#gelfling love



Stonegrot Week (Year 3!)


In honor of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance’s third anniversary of its release on Netflix, we’re hosting STONEGROT WEEK (YEAR 3!)

StartingMonday, September 20th — Sunday, September 26th 2021, Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) is designed to be a celebration and fun experience for Stonegrot (Rian and Deet from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance) fans to submit fanfiction, artwork, headcanons, and anything related to Stonegrot and the week’s themes!

Let’s address this. Unfortunately, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance was cancelled before we were able to see a second season. You never know though… The Dark Crystal film was released in 1982 and 37 years later, a prequel to the film in the form of a tv series— The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance was released on Netflix. One day we might be able to see new content on screen again or we may have to continue creating our own because it’s up to us, collectively as a fandom, to keep the love and support for The Dark Crystal alive. Always. Let’s be grateful for the one phenomenal season. Let’s celebrate its characters, specifically this beautiful relationship between the Gelflings Rian and Deet.

We want to make sure that this blog is safe for everyone to enjoy, therefore Stonegrot Week will NOT accept the following submissions:

- Anything above an M rating

- Gore

- Pedophilia

- Nonconsensual content

- Generally any work that would be associated with the four categories listed above.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to to participate in Stonegrot Week, and it isn’t mandatory to participate for the entire week, if you’d just like to submit a piece of work for oneof the days you are absolutely welcome to do so!

Please be sure that any work submitted is new content,we would kindly like to refrain from including anything that was created any time prior to Stonegrot Week. Just like The Heretic, we love a good surprise.

Just be sure to hashtag #Stonegrot and either #Stonegrot Week /#StonegrotWeekand#Day (x) so we can see it and reblog. You can also tag this page @stonegrotweek.

Here are this year’s theme for the week:

September 20th — Day One: Kiss The Girl. Rian initiates a kiss with Deet. It could be their first kiss or their millionth, it’s up to you.

September 21st— Day Two:Afternoon Delight. Rian and Deet share a perfect afternoon together.

September 22nd— Day Three:The Night Before. Something special takes place one night between Rian and Deet. It could be a conversation or maybe an intimate moment. The plot is up to you.

September 23rd— Day Four:The Morning After. Afollow up toDay Three’s events. What happens between Rian and Deet after The Night Before? *If you didn’t participate in Day Three, that’s okay, create something you believe would take place between Rian and Deet spending a morning together. The plot is up to you.

September 24th— Day Five:Yesterday’s Feeling. This could be a follow up to Day Four’s events, or a headcanon during an Age of Resistance episode. What were Rian and Deet feeling for one another? The plot is up to you.

September 25th— Day Six:Tomorrow’s Promise. Rian and Deet make a promise to each other. Maybe about their future together? maybe about loving and protecting each other against the Skeksis? What will it be?

September 26th— Day Seven:The Future. Create a headcanon for what you think Rian and Deet’s future looks like.

Also, just because this week centers around Rian and Deet that doesn’t mean their fellow Gelfling friends, Skeksis villains, and any others who live in Thra can’t also get involved. We want to see it all!

Remember, don’t start tagging or submitting anything until the official week has started.

Bullying or harassment of any kind will NOT be tolerated. This account was created to share the love and passion we have for this series and these characters. Everyone has their own unique style, whether it’s in writing or art form, and we are excited to highlight that.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to send a message.

Now that we’ve covered everything, get yourselves and your beautiful creations ready for Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) Starting Monday, September 20th— Sunday, September 26th!

This blog is run by users @fandomsonmysleeve@anotherwaywardsisand@agir1ukn0w

Three years, and there are still many of us who continue to remain passionate and loyal to The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I’m so happy seeing all the positive reactions to this announcement. The artwork and fanfiction amaze me every single year… its absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to see what will be created this time around.

We are going to have a spectacular Stonegrot Week.

