#self love magic



I came across this lovely tarot spread created by @eclectic-earth and had to give it a go - especially as i was feeling down at the time

Card one: my problem

card i pulled : nine of wands

wisdom, perseverance and last stretch

  • im not persevung through the last few obstacles i’m hitting to reach my goals
  • i’m not preparing and protecting myself
  • i keep doubting myself and not believing or trusting in my strength, powers and lessons i’ve learnt

Card two: what to do now

card i pulled: the emperor

authority, ambition and power

  • create proper structure and stability for myself in my life
  • learn to control and understand my emotions
  • develop more self discipline
  • carry out plans in a systematically and controlled way

Card three: what to do later

card i pulled: three of wands

persistence, anticipation and progression

  • look at the bigger picture to anticipate all opportunities that are available for me
  • prepare for good and bad news in the upcoming future
  • allow myself to follow my unique curiosity’s and travel

Card four: what do i need to hear

the card i pulled: knight of pentacles

harvest, dedication and routine

  • slow and steady wins the race
  • stop rushing thing
  • stop rushing INTO things
  • make a routine that encompasses doing little bits everyday
  • decide what i want in life and take it
  • stay true to my vision to see results

Card five: what should i avoid

card i pulled: page of pentacles

manifestation, financial opportunities and skill development

  • avoid starting something new through manifestation
  • don’t waste my newly found money on stupid things i regret like always
  • avoid overworking myself

This was my second tarot spread i’ve ever done so if you have any suggestions or disagree with my interpretation of the cards, feel free to comment


a self love tea to make you fall in love with the most important person in your life, you!

request from @chaotic-good-hooligan


  • fresh rose water - love
  • sugar - sweetness
  • milk - purity
  • honey - sweetness, love

  1. Boil the water to your preferred temperate
  2. Pour into your favourite mug and add the milk,sugar and honey focusing on your intent
  3. Stir everything in clockwise to invite the self love into your life
  4. Pray to any spirits or deities and ask them to help you (Aphrodite would be a good one or Apollo) and dedicate the first sip to them
  5. Drink and picture/feel the love you want to feel for yourself and a soft pink light filling you from your heart all the way to your skin.

You can change the rose water to rose tea and milk for creamer or a milk substitute.

soothing scrub

this little scrub is great to use in the shower after work or after dealing with any other stressful event i.e meeting up with toxic family, running errands, etc! it helps soothe that hectic feeling and provides a healing and comforting energy

what you’ll need;





rose quartz helps this process move along and charges up the spell perfectly if you have some on hand! i like to charge the scrub with it as i’m grinding everything up and/or hold it over my chest with the scrub sitting on it for a moment, but literally none of this is necessary i don’t even do it every time i just use it for a little kick when i need it

just mash everything up together neatly and methodically, meditate on the state of mind you’d like to work towards and how you’d like to feel. then take your scrub and work it clockwise over your heart and work those intentions in, after that just scrub all over and proceed how you normally would! i usually end up curling up in bed under a fluffy sheet right after this scrub, it always makes me feel so cozy and safe <3

self love potion

- ✨

this potion is great for invoking self love, healing, and calming; it allows you to become more patient and gentle with yourself, encouraging an environment of forgiveness and an inner sense of comfort.

you can pour some in a bath or use culinary grade ingredients and keep refrigerated to drink as a potion, you could keep a bottle by your nightstand, or gift a bottle to a friend/partner, and this would serve as a wonderful alter decor/offering for aphrodite or even fae, there’s plenty of ways to incorporate the potion into your craft!


[what you’ll need;]


communication, love, happiness, harmony, healing, abundance, forgiveness

-rose petals *

love, healing, relaxation, gentle thoughts and energies, confidence

- full moon water

power punch, intuition, mental clarity, comfort, healing

-pinch of sugar

wish granting, love, confidence, joy, turns negative self image sweet

-pinch of sea or pink salt[optional**]

love, calming, power punch, healing, regeneration, detoxification of negative energies or thought patterns


*for this potion pink or red rose petals would work best but i suppose you could use any! white is also a good option here

**if you don’t have sea/pink salt don’t worry about substituting it’s better to just leave it out at that point, its not for the salts protective qualities but for the calming & healing effect sea/pink salts have!

[now what?]

this one is super simple to put together, all you’ve gotta do is get everything in a pot and simmer it on crazy low heat (barely any action just enough to coerce the infusion together)

strain and bottle up! you alternately could brew it in a bottle on a windowsill perhaps but don’t leave it there too long it’ll go rancid! be careful!


as always feel free to ask any questions about the potion/process! i really love this potion and i hope you guys do too!
