#full moon


Full Moon High

Arizona | February 2022

Image shot by me (dcci) with a Yaschia T4

Happy Capricorn Full Moon

Celebrate all your successes accomplished so far this year, big and small. Release any illusions of control. As we grow and change so do our values and feelings. Make time for them. Reassess your goals, plans, and standards from the comfort of home.


Save The Date : 2020

The 13 Full Moons of 2020

Friday, January, 10th

❄️ Sunday, February, 9th

Monday, March, 9th

Wednesday, April, 8th

Thursday, May, 7th

Friday, June, 5th

Sunday, July, 5th

Monday, August, 3rd

Wednesday, September, 2nd

Friday, October, 2nd

Saturday, October, 31st

Monday, November, 30th

Wednesday, December, 30th

Retrograde Planetary Movements

Uranus Retro in ♉️ : Aug, 12 (2019) – Jan, 1st

Mercury Retro in ♊️+♒️ : Feb, 17th – Mar 10th

Pluto Retro in ♑️ : April, 25th – Oct, 4th

Saturn Retro in ♑️+♒️ : May, 11th – Sept, 29th

Venus Retro in ♊️ : May, 13th – June 25th

Jupiter Retro in ♑️ : May, 14th – Sept, 13th

Mercury Retro in ♋️ : June, 18th – July, 12th

Neptune Retro in ♓️ : June, 23rd – Nov, 23rd

Uranus Retro in ♉️ : Aug, 15th – Jan, 1st (2021)

Mars Retro in ♈️ : Sept, 9th – Nov, 14th

Mercury Retro in ♏️+♎️ : Oct, 14th – Nov, 3rd

Celestial Signs

♑️ Capricorn : Dec, 22nd – Jan, 19th

♒️ Aquarius : Jan, 20th – Feb, 18th

♓️ Pisces : Feb, 19th – Mar, 20th

♈️ Aries : Mar, 21st – Apr, 19th

♉️ Taurus : Apr, 20th – May, 20th

♊️ Gemini : May, 21st – Jun, 20th

♋️ Cancer : Jun, 21st – Jul, 22nd

♌️ Leo : Jul, 23rd – Aug, 22nd

♍️ Virgo : Aug, 23rd – Sept, 22nd

♎️ Libra : Sept, 23rd – Oct, 22nd

♏️ Scorpio : Oct, 23rd – Nov, 21st

♐️ Sagittarius : Nov, 22nd – Dec, 21st

Sabbat Festivals (Northern Hemisphere)

Imbolc – Candlemas : February, 2nd

Ostara – Vernal Equinox : March, 21st

Beltane – Mid Spring : May, 1st

☀️ Litha – Summer Solstice : June, 21st

Lammas – Harvest : August, 1st

Mabon – Autumnal Equinox : Sept, 23rd

Samhain – All Hallows’ Eve : Oct, 31st

❄️ Yule – Winter Solstice : December 21st

Sabbat Festivals (Southern Hemisphere)

Lammas – Harvest : February, 2nd

Mabon – Autumnal Equinox : Mar, 21st

Samhain – Witches’ New Year : May, 1st

❄️ Yule – Winter Solstice : June, 21st

Imbolc – Candlemas : August, 1st

Ostara – Vernal Equinox : Sept, 23rd

Beltane – Mid Spring : October, 31st

☀️ Litha – Summer Solstice : Dec, 21st

Light and dark. This tiny bat holds your very own glass full moon, which glows with soft blue light during the night.


Full Moon Ritual Ideas and Journal Prompts

Working with the Full Moon

During the full moon we have the chance to step back and reflect on all that’s been created during this past lunar cycle. It’s important to also take time to pause, reflect, and let go of what you no longer need.

The full moon is a time to embrace gratitude for what you have been given and what you have accomplished. Even if you’re not where you’d like to be, and even if you’ve had setbacks, you likely still have something you can find gratitude for and something you’ve done that you can be proud of. Appreciate your own resilience and strength.

The full moon is a time to:

  • Express gratitude
  • Reflect on what you’ve accomplished this past lunar cycle
  • Reflect on what has been illuminated for you this lunar cycle
  • Release what no longer serves you
  • Doyour own tarot readingorget a tarot reading for the month ahead

Here are some ideas to try when putting together your own full moon ritual. You can mix and match, add or subtract to any of these. Just think of them as jumping off points for your own intuition and creativity!

1. Make a Sacred Space

For me, this is a vital step to get me into the right headspace for ritual. Surround yourself with things that taste, sound, smell, look and feel good to you and help you relax. I have certain incense and music that I only use during my moon rituals, just hearing that music or smelling that incense can instantly get me ready for ritual.

2. Ground Yourself

Grounding yourself can be done in lots of different ways, but my favorite is doing a simple body scan meditation where you feel into each part of your body one after another. Another great grounding technique is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique where you name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

3. Journaling Prompts

After grounding myself I generally start my ritual with journaling. Journaling can be a great way to connect with your gratitude, challenges and make peace with what you need to release and let go of. Every full moon I create a sacred space (even if it’s just in my house!) and spend some time journaling, with some of the following prompts:

  • What am I grateful for right now?
  • What has happened in the past month that I feel most grateful for?
  • What do I appreciate about my own mind, body, and spirit?
  • What tiny miracles show up in my world?
  • What do I love most about my life right now?
  • What do I love most about myself right now?
  • What obstacles and challenges have taught me meaningful life lessons recently?
  • What’s one of my favorite memories from the past month? What’s one of the hardest?
  • How have your relationships changed and grown this past month?
  • Was there anything holding me back from reaching my goals this month?
  • What did I spend too little or too much time on this month?
  • What do you need to surrender to this month?
  • I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including…
  • What secrets are you holding onto and what harm are they causing?
  • Which relationships in your life no longer serve you?

4. Tarot Card Reading

After journaling I like to give myself a tarot reading for the month ahead. You can see the spread I use to try on your own, or get a reading from me. Make sure to record your reading and your thoughts in your tarot journal to reference later!

5. Release

The last step of my full moon ritual is releasing what I no longer need. As we move towards the waning moon, this is a great time to let go of the old to make room for the new. The simplest version of this ritual is writing what you wish to release on a piece of paper and then burning or burying it. Adding sigils to your paper or burning it with banishing herbs is a great way to enhance this ritual.

6. Closing

After releasing I normally like to do something small to close my ritual. This will vary from month to month, but anoint myself with ritual oils, or take a ritual bath to cleanse and recharge myself until the New Moon.

I hope these full moon ritual ideas and journal prompts have given you some ideas for your own full moon ritual. Working with the full moon can be extremely powerful and rewarding! Let your intuition guide you!

The super full moon

The super full moon

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Owens, Laura. Untitled (for Parkett no. 65). 2002. Museum of Modern Art, New York.Lithograph with co

Owens, Laura. Untitled (for Parkett no. 65). 2002. Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Lithograph with collage additions

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#full moon    #wolf moon    #january moon    