


gloing up for the new year

so these can be used all year round, i just thought it’d be a good idea to make a post about it for new years because it’s a good point for starting fresh.

bring lip balm with you everywhere. dry, cracked lips aren’t cute.

get into new music! love a certain band and want to find artists similar to them? https://www.music-map.com is the place to go!

clean up your phone/social media. unfollow people you need to, delete contacts and old posts. go thru your camera roll, delete unnecessary apps.

buying a water bottle helps you drink more water. i have a contigo one i bring everywhere and it helps me stay hydrated.

try wearing accessories. scarves, necklaces, chokers, rings, bracelets, you name it. they’re good additions to your style.

get a hair cut or trim your split ends. dye it if you want! go for that crazy color! sally beauty has a lot of hair dye options.

keep your fingernails/toenails clean and trimmed.

go on a shopping trip. it doesn’t have to be big. maybe freshen up your wardrobe with a couple new outfits, or buy a couple things you’ve been wanting to.

go through your makeup. throw out expired or old products and organize what you have left.

if you haven’t already… start a skincare routine! girl if you don’t take care of your skin…it won’t treat you well. find one that works for you.

cut off those damn people that are interfering with your vibe already!

if you wear makeup, experiment with different things. try different colors, try false eyelashes, try new techniques. but remember you do NOT need makeup, it is just for fun!

put your phone/device down more. when you’re with friends, family, out in public, try to refrain from letting it distract you. you’ll find yourself more attentive and enjoying people and activities more when you put the electronics down.

compliment people! if you ever think you’re “too shy” to, just think how the compliment will make the other person feel. just do it. it’s an amazing feeling.

keep a good posture. not only is sitting/standing/walking up straight better for your body, but it makes you look more confident.

keep things clean. whether it be you, your room, house, pets, yard, etc. maintain them. it really helps.

learn when to say no. don’t be a doormat. go with your brain, not your heart. don’t feel bad for saying no, either.

if you have a hobby or passion, go after it, educate yourself, pursue it. practice. you only get better.

never forget that your diet has a major affect on how your body functions. you eat shit constantly, you’ll most likely feel like shit.

sugar scrubs are great for your body and they make you feel like an angel. you can buy them at certain stores but i prefer to make my own out of coconut oil, sugar, honey, and vanilla. it leaves me so soft, and smelling great.

stop letting your laundry pile up. clean your sheets and pillowcases once a week, too.

some of these i’m even working on myself and if there’s anything else you want to add, go ahead. just remember that working towards your goals and bettering yourself is amazing, but do not compare your progress or yourself to others, you will always be damn beautiful, and you are valid. sending everyone love!

reposting this because it’s that time of year again

“ იმათ გულში ნეტავ რა ხდება ვისაც ღალატი შეუძლია “

“ რაც დავთესე ზუსტად ის დამხვდა წინ “

“ ტყუილებით აგებულ ურთიერთობას მომავალი არ აქვს, ეს თავიდანვე უნდა გაითავისო, თორე შემდეგ გვიანი იქნება”

“ …. როდესაც სიყვარული კვდება, მაშინ კვდება ადამიანიც”

“ირონიაა , როცა ყველა სიყვარულს დავცინით და შემდეგ მისი ტყვეები ვხდებით”

What you have to decide… is how you want your life to be. If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you’d want to have spent it? Listen, the truth is, nothing is guaranteed. You know that more than anybody. So dont be afraid. Be alive.
