#gay agenda


The difference between Animate from four years ago and Animate today:

4 years ago: BL is in the corner.

Today: BL takes up half the store.

Good work, everyone.




The whole “Libs of TikTok” thing gets at what I think is a pretty fundamental flaw with the platform: that it encourages minors to post video of themselves where absolutely anyone, friend or foe or fascist, can find it. For God’s sake, the beauty of the Internet used to be that you could be fucking anonymous!

Anyways, moral of the story is that the erosion of privacy in the online age puts queer people directly under threat. This fact has been obscured during the past decade of historically unprecedented social acceptance, but never forget that hiding is a tool of survival.

If that’s your sole takeaway from the Libs of TikTok issue, I’m afraid you’re missing the point.

People who are exploiting children are making videos describing how they’re doing it, and posting videos on a public platform. LoTT is reblogging those videos.

I’m glad child-exploiters are outing themselves. You should be, too.

What LoTT is doing, is putting a mirror up to those accounts that are admitting that they’re grooming and abusing children and calling them out. Then the groomers (yes, they are groomers) get upset because they don’t like what they see when they have that mirror reflecting what they willingly brag about and admit. This is in no way “putting queer people directly under threat” and if you think it is, HOW is it? What it’s doing is calling out groomers, I’ve watched enough TikTok videos to see the sexual cringe trying to be passed off as “education” or “toleranceandacceptance” to last me a life-time. I have a 5-year-old son that doesn’t need to see a grown-ass man in a dress stating, “hey kids, you can be exactly like me….” and then state his sexual conquest. This type of “education” doesn’t need to be in the faces of children. More power to LoTT, I totally support her reflecting and directing these sexual, deviant perverts messages right back to them.

⚡️️‍ READ EM AND WEEP ️‍⚡️This is June’s sticker club design for pride month!There’s sti

⚡️️‍ READ EM AND WEEP ️‍⚡️
This is June’s sticker club design for pride month!
There’s still time to pledge and receive this design in the mail :)

Post link

the gay agenda


this is my third piece I did for  @phy-be​ ‘s fic “winter sun” that was part of the @grishaversebigbang​ !

go read it [here]! Have I talked about how great the developement of Zoyas feelings is described? because- gosh it is sooo good! :O

I partilally drew this piece to prove myself that I can make zoya blush harder in every artwork for this fic, haha. but yeah- the gays! :D

please check out the other amazing materialki too:

@krasnyzmeya​,@kiiro-art​,@generalstarkov​,@octopiconsortium​,@paperplanenomad​, @lemonpuffinand@novembereverart

(a link to their pieces can be found in [my other piece] for this fic)

don’t you dare to forget to send love to the lovely corporalki: @purns-art​ and @floriahart​ <3
