#gender equality

One side of a pamphlet demanding equal pay for women, and suggesting that a judicious vote in the ge

One side of a pamphlet demanding equal pay for women, and suggesting that a judicious vote in the general election could do the trick. It encourages the voter to demand a pledge to extend equal pay to industry, and a illustrates the contrasting dress of Victorian women and those of 1969.

In 1969 we are no longer in the Dark Ages; demand equal pay for work of equal value this year. Standard Press [Front. 1969]


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Friendly reminder that today is not only a celebration of our achievements, but of the fight we face

Friendly reminder that today is not only a celebration of our achievements, but of the fight we face to accomplish and defend them.

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So sick of people who pretend their problem is with the word “feminism” rather than the

So sick of people who pretend their problem is with the word “feminism” rather than the concept of gender equality.

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not to be one of those people who’s like “go to therapy” but jesus christ dude. this having 86 thousand upvotes..

maslows hierarchy of needs for The Fellas:

-die at the alamo

-mommy gf

is it just me or is it weird that people are seeing something sexual about this meme when it’s just talking about wanting to cry and be vulnerable?

Something about “men are discouraged from sharing feelings and being vulnerable with anyone, and the partner they have sex with is the only exception”. Which suggests “If a guy is emotionally vulnerable with someone, he is in a relationship with them that involves sex”.

It’s sad…


I posted a long rant about this the last time it showed up on my dash but the tl;dr is that this meme is (a) being hyperbolic for the sake of humor and (b) behind the joke is a very important point about gender roles, because the meme is contrasting a fantasy which it’s socially acceptable or even expected for men to have (wanting a sense of camaraderie and belonging and purpose, and sort of a violence-centered power fantasy but a very self-destructive one since it’s about self-sacrifice for the good of society) with one that isn’t socially acceptable, a desire for intimacy and to be allowed to be vulnerable and weak and be supported in those moments.

And goddamn, you can see how socially unacceptable the second one really is by how people are reacting in the notes, like this is how y’all treat men for even joking about wanting to be allowed to show vulnerability.

Also can we stop with using “go to therapy” as an insult against people for… posting a meme about mental health problems? Yeah, it’s kind of valid in the sense that if this meme resonates with you you probably have some very unhealthy beliefs that you’ve been exposed to and internalized that therapy could help, but the way it’s being used on the internet these days is not showing concern for someone else’s well-being, it’s basically “Don’t talk about your problems or vulnerabilities in public, your mental health issues are shameful and a burden to others and you should keep them secret and not expect empathy and compassion from anyone unless you’re literally paying them for it.” It’s actively reinforcing a culture of hiding and repressing mental health issues.

The saddest part is that half the people being jackasses in the notes probably talk a great game about how they want to end Toxic Masculinity, but then flip their lid at the slightest hint that this process might involve actually supporting men who don’t live up to patriarchal standards of projecting an image of strength.

(also relevant to the whump community because male vulnerability and need for support is a common theme in this genre)

It’s Title IX Tuesday! So, what is Title IX?

It’s Title IX Tuesday! So, what is Title IX?

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FEMINISM = GENDER EQUALITY, IT IS NOT A DIRTY WORD! Why are we so afraid to use the word feminist? N


Why are we so afraid to use the word feminist? No matter what gender you identify with feminism WANTS equality for YOU. 

Post #1 in a series - keep an eye out for more 

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Okay so after like a 2 year absence I am back on this blog! Not really sure what direction I’m gonna go in so please message/comment with what type is posts you want to see more of, here are my usual post categories: - straight up feminism - men’s rights (but nice positive ones that talk about rights in a feminism context) - posts about lbgtq rights (and all variants of the term) - political posts about gender equality Also keep an eye out for an exciting re-vamp of the whole blog


You don’t have to love abortion. You can dislike it. Maybe it even makes you sad. The way you view abortion is up to you. If you don’t like abortion, you can advocate for proper sex education, access to birth control and other things that have been shown to lower unplanned pregnancies. You don’t have to like abortion.

But what you can’t do is disrespect somebody for having an abortion. You can’t take away that choice from women because you don’t like it. Your emotions are not somebody else’s responsibility. Your emotions aren’t more important than anyone else’s bodily autonomy. You don’t have to like abortion, but you have to respect other people’s rights and that includes the right to safe, accessible, abortion.

rowdyfeminist: Because Feminism IS NOT About Hating Men. Feminism is a movement for gender equality


Because Feminism IS NOT About Hating Men. Feminism is a movement for gender equality socially, politically, and economically.

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femfreq: If you don’t fight for all women, you fight for no women. ✊✊✊✊✊ (: Kennedy Dickerson)


If you don’t fight for all women, you fight for no women. ✊✊✊✊✊ (: Kennedy Dickerson)

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I support the right for black men to interact with the police safely and without fear for their own life.

I support the right for trans men to use the correct bathroom without fear for their safety.

I support the right for bi and gay men to marry and adopt kids and donate blood.

I support the right for disabled men to have access to facilities and services with their disabilities accommodated respectfully. 

I support the right for immigrant men to be treated with respect and be given full protection under the law. 

I support the right for Jewish men and Muslim men to be able to practice their religion in peace without bomb threats and hateful vandalism against their places of worship. 

Of course I support men’s rights. I’m just confused as to why so few “Antifeminists” do as well. 

Feminism = gender equality
That means we want both genders to feel equal!

feministegalitariannerdgirl: Stop saying you aren’t a feminist when, in fact, you are. Don’t hide wh


Stop saying you aren’t a feminist when, in fact, you are. Don’t hide who you are just so that you ensure no one around you gets uncomfortable. 

So true

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