#full moon


Hadarai, my boyfriends moonfolk

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full moon
You are good enough- no,you are more than good enough.Actually, you are perfect.Do you hear me?Who t

You are good enough- no,
you are more than good enough.
Actually, you are perfect.
Do you hear me?
Who told you that you are flawed?
They lied.
Who made you feel, less than?
That’s their own insecurity.
What mean-spirited person let you down?
Their heart is empty.
You are as vibrant as neon-
lighting the darkness with style.
You are as magnificent as the
moon and stars;
the heavens gaze upon your beauty.
You are a perfect symphony
and a priceless painting
created with love.
You are someone’s wish fulfillment;
someone is dreaming of you right now,
and loving you, heart and soul.
So beam that infectious smile of yours.
Hold your glorious head held high,
for you are the very embodiment
of love.

Photo and poem by Amber Maitrejean

Sunrise with the moon, Summit County, Colorado

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Sorry For Inactiveness. Hope everyone had a nice Imbolc! And I nice Full Moon as well.

Sorry For Inactiveness. Hope everyone had a nice Imbolc! And I nice Full Moon as well.

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The moon last night

We basked in its glory

artemisdreaming: Moon in the Clouds, Cernuschi Museum Suzuki Shonen  (Japan,1849-1918) 


Moon in the Clouds, Cernuschi Museum

Suzuki Shonen  (Japan,1849-1918) 

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lunar eclipse; aquarius

Full moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius: July 27, 2018 at 4:21pm EDT. An eclipse is almost like a gateway in time through which we transform into the image that is waiting out in the wings for us- but first, we must leave behind some things. Old ways of thinking, old ways of relating, old limiting beliefs about ourselves. Lunar eclipses are associated with relationships, as the full moon represents an opposition between sun and moon. An upgrade in relationships calls for us, something that unites heart (Leo) and mind (Aquarius). Whether it’s in our present relationships, our relationship to ourselves, or to our own lives, we find balance. But it may feel painful as old things arise to be cleared. Venus is trining Pluto, bringing out the shadows of relationships. Beneath the shadow is the promise of intimacy if we can allow ourselves to heal and be vulnerable.

The Sun in leo is conjunct the North node. Questions about destiny and fate may arise - what is our purpose, what does our heart want? But with the moon conjunct retrograde Mars, action may be elusive, as if we’re running forward but in thick mud. Appreciate this time of “inaction,” the soul is creating something new.

Uranus squares both the sun and moon - the tension of breaking free from what binds us unnecessarily. With Saturn trining Uranus, hopefully we find the strength to push through these binds, into our new selves.

Shed, shed, shed, change- until your true self, your dream self, is the only one left.

The full moon is conjunct Mars and Lilith - pay attention to what your erotic self needs, beyond the bounds of convention (Aquarius).

Full Moon in Cancer! ☠️

This full moon is occurring on January 17th 2022 at 27 degrees Cancer at 4:48 pm MST. This moon is all about self care and self comforts. Which brings on a lot of reflection, intuition, nurturing and shifting moods.  This moon is dignified in cancer showing us where things truly matter and what we need to nourish. Showing us that what we feel inside can transform the outside. Making sure we are focusing on our emotional needs and emotional security. Where are not getting what we need? Time to work on that.  However we are being pulled very strongly between nourishing our emotions and a darker subtext because this moon is opposite to Pluto. That aspect can bring on some subconscious intensity, power, obsessions, compulsions - the need to control out of fear. Which can bring out a not so pretty side if left unchecked. It’s best to get to the root of any fears that come up so that you can process and try to balance your emotional needs with your subconscious fears. Venus and Mercury are both retrograde so take it slow and try journaling, don’t be impulsive with your thoughts or feelings right now. It’s a good time to take comfort in food, a warm bed, the night sky, a impulsive drive can all feel tender. All in all, love yourself, love the ones who matter and try to let go of any emotional negativity. ✨

Full Moon in Gemini!

This full moon arrives on December 18 2021 at 9:35 PM MST at 28 degrees Gemini. Words will find their way out. But is everyone ready for what truths may come out? This full moon is ruled by Mercury in Capricorn 29 degrees. There could be some serious conversations that need to occur, a sense of finality, to make sure things are all tidied up. Somber thoughts about the future. How we can set ourselves up for the future. The moon is also squaring chiron, so the thoughts and conversations occurring will hit your weak spots and could make you feel vulnerable. But also provide some needed space and perspective on forward healing. What do you need to know? What questions do you have? What conversations do you need to have? Ask them. And communicate your truth. And have faith that all this work will lead you to where you need to go. This full moon will be busy, Gemini wants to find questions, and the duality seems to know we need more than one answer. Sometimes learning what questions to ask gives us more of a guide than finding a answer. ✨

Today is the first Eclipse of the year. It is a total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and emphasizes su

Today is the first Eclipse of the year. 

It is a total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and emphasizes surrender, letting go, and the closing of chapters. 

Revisit your weekly horoscopes to learn more about how this day will affect you. Let the energy come to you. See what is shifting without your control. 

If you want to dive deeper into this eclipse, check out my full moon tarotscopes and eclipse ritual by subscribing to my newsletter. I write about astrology, art, plants and spirit every week, and also send out updates about my new projects. 

**Subscribe to my newsletterhere.**

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This is a very simple, yet effective, little ritual that any witch can partake in! It may serve especially well for those who may not have many tools/the privacy needed to perform a more “elaborate” practice during the full moon, or witches who don’t have a lot of time.

1). Take a moment to write a list of things that no longer serve you in your life. (This could be bad habits, relationships, jobs, additions, etc… Anything that you feel is no longer beneficial to the well-being of your mind, body, and soul).

2). Fold up your list and take it outside. Look up at the moon. (Isn’t she beautiful?) Now is the time to read your list to her!

3). Once you have finished reading your list, burn it (safely, of course). Let the ashes of your paper drift away; as you do, visualize your problems flowing out of your life, no longer existing. (Other options: bury the paper ashes, or just throw the remains away).

4). Thank the moon for her time (and the universe, as well. ♡)
