#full moon water


washing my face in full moon water like the goddess i am

All of us could use a little Full Moon Energy™ rn, if you’re on quarentine please keep on the self c

All of us could use a little Full Moon Energy™ rn, if you’re on quarentine please keep on the self care, and if you have to go outside please also use all the precautions at your disposal, & look for the good things that’ll come .+゚*。:゚+

There’s more uses on patreon unlocked for all of our tiers ◞*✰ But really the sky is the limit with moon water, just be safe as exposed water can go bad, never drink any strange potions*:·゚✧

Post link

Channeled Key Words for Cancer Full Moon

Crystals: Selenite, Celestite, Moonstone and Aquamarine

Herbs: Aloe Vera, Sea moss, bladderwack, Blue Lotus, Mugwort, Jasmine, Camphor, Coconut, Myrrh and Eucalyptus

Chakras: Heart and Third Eye Chakra

Rituals: Dream work, Ancestral Healing, Emotional Healing, Water Rituals (floor washes, yoni steam, spiritual bath. Any ritual with home life and fertility as well.

Create moon water!

Goddesses: Yamaya, Ixchel and Selene

Candle colors: Blue, Silver, and White

self love potion

- ✨

this potion is great for invoking self love, healing, and calming; it allows you to become more patient and gentle with yourself, encouraging an environment of forgiveness and an inner sense of comfort.

you can pour some in a bath or use culinary grade ingredients and keep refrigerated to drink as a potion, you could keep a bottle by your nightstand, or gift a bottle to a friend/partner, and this would serve as a wonderful alter decor/offering for aphrodite or even fae, there’s plenty of ways to incorporate the potion into your craft!


[what you’ll need;]


communication, love, happiness, harmony, healing, abundance, forgiveness

-rose petals *

love, healing, relaxation, gentle thoughts and energies, confidence

- full moon water

power punch, intuition, mental clarity, comfort, healing

-pinch of sugar

wish granting, love, confidence, joy, turns negative self image sweet

-pinch of sea or pink salt[optional**]

love, calming, power punch, healing, regeneration, detoxification of negative energies or thought patterns


*for this potion pink or red rose petals would work best but i suppose you could use any! white is also a good option here

**if you don’t have sea/pink salt don’t worry about substituting it’s better to just leave it out at that point, its not for the salts protective qualities but for the calming & healing effect sea/pink salts have!

[now what?]

this one is super simple to put together, all you’ve gotta do is get everything in a pot and simmer it on crazy low heat (barely any action just enough to coerce the infusion together)

strain and bottle up! you alternately could brew it in a bottle on a windowsill perhaps but don’t leave it there too long it’ll go rancid! be careful!


as always feel free to ask any questions about the potion/process! i really love this potion and i hope you guys do too!
