

Never has wasting away precious minutes on social media ever been so appealing, than when I actually have a spare morning to write!


This is something I fully believe in. If i had a daughter, believe me when I say she would be taught that never…EVER…should she accept anyone telling her that shes not good enough. Or that shes “just a girl, in a mans world”, or that she cant do something because “thats a mans job, not a woman’s!”

To all the young women out there, if you put in the hard work, if you believe in something passionately enough, and more importantly, if you believe in yourself…there is nothing that you can’t do!

Hell, thanks to the shewee, we can even pee standing up these days!

Happy International Womans Day ya’ll ‍‍‍✈️‍‍‍⚖️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍‍♀️‍‍

…and now, i take a full on picnic hamper!!! Screw you popcorn that costs £595 a tub! (Disclaimer…I may have added a few ££’s to that figure )

Ive come to realise that time spent as a writer is mostly 90% daydreaming/thinking about what you want your characters to say/do…5% finding time to jot those thoughts down…4% cursing because you cant remember those awesome ideas you had and totally didnt jot down….and 1% actually writing your story.

So like…thinking about your story totally counts as time spent being productive on that story yeah? Yeah???


Wayhaught slow burn fanfic recommendations wanted

Can anyone recommend a well written slow burn wayhaught fanfic to read on AO3? I’ve read “From Afar” and “Lone Wolf”, both of which are excellent, but after something new now


(and include the fandom!)

Let’s all shamelessly self-promote ourselves!

My own fanfic piece, based on the tv show “The Originals” - The Evil Within, part one of the The Demons That Hide Within Us trilogy.

I have recently been asked what I picture Freya and Keelin looking like, when writing my fanfic piece What Lies Within.

So, here you go - they look like their Season 4 personas throughout most of the trilogy I’m writing. Except when Freya becomes Blood-Bound…. imagine her with a lot darker eyeliner for that part! Ha.


“Keelin & Freya finally find some time to escape away for 2 weeks in Mexico. The two of them enjoying some peaceful time away from the supernatural drama of their lives back in New Orleans. Eating breakfast together one morning after a night spent making love under the stars, Freya gazes at her wife across the table, and smiles at how relaxed and beautiful the wolf looks as they eat. Whipping out her phone, she whispers “I love you so much”, before snapping Keelin smiling around her mouthfull of food….”

Sometimes you have to wonder if being a gay girl is worth all the drama/angst/shyness/awkwardness/taunting/homophobia…. but then you remember just how hot women are!!

Been suffering a particularly bad case of writers block as of late when it comes to my Freelin fan fic, but seeing photos like this of the lovely Christina Moses certainly helps to kick start the “i wanna write my fav ladies” vibe! ❤️

The Originals

Song: Dua Lipa - Begging

Pairing: Freelin


Vidder Notes:N/A

#the originals    #freelin    #freya mikaelson    #keelin malraux    #dua lipa    #begging    

The Originals

Song: Luciana Zogbi - All of Me 

Pairing: Freelin


Vidder Notes:

Inspired by this post by @fancyzhen
