.”
“I know and I am sorry”, he says and looks down at his feet.
“It’s okay baby, don’t worry about it too much.” You give him another kiss. “So which tutorial are you trying out.”
“Well I was learning about a smokey eye but somehow it turns out like a black blob on my eyelid.”
“Alright, well take it all off and then I will teach you.” After he took off all the make-up with a wipe, you grab a brush and lightly dip it in a pink eyeshadow. “Because you have green eyes, you should consider pink, red and purple colours so that your beautiful eyes will pop. You don’t press the shadow on you light tap your eyes and if you don’t have enough on your brush you can grab a little more. You can always add but you can’t take it out.” The right eye was his practice eye which still didn’t look like what he wanted but when he got to the left eye, he finally got it right. “See you are a natural, I can’t even do it that good and I have been putting eyeshadow on my eyes since I was twelve.”
“Thank you, babe. Can you do my eyeliner though, because I can’t get that right and I don’t want to mess up my eyes again.”
“Sure, you just close your eyes. You start at the inner corner, you follow your lash line and then you just flick-it”, you describe as you put the eyeliner on. “There you go, open your eyes, bub.”
“Oh my gosh, I look so pretty.”
“You certainly do but I love you with or without make-up.”
“I love you too.”
