#god dammit



why not consider…sugamon…namgi….i mean guys

why would you want …to miss out on this

i mean…the chemistry







Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

Keep reading


I don’t wanna edit the whole text post but an anonymous mutual has informed me she changed her blog name from torisshuuna to unastrish

Please be cautious if you stumble upon them

Update 2:

She’s deactivated all of her blogs. So there’s one victory! But our mutual friends are on edge because she may pop up again.

But fear not, we’re going to be around the clock gathering new names where ever she pops up. So be sure to track this post as I’ll be adding to it.

I won’t stand anything bad happening. Not after all of this.

But anyways, thank you for your continued support and make sure to spread this around. You all deserve to be safe in the fandom that has united us.

Much love.

Update 3:

Hhhhh sorry for the flood of updates today but now she changed her Twitter to @/ieroshimark

Block her if you can. Thanks.

Got another update for everyone.

I thought we were done. I really did. But I was wrong. Our mutual friends came to us freaking out. So uh, here’s the new things.

One of our mods is pissed as fuck because they are in the JJBA Search History community and now she’s there too!! So please please please spread the word! 

Newest Blog (Probably deleted already) @/ Lucysearchhistory


Another Update. Jesus fuck.

Tbh us mods were really excited to see Trish gone for months, which felt like for good but they’re starting to come back again.

Granted, we would have no proof it was her if she didn’t well… Y'know… Block us on Twitter for no reason. Cuz none of us are popular enough to get blocked for no reason.

I know it’s probably stupid oming back months later. But myself and the other mods made a promise to always update you no matter how long its been since.

So here is Trish’s new Twitter. New year, no pedos. And I’m not sorry. We’ll also continue to look for any other accounts she may have brought back.

Please remember to block her and spread this around again. We want everyone to be safe!!





Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

Keep reading


I don’t wanna edit the whole text post but an anonymous mutual has informed me she changed her blog name from torisshuuna to unastrish

Please be cautious if you stumble upon them

Update 2:

She’s deactivated all of her blogs. So there’s one victory! But our mutual friends are on edge because she may pop up again.

But fear not, we’re going to be around the clock gathering new names where ever she pops up. So be sure to track this post as I’ll be adding to it.

I won’t stand anything bad happening. Not after all of this.

But anyways, thank you for your continued support and make sure to spread this around. You all deserve to be safe in the fandom that has united us.

Much love.

Update 3:

Hhhhh sorry for the flood of updates today but now she changed her Twitter to @/ieroshimark

Block her if you can. Thanks.

Got another update for everyone.

I thought we were done. I really did. But I was wrong. Our mutual friends came to us freaking out. So uh, here’s the new things.

One of our mods is pissed as fuck because they are in the JJBA Search History community and now she’s there too!! So please please please spread the word! 

Newest Blog (Probably deleted already) @/ Lucysearchhistory


thedorea:Look at his belly! Blaine is definitely pregnant. (x) Girl can dream.


Look at his belly! Blaine is definitely pregnant. (x)

Girl can dream.

Post link

The hollyberry update was announced

Boys i can’t handle another nether gacha so soon oh God oh fuck oh mAN

The tumblr app just loooooooves to crash on my phone right in the middle of me scrolling through my dash.

No because I’m in shambles right now because for this assignment in my Spanish II class we have to talk about ourselves and one of the prompts discussed our greatest accomplishments and I said how I wrote a 10k+ word story (will be published once I proof read dw ) and he told me to SEND IT TO HIM.

IT IS A “X READER” FANFICTION INVOLVING A MINECRAFT YOUTUBER. Sir, I do not think that you will enjoy reading this-

But knowing him, he’ll bug me till I send it so I basically have to change it to a “character x character” story now and I have to edit it so much and I am actually going to cry.



It’s come to my attention that a good portion of the younger generation has not been made aware of one of the greatest and most hated PILLARS of millennial society.

So I apologize, but I must take on this task. A new hand must touch the beacon. The knowledge must be passed on. The chain can not be broken.


The Game.

The following are the rules of The Game:

  1. there is no winning The Game
  2. once you know of The Game, you are always playing the game
  3. the point of The Game is to not think about The Game
  4. if you think about The Game, you have lost The Game, and must announce this to those around you - causing them to also lose The Game

A “reset period” of roughly an hour or two before loss announcements is common in colloquial rules to allow yourself and those around you to properly temporarily “forget” about The Game, however that is not an official rule.

Go forth, you next generation, and I am sorry.

What have you done

Here’s every time someone on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia says “god dammit.”

If you’ve ever needed a reminder of how brilliant this ensemble is, simply watch this mashup. It’s unreal how many ways you can deliver a single phrase.


sometimes i wonder why most of haikyuu have such overwhelming daddy vibes,, and then i remember that most of the va’s are at least 15 years older than me and somehow that makes the characters even more hot


specimen6:thsis is the worst thing ive ever done goodbye forever


thsis is the worst thing ive ever done goodbye forever

Post link

I just managed to accidentally orgasm denial myself thanks to my dumbass forgetting to charge my vibrator.

I was right there and it just stopped


What the FUCK?? I had a couple fates and thought I could do a ten pull for fun, mostly wanted weapons, DID NOT WANT BAAL OR SARA BECAUSE SPOILER ALERT, MY CHARACTER LIST LOOKS LIKE THIS

(Starred are the ones I want to work with/build)





2020 tumblr:


2020 tumblr:



Guys, I need some humor. Tell me something funny.

So Luc and Sarah go into a bar. Luc asks for a whisky. Sarah wants some vodka.

Bartender says “Sorry, we don’t serve spirits.”

The glowing essences of the two dead losers float back to Leknaat’s house.




first they phased out the 22 episode season then they phased out the 13 episode season and now they’re phasing out the 10 episode season like can you guys go watch fucking movies or something and stop trying to “tighten” television

We need to go back to more episodes because shows can’t be action or drama all the time, there needs to be breathing room for both the audience and the characters. There need to be good filler episodes where the characters get to just have fun and develop outside of the main story. Side quests and downtime are important to storytelling. We need to see the characters be regular people with regular problems in between the big stuff.




christ in the wilderness, ivan kramskoy

he looks like he needs a cigarette

How do I put this lightly…. GENDER ENVY????

so apparently there’s a mouse plague in my town :// that’s great ://

I thought the queen died but no, someone released a pre-made announcement about her passing

