#glo up tips


Some things I wanna do to get my life together in 2020:

•I wanna clean out and decorate my room. It’s literally just a bed and mirror right now. I wanna get rid off the popcorn ceiling and add some cool decorations and plants to make it aesthetically pleasing.

•I wanna get my wardrobe together and put together a fashion sense. I’ve sort of been wearing whatever’s comfortable and I can’t dress like Billie Eilish Walmart Version forever. I’d probably be more confident in my looks if I dressed better.

•Get a skin care routine. I know I posted skin tips but I never took my advice and I sort of let myself go. I’m thinking of looking into curology but honestly I just wanna treat my skin well again (I’ve literally only been using water rip)

•Stop sleeping so much so I can get everything done and have more energy.

•learn to do some makeup! Not to cover up but to express myself and gain more art skills!! (Might come in handy for photos too)

This list might sound dumb to some but it really does make a big difference in your life. I’m posting this just to hold myself accountable and maybe inspire anyone reading this. If anyone makes their own list good luck!

If you scroll through tumblr when your an anxious mess like me stop scrolling and take a moment to breath.

More skin care tips:

- Excersize daily

- eat lots of fruits and veggies

- limit caffeine

-stay hydrated

- look for clay masks with witch hazel in them

- Tea Tree oil helps with acne scars, you can get some for your face from Burt’s bees.

- NEVER get one size fits all face wash/moisturizer. Get the appropriate ones for your skin types.

- Keep your skin care routine consistent.

- Don’t use pore strips it’s bad for your skin.

- Buy natural makeup.

Hope these were helpful. Good luck❤️

I’m 25% Asian so maybe it counts? Happy Asian American month! (When telling people about this I almost called it Asian awareness month lol)

I’m getting close to a thousand followers so I might do a Q/A. Thoughts?

It has been SO LONG since I’ve been on here, and I have so much to share with you!

I am now officially and Esthetician and Lash Artist and I moved out of my parents house! Life is going so great now! I can’t wait to keep sharing posts with you! Because the glo up never stops <#

Thank you to the girl that posted this! I have such a hard time saving money. Withdrawal what you wa

Thank you to the girl that posted this! I have such a hard time saving money. Withdrawal what you want to save in cash and put it in a little jar like this. It prevents you from spending it frivolously but is still there in an emergency!

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You can not control other people. You can not control their behavior, their thoughts, or their beliefs. Focus on yourself, and your happiness. Focus on being in peace with yourself. Spread love and joy, and do not let others negative attitudes affect you.

Hello sweets
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Over winter break I was sick with a really bad cold. And since my college classes have started, I’ve been concentrating on that and working.
I’ve never really talked about myself on here that much, so I feel like I should post a few facts about me

1. I’m 20 years old, college student, and live with my parents.
2. My goal is to be able to make money on my lifestyle blog, freelance writing, and possibly open my online store one day so I can quit my job and still make enough to move out and live on my own.
3. I’ve been dating the same guy for about 5 years (since we where freshman in high school) and he is my best friend. We are very close and have been through a lot, but we stick together. To be completely honest, we are both very codependent on one another. So I’m using this blog to really make myself independent and happy even when I’m a lone, and get my glo up. Because I’ve kind of let myself go because I’ve gotten so comfortable with him.
3. I want to double major in marketing in finance and I want my masters degree. I want to own my own business one day.
4. I screwed up really bad my second semester of college so I am behind in getting my degree, but it doesn’t matter how fast you go, just keep moving.
5. I’m the most clutter brained person ever, and I’m super indecisive

As far as my glo up, I’m getting things in order to redecorate my bedroom so it can be my creative space. I also got a gym membership and have been better about drinking water so woohoo!

We are going to make this the best year yet!











This post is about vaginas. My vagina in particular. I get yeast infections pretty regularly, and until recently I was able to afford to see a doctor who could prescribe me fluconazole.

Fluconazole, a drug also known by the brand name Diflucan, is a small pink pill. You take two pills a few days apart from each other to restore balance and harmony to your bountiful folds. I’ve never ever had a bad side effect from taking this pill.

Cut to November 2016. I’m a recent college grad without reliable health care coverage in the process of finding a job. And I’m dealing with a yeast infection. Before I moved out of state, my previous doctor told me about Miconazole. She said it was as effective as the pill and hallelujah, it’s over the counter! I decided to purchase the cream pictured above. This treatment only lasted 3 days, a convenient time frame for my schedule.

The application process was a little messy, and some of the cream came in contact with my vulva and labia. Within 5 minutes every piece of skin that had come in contact with the cream, excluding my hands, was on fire. I wanted to scream it was so painful. I began frantically searching for what I should do online. 

I found a whole forum of people on drugs.com who had experienced something similar. These comments saved me, and these were just on the first page. There were 33 pages total, the earliest dated July 2009.


I was writhing in pain at 2AM when I found this forum (which I found by searching “my vagina burn itch hurts after miconazole” on Google). As soon as I read these comments I threw the devil cream directly into the trash and jumped in the shower. I didn’t feel any actual relief until I reached in and scraped the cream out of me. I paid $17 plus tax on this bullshit, but I could have just as easily ripped up my money or paid someone to not hurt me. 

The moral of the story is that vaginal health care is is completely fucked up because we don’t have access to an over the counter cure for yeast infections that is safe for our bodies and also YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY THIS CREAM EVER.

Reblog to save a vagina.

