#fo imagine


Sometimes when you get anxious, your f/o’s usual means of calming you don’t work. Sometimes, they just have to grab your face in their hands and make you look at them. “Hey, I need you to breathe. Can you do that for me?” When you finally do calm down, you can count on them getting you your favourite desert as a reward.

In public your f/o understands how nervous you get sometimes. Don’t worry, they’re always there to slip an arm around your waist and squeeze you gently. It’s their little way of letting you know that you’re not alone. They’ve got you.

Want it to feel like you’re taking a shower with you f/o? Get a body wash that you think smells like them! For example, if you normally use a feminine smelling body wash and have a masculine f/o, grab some mens body wash and use it instead!

Your f/o loves you so freakin’ much…like seriously they start to tear up just thinking about how much they love you and how much you mean to them.

P.S.You’re their lock screen wallpaper<3

As much as you hate to admit it, you don’t feel like you’re good enough for your f/o. They’re just so amazing—kind to you, incredibly attractive, smart, everything you think you aren’t.

The first time you expressed feeling this way to them, they couldn’t believe it.

“Y/N, I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling this way…you—I don’t understand. I feel that way about you. I mean, you’re my definition of perfection. I can’t help but feel inferior sometimes to you, and I sure as heck couldn’t ever fathom being with anyone else.”

They poured their heart out to you, making you realize that you were never alone in this thinking.

That day ended with the both of you wrapped up in each other’s arms, a smile on your faces as you realized just how lucky you both were.

Imagine your f/o looking at you. They’re just thinking about how absolutely adorable you are. They can only do this for so long until they pull you close and hug you tight. Basically like when you see a cute puppy or kitten and just want to squeeze it. That’s how your f/o feels about you.

Your romantic or platonic f/o is bringing you hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, your favourite movie on DVD, and lots of blankets for you to have a cuddle + movie sesh!

Imagine your f/o comforting you while you cry. You hate crying, especially around other people. It makes you feel terrible. Your f/o immediately picked up on your emotions, pulling you into their arms and shielding you from the outside world. They allow you to let it all out, whispering reassuring words and phrases to you as they stroke the back of your head gently.

Imagine your f/o bringing to work/school your favourite food for lunch. They surprise you with it, loving the way you smile so big and practically jump into their arms.


there was a post talking about you cuddling with a stuffed animal and your f/o thinking it’s cute but where’s the post talking about you cuddling with your stuffed animal and your f/o being all jealous and huffy over a stuffed animal.
