#got7 quotes


Got7 as things my brothers and I have said/done:

Mark: -impatiently waiting on his hot dogs to boil- “Hurry up, thots.”

JB: He was the lucky one. The others died.

Jackson: Well, good. Don’t wanna have to chop off your kneecap. That’d be unfortunate. Then you’d have to wear knee top hats.

Jinyoung: Wow, really sucks to suck, huh?

Youngjae: (just a text message without context) “screaming”

BamBam: Well, you know why they call them chocolate bar abs. It’s because the people who have them are so yummy.

Yugyeom: Did you know that you can get arrested for being an adult? ………..wait, that came out wrong.

Mark: She thiccc but she average you feel me

Jackson: What did you just say to me?

Jackson: I’ve finally figured out who I feel like. Humpty Dumpty!

Mark: you….you feel like an egg?

Presto presto do your besto

Jackson Wang @ aghases, probably

(Got6, being heathens in the other room)

JB: Honestly, I gave up a long time ago. I just give up a little more every day.

(Yugyeom and Bam, heatedly discussing)

Yugyeom: If you suck your own dick, it’s not gay. If you suck someone else’s dick, then it’s gay.

Bam, to Mark the innocent bystander: Mark, what’s your opinion on sucking your own dick? Gay or nah?

Mark, bewildered: First of all, what the hell. Second of all, no. Not gay.

“Your hatred sustains me.”

Yugyeom at Jinyoung, probably

Bambam, pondering to himself: Is Moscow its own country? Or is it in India?

Mark: You didn’t — you did NOT just ask that.


Jinyoung, yelling from the kitchen: RUSSIA. IT’S IN RUSSIA, BAMBAM.
