#flora and fauna


Wait for it… there it is- the WIGGLE! This wiggly bird is the cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), and this video demonstrates a very cool behavior that’s usually called “neck-swaying”. This is a somewhat uncommon hunting behavior where the bird quickly weaves its head and neck side to side as it approaches a prey item. We’re not entirely sure what the purpose of this hunting method is, but it is suspected to help the bird more accurately assess the distance of their prey, though others believe it is used to distract or disorient prey before the bird strikes. In any case, several studies in foraging behavior of this species suggest that strikes preceded by head-swaying are actually less successful than normal strikes. Although this video ends too soon (my camera was not cooperating), I can say that this particular wiggle did end successfully, as this cattle egret snatched up a very big bug.

#birblr    #animals    #flora and fauna    #nature    #animal behavior    #birds in the wild    #cattle egret    #bubulcus    #biology    #zoology    #wildlife    