Okay so I used to get yeast infections every month after my period ‘cause my pH levels were fucked up or something (idk that’s what my doctor said) and I actually used to take this stuff and it was fine. Then a couple years down the road I had a yeast infection for the first time in ages and I used this again and it burned so bad I had to sit in the bath and like physically dig it out of my vagina

AND THEN I LEARNED THAT IT’S BECAUSE I DIDN’T HAVE A YEAST INFECTION. I had a bacterial infection, which is honestly pretty much identical to a yeast infection depending on the severity. The only difference is that IF YOU HAVE A BACTERIAL INFECTION AND TRY TO USE YEAST INFECTION MEDICATION IT WILL HURT

But it’s not actually the medication’s fault. The medication DOES do what it’s supposed to do, provided you’re actuallysuffering from a yeast infection. Chances are though that you and every one who commented on this did, in fact, have bacterial infections instead.

FORTUNATELY they also make over the counter tests so you can know if you need to call your doctor or just grab some yeast medicine off the shelf. Next time if you aren’t sure, pee on a stick and save yourself a world of fucking pain


It’s unfortunate that I’m 27 and never knew that last bit of information. The world of vaginal health is so obscure and inaccessible.

Same. I know I have BV, and I’ve bought litmus paper from American Science & Surplus, but it’s nice to know there’s something I can get at the drugstore.

I was so worried when i read the original post!  Here’s more info.

1) Yeast infection creams DO WORK!  Especially if you have a bad one.  For a yeastie that’s mild or just coming on, you can also try a garlic clove in the vag, changing every 12 hours.  It works as an anti-fungal.  Be sure to cut down on sugar in your diet if you’re getting yeast infections.  Sugar is what candida eats, it’s like adding gasoline to the fire.  

2) But before any of those things, be sure it’s actually a yeast infection first.  Reading those reviews breaks my heart!  Putting creams in there with a bacterial infection will definitely irritate it. Yeast infections can look a lot like BV, trichomoniasis, or chlamydia:

You can figure out what’s up with a home kit.  Yes, it’s another 15 bucks or so (for 2), but if you’re skipping the doctor it is necessary!  If you actually have a bacterial infection and leave it untreated, it will not only hurt but make you more susceptible to STIs, scarring, and even infertility.    FYI, these kits also exist for UTIs which can also easily be mistaken for other types of infection.

Protect thy vag!

Reblog. Take care of ya pussies

This is absolutely SO IMPORTANT!!!


Thankyou for the overwhelming love so far; I realised that my tips are more random beauty and self care tips, but I’ll carry on under the thread ‘hoe tips’

✨hiding a hickey efficiently depends on the colour. More red? Use green concealer. Purple? Yellow concealer. Alternatively Salmon works for purpley hickeys on pale skin and more orangey tones work for darker skin. Remember whatever colour u use u gotta set with a concealer over it and then a powder that matches ur skin tone.

LA girl concealer and Kat Von D liquid lipsticks are added to the sexproof makeup list guys

✨baby oil n coconut oil are great for shaving as I already covered but baby oil erodes condoms and coconut oil has been known to so never use as sexual lube (coconut oil for head is fabbbb)

✨make urself a DIY lip scrub to avoid ugly winter chapped lips with brown sugar, honey, coconut oil (I’ve made one myself and definitely approve)

✨for longer curlier looking eyelashes blast ur eyelash curler under the hairdryer for 10 secs, wait a little to start to cool and use on clean eyelashes before mascara (disclaimer - thank me later but be sure to feel that the metal has cooled down just incase it makes contact with ur skin )

✨Mix up Castor oil, aloe Vera gel and vitamin E oil and apply on lashes and brows every night / this thickens and promotes growth better than castor oil alone

✨Put Bio oil on your acne if it leaves a mark/redness when it’s gone down, it’ll help heal the scars

✨The best cooling facial spray is rosewater - it’s a great toner and if you live in a humid/warm climate you can put some in a travel spray bottle and carry it with you for when you need to cool your face! I do this when I’m traveling and it’s been said to help with acne and scars

✨An apple cider vinegar hair rinse helps me with dandruff, leave it on for 5 minutes then rinse out

✨Don’t use toothpaste on acne as it can burn the skin or make it extra flaky when it’s healing !!!

✨Bentonite clay and Apple cider vinegar mixed together as a face mask is something I swear by weekly to keep my skin calm

✨to reduce chance of a UTI u gotta pee before AND after sexual activity

✨condoms are compulsory part of the kit, don’t be getting those STI’s; use them even if ur on the pill caus backup contraception = peace of mind ❤️


One thing I started doing a long time ago that changed my relationships is I started making myself speak up when I had nice thoughts. If I’m in line at the grocery store & I notice that the woman in front of me has beautiful eyes, I say something. If my sister walks in the house & I like her eyebrows, I say something. People forget how much little tiny compliments like that can make someone’s whole day. It doesn’t even have to just be compliments. It could be saying “I love you” when you’re thinking it even if it’s at a random time. Sometimes I get up and go over to my mom just to give her a hug out of the blue cause I was thinking about her. I’ll randomly send my friends texts about how I appreciate them whenever I’m thinking it. Little gestures like that mean so much.

I almost have 1000 followers! Thank you guys so much for following me, it means a lot. And I love helping people with questions or giving them advice, so send me an ask or a message, and let me know if you need advice, have a question, or have any requests of what kind of glo up related posts you wanna see! I’ll answer every ask!

Add me on snap ✨ hannah.brii
Snap: hannah.brii✨

Snap: hannah.brii✨

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Snap: hannah.brii ✨

Snap: hannah.brii ✨

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