#storm witch


Witchy reminder: It’s ok to have more than one book of shadows :)

♡ That naked witch in the woods

If you fill up one book, where are you going to put the rest of your ever increasing amount of spells, rituals, information, and all that jazz? In your second book of shadows of course! Or third, or fourth…

No matter which book you’re on, never stop learning about the craft!



Let’s talk magical uses for snow!

Snow Water
Collect snow in a jar or dish and allow it to melt.

What does snow symbolize? Think about what snow symbolizes for you, personally. It might remind you of joyous memories of past holidays. It might also remind you of loved ones who have passed on. For me, it symbolizes freezing, cleansing, peace, and beauty.

How can I use snow water? Ritual baths, spells, anointing, just about anything you can think of! Add snow water to a ritual bath to promote inner peace and beauty. Anoint a candle with snow water during a spell to cleanse negative energy from your life and create even more joyous memories.

Snow Sculptures

Snow people-Could be used similar to a poppet. If using herbs or crystals, please do research to find out what is safe for the environment and animals, and what is not! You could even use the snow person as a protective tool! Build it with intentions to “freeze” negative energies sent your way, and “melt” those energies back into the ground.

Snow animals-If you have an animal companion, this would be an excellent way to honor them. If you don’t, you could choose animals to sculpt based upon their symbolism.

Snow spirits- This would be a great way to honor deities and local spirits too!

Snow Sigils

Need to create a sigil? Don’t forget that you can write in the snow using your footprints! Another option is to use food coloring and water mixed into a ketchup bottle.

Snow Meditation

Speaking of footprints in the snow, I imagine you could create quite the impressive labyrinth!

Watching falling snow can be used as a method of relaxation and focused meditation. Allow your mind to drift with it as it falls.

Even if you’re not a lover of the snow, I’ve just given you a few reasons to appreciate it a little more! :)

By Rainy-Day-Witchcraft


    In the lore and history of weather witchery, it was common of weather witches to create and sell knotted rope charms to sailors, as it was believed these charms would help enchant the wind in the ship’s favor. These charms were made by venturing to a high-windswept place, and tying certain sailers knots into rope to capture the wind while imbuing them with magick ~ sometimes multiple knots were tied, meant to contain winds of different strengths.

   While reading about these wind charms, I was inspired to write a more modern project tutorial on how to make such a charm, though mine will be a touch more decorated! These wind charms can be hung above a porch or in a window to encourage a wind to blow away storm clouds, to represent wind or air in a spell or ritual, to summon a wind (similar to wind whistling), and for any other wind-related uses you might find you need witchcraft-wise. 


  • Thick twine or medium rope of your choice
  • Dried lemongrass or anise
  • A branch or piece of alder, oak, or scotch broom
  • Beads, bells, small bottles, and decorative elements

 Capturing Wind

   The first step, of course, is to capture the wind using knot magick ~ The knotted rope will serve as the base of the wind charm. You can begin with a plain rope, or make it thicker or more decorative by braiding or macrame-ing multiple smaller ropes together beforehand. This first step is the longest in the tutorial, as it will take some time to find the right conditions. Traditionally, three single knots are made in a rope ~ But for this tutorial, we are going to be knotting the rope three times, each consisting of more smaller knots, to capture and represent different buildups of wind energy - If you wish, you can replace the knots with different sailors knots, if you know how to do so. Here’s how to do this:

  • Near the top of the rope (leaving a section of 5-7 inches for hanging, depending on the length you make it), you will knot it 3 times in the same place during a day or in a place where the wind is gentle, like a breeze. As you do this, recite:

Tied of three, knots capture this breeze

Contained by my hand and quelled upon these skies

The gentle air I seize - For my swift magickal disposition

  • A few inches below the previous knot, near the middle, you will be knotting it 5 times in the same place during a day or in a place where the wind is stronger; not a breeze, yet not a strong wind ~ somewhere in the middle. As you do this, recite:

Tied of five, knots gained of brisk wind

Direct and ardent as I exert its’ energy

With my intent and by my will - Magickally intertwined

  • Near the end of the rope, leaving a few inches hanging off the end, knot the last one 7 times at the same point during a day or in a place where the wind is strong and powerful, such as during a storm or on a high ground frequented by strong winds. As you do this, recite:

Tied of seven, knotted storms of the heavens

Vigorous and powerful,

Energy of formidable wind - Seals my magick of air

(Feel free to replace my chants with your own)

 Decorating and Imbuing 

Step 1. ⌇ Between the first and second knots, and between the second and third knots, we’ll be adding herbs associated specifically with wind magick to keep your charm charged and functional. 

In the first empty length of rope, tie a bundle of dried lemongrass or dried anise - both strongly tied to the element of air. Or instead (how I made mine), get a small-ish corked bottle, and add the herbs to the bottle in smaller pieces ~ Attach the bottle into the charm - which I especially enjoy the look of! 

In the second empty length of rope below the second knot and above the third, tie in a branch or chunk of alder wood, oak wood, or a bundle of scotch broom. Again, you can break the ingredient(s) into smaller pieces and instead put them into a bottle to attach to the charm if you wish. Both alder and oak were traditionally used in making flutes, whistles, and ‘bullroarers’ for whistling up winds, and scotch broom is used in weather brooms, spells, and charms to call up winds. (Tip: scotch broom is the most connected to weather witchery out of the three, so I suggest finding a place to buy or collect some specially for this charm)

Step 2. ⌇ Now that the magickal materials are on the charm, you can decorate it however you like ~ For mine, I attached colorful glass beads and tiny bells; Other items to use connected to wind and the air element include feathers, ribbons, the colors yellow and white, and bits of shining metal or glass, etc. If you worship a deity tied to the weather, skies, or winds, a figure or symbol of them may be added.