Beccy Henderson (Deet’s puppeteer) shared some behind the scenes photos today from The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance, including this cute photo on the whiteboard. Stonegrot forever

TODAY’S THE DAY! In just a few hours I’m going to watch The Dark Crystal (1982) for the first time in theaters, for its 40th Anniversary!

This is very exciting to me, because I love The Dark Crystal, and of course The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I’m thankful for the joy and solace it’s brought to me especially in the low moments of my life when I needed comfort. I relate to these characters and I feel their pain and happiness through the screen. Their lives are full of trials and tribulations too.

I’ll be sure to be back later and let you all know how it went. this might even spark up me writing something for TDC AOR again as well… xx

I finally get to go experience The Dark Crystal (1982) in theaters in honor of its 40th Anniversary. I’m so excited and yes, I will be crying tears of happiness.


Stonegrot Week Day 7 - The Future

Last year, I did some fluff for @stonegrotweek … Now, time for sadness! We all know how things will end for our beloved Gelfling friends…

“Two attempts to save the Crystal. One too soon, a life lost in both.”

I always thought that if season two happens in a way or another, Rian would not witness someone he loves dying…again! It would be his turn to lose his life saving a loved one and of course, it would be for his precious Deet. In her vision, we can see Rian trying to restore the Crystal but it doesn’t work. Certainly because it’s not the Great Conjunction yet? In my theory, that attempt makes the Crystal save Deet from the Darkening consuming her, but Rian is very soon circled by the Skeksis and Deet can’t save him…

…Like what happens to Jen and Kira in the end of the movie. Their existence parallels Rian, Deet and the rest of the resistance. Jen is maybe a Stonegrot son, or Kira, but one thing is for sure: they are the hope that couldn’t exist without them, without their love for each other and for Thra. A love that ended up saving the Gelfling race.


Jen and Kira hours because they are THE blueprint

(Also spontaneous reminder that my commissions are open hehe )


Feliz Navidad

The comic is finished! It was a fun thing to do during the holidays.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Very cute and lovely comic


I have had this idea in my head for a week now and I had to draw it Inspiration by Avatar: The last Airbender

This is so sweet



I miss The Dark Crystal.  I miss it so much.  Give it back

Love this far too much. Wish I am Jen, wish I’m Gelfling on Thra, so that I could love my Kira there for thousands upon thousands of years, to infinity Credit to Nikki W of YouTube channel “All Magic Comes With Rice” for this overwhelmingly gorgeous video. Kudos!

This is very gentle. Pure love

#gelfling love    #gelfling    
gelfyerself:Stonegrot doodle!  (its practically a requirement) So sweet


Stonegrot doodle!  (its practically a requirement)

So sweet

Post link
blaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pblaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pblaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pblaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pblaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pblaubug: Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot p


Massive thank you to @jack-toons for commissiong me! :D They commissioned these stonegrot pieces, and making them was really fun!

These are absolutely adorable

Post link
your-super-paper-grandma:HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY pt. 2 : The Dark Crystal Three pairs as requested byour-super-paper-grandma:HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY pt. 2 : The Dark Crystal Three pairs as requested byour-super-paper-grandma:HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY pt. 2 : The Dark Crystal Three pairs as requested b


HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY pt. 2 : The Dark Crystal

Three pairs as requested by you guys~ Feel the Gelfling love  See below for the lovely asks~

Keep reading

So cute

Post link

Song of the Dark Crystal by J. M. Lee

“Kylan saw a flash of a Gelfling girl, all winks and tall tales. Rian walked with her, back to the castle after an evening patrolling the wood that bordered the grounds. In Rian’s hand, hidden in his uniform cloak, was a glowing bellflower. He would give it to Mira when they said good night. He would tell her that even though they had been on duty, he had enjoyed their time together, and perhaps they could enjoy some time together some other evening…”

Illustration by Cory Godbey

This gentle moment…

Gelfling love

A Stonewood and a Vapran find love in an unusual place and neither of them expected it. It caught them completely off guard and unprepared.
