#from the 12th


Nikolai: My ass is glorious.

Sigma: Pretty flat to me.

Nikolai, crying: TAKE THAT BACK!

Dabi: I’m full of bone and ash.

Toga: And hot air. Don’t forget all the hot air your head is filled with.

Dabi: …

Dabi: I’m dropping you off at an orphanage. Get in Spinner’s van, Himiko.

Sunrise: Goooooooood morning!

Moondrop, just waking up: This is why I’m so murderous.

Shinsou: Sup, Grandpa!

Endeavor: What?

Shoto: Hello, Father. This is your grandson, Hitoshi, Touya’s son, I brought him home for our study project.

Endeavor: …What?

Shoto: We’ll be in my room studying.

Endeavor, nearly bursting a blood vessel to figure it out: …What?