Step 3. ⌇ Once your charm is to your liking, hang it up on a porch or in a window or doorway. On days when you don’t wish to call or whistle the wind to you, remove the charm ~ You can hang it on a wall for decoration when not in use, or just put it in a bag or box until you need it again. 

Personal note: The day I finished making mine and went to hang it in the window, I looked out my bedroom window to see a small ‘tornado’ of dust (we get them commonly in the dry seasons out here) quickly form and dispel in the backyard area nearest me!

If you have any questions or comments, you’re welcome to message me. Thank you ♡


Your Grimoire is Good Enough

✨ Don’t feel bad if your grimoire is in a cheap notebook.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you rip out or redo a page.

✨ Don’t feel bad if your handwriting isn’t perfect.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you make mistakes, everyone does.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you spell something wrong. Cross it out or use white out.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you want to transfer your grimoire to a new book. This is how you learn what you prefer.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you rip a page.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you forget something.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you smear ink/paint/pencil.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you spill something on your book.

✨ Don’t compare your grimoire to someone else’s, all the little mistakes you make give it character.

Currently starting my first physical Book of Shadows. This post is much appreciated. Being aesthetic hard as shit sometimes but you got to remember that’s not the point.

Hey cosmic witches!!! Do you like this…? If you don’t~ that’s ok! Message me with suggestions!!!! I want to make hat stickers like this fornEVERY WITCH TYPE!!

So EVERY WITCH should message me to tell me about their practice & aesthetics!! I want to draw them!!!


✨The Signs as Witchy Practices✨

*check sun and moon!

~Aries~ Fertility magic, rejuvenation of the land, wax figures and hair in lockets, constant study and practice, containing passion in a potion, spells cast through speech, song and music. Summoning of storms and glimpses into the future.  

☕~Taurus~ Slow love potions, drawing in the earth, windchimes of bone and dried herbs, harvest and crop magic, sewing spells into clothing, symbols above doors and windows to ward off harm, herbal remedies, spells spoken softly to loved ones and the leaves, rain magic.   

✒️⛅~Gemini~ Gatherings of witches at dawn, trickery, shapeshifting, transfiguration, brewing luck and illusions, tarot and palm readings. Communal magic performed through movement, a mingling of voices, mind-reading and tides of music. Flight possible, exploring mountain peaks and far off lands. 

~Cancer~ Tide and moon based magic, nothing physical but instead visions, psychic intuition, premonitions and dream travelling. Healing of the soul possible, witches gather for dream time. Work with sea water perhaps, little speech: communication through the eyes instead.

️✨~Leo~ Celebration, festivities and potions: any feeling can be brewed and sold. Sky magic, painting in air, light and flame manipulation to create sights of beauty and illusion. Luck charms stored near the heart, candles lit in the dark, magic performed through poetry. All is shared.

️~Virgo~ Traditional magic, herbal remedies and balms, seclusion and documentation. Study of runes, numerology and forgotten, archaic practices. Use of stones and gems to map out the future, predictions for the next year made, tuning into energies and ghosts of the past.

~Libra~ Crystal, flower and light magic, collections stored in boxes, magic performed through paint and clay. Marital magic, the combining of souls and energies. Ancestral study and the crafting of charms to bring harmony and fortune. Storytelling through murals and mosaics.

️~Scorpio~ Sirens and selkies, manipulation of feeling and truth, shadow magic, hedonistic love spells, hypnosis. Magic performed through shell, bone and stone patterns. Soul mingling possible, binding of separate objects to create a whole.

️⏳~Sagittarius~ fortune telling, disappearance and flight. Spells baked into bread and shared on long journeys, magic performed through found objects, chanting and singing at dawn, burning incense and pilgrimage. Meditative magic, seclusion in ancient ruins.

️~Capricorn~ Resurrection magic, work with animal bones, burying luck charms in the soil. Tree-talking and stone whispering: mastery of the earth. Painting protection spells under loved ones beds, discovery of lone spaces and treasures, dowsing rods.

~Aquarius~ Casting spells while blindfolded. Fresh water magic, ritual and cleansing of the body, drawing patterns on the skin. Levitation practiced in stone circles, philosophy and the ethics of witchcraft discussed at dusk. Crystals placed on the palms and pages left to yellow in the sun.

~Pisces~ Flowers and candles floating in bowls of river water. The healing of wounds and sorrows, magic performed in silence or with soft song. Walking barefoot and heart magic: self-sacrifice and weaving protection bands for loved ones. Placing wishes into bottles and sending them off to sea.

Aradia’s Rain Storm Casting

Hello all! Here is what I do when I want to bring in a storm. I’ve tried making whole rituals of it but it seems to me that the simplest spells are the most effective. I do this outdoors and I repeat the phrase below as many times as I feel called to. After each time I say the phrase I whistle lowly, mimicking and calling in the wind.

Wind, may you come

Rain, may you follow

Storm, I summon you.


Sometimes it becomes like a call and response where the wind picks up and quiets, and in the still moments I whistle again and it picks up again, I do this until the wind is strong and steady. Once the wind is steady then the rain will come that will turn into a storm.

Thank you for reading, happy casting! ✨


a redraw of the very first zo doodle i posted on my instagram 2 years ago. feels like both yesterday and forever ago.

zoya nazyalensky belongs to leigh bardugo.
please do not repost or edit my caption.

a concept: scattered afternoon showers, the sun peeking through the clouds, sipping fragrant tea by the window, the scent of early spring just after the snow melts, a cool breeze pleasantly chilling your skin, a half-written paper on the table before you, a crow sits in the tree outside and caws gaily as it cleans its feathers in the rain, in the distance the other birds weave their voices together in song